2011年9月8日 星期四

0909 2011 五 晴

17: 30 溫度 29

蔡蘇配取吉名 英嘉配欲成「贏家」

也許有夢 忘掉
早上 煮麥片 聽Obama 的Jobs演講(連之前BBC) 也是說說而已 結束政治馬戲班......
轉88號 blogging 之後 通知yy 過去談 上郵局 updatings/取款/重設密碼等等
聽 wqxr 的 conversation 聲音很悅耳

今天10點有日文課 時間記錯 是9300-1100 所以老師 (他也教台語 台語與閩南語差別不少 其一是日本的影響) 叫什麼名字都不知道 上課是初中級混 學員一半年紀很大

對了 本年10月中旬 15日前
擬在新北投聚會--戴明學會年會 有興趣者 請建議時間和報名

12點 David Hsu /Kenny Chiang 聚會 享用Daniel Wang 送的月餅情
一齊去"玥" business lunch 回88號聊一會 送David 約5本書 (包括故宮出版的魏晉書法 因他在習字修養) 可補送 After Conquest, Subtle Emblems of Protest 至樂樓藝術發揚

明智 周 應該高興他取些日文書
他教drop box 一年半前的給的 現在才用
與Kenny 去住處相互參觀 他對玉燕的設計頗贊美 第一次知道第五棟溫州國宅的layout...去訪 Mr Bruno

晚930小評 : 胡適的圈子陶方宣

2011年 華人Deming 學院年會

朋友們 上回在新北投聚會是2007年呢 (其實是2008年底和Bill Scherkenbach.....)
2008-2010 我們都在品質學會與東海大學 今年回到90年代中開始的老地方

2011 華人Deming 學院年會

主題:一些心得交換( 歡迎新朋友參加)


《新北投新民路一巷5 6樓(過新民國中在新民 25號後,左轉十公尺「貴園別莊」內;Tel. 02-2894 6100 ):開車很方便 附近新民國中巷有許多停車位》。捷運 ()「淡水線」,在「北投站」下(不出站),直接過月台,轉「新北投」線即到。



不過 我肯定可以講還沒出書的 "領導學與學習"
另外 晃三兄說不定會來分享他上學期新開發的課程


我半夜回來打這封信 我希望你考慮下列幫我的事
很重要的是 我快六十歲了 或許真的是必須退休了
然而 我自始自終 都懂得忍耐一些 低下身段 設法賺一些錢補貼家用

( 希望這些不是刺耳: 我今天才知道你不知道劉仲庸過世 你根本不讀信
我常常覺得你必須走入別人的世界 才可以交到一點點的東西/友情)

1. 我希望你可以將我過去在netscape和 outlook 的信
找出google gmail 中提示過的指令 都轉到我的gmail
最起碼 下次在台中 我可讀一下 選擇重要的轉寄

2. 或許更重要的是 我希望Website 完全重新來 換句話說 你可利用既有的小部分 重來

重點是賣書 所以只留我們自己要賣的 其他刪掉 然而自己的書 給讀者的很多些 譬如說 每書的序和第一章都給 (連原先的目錄等)
其他的 都不是重點 我希望要面談或電話討論

3. 長期 我希望將許多書割愛 我希望你告訴如何將每本書上bar code 賣 這些系統要花多少錢 (最土法是將每本書標價而已 不用computer)
太久沒讀天聲人語 記一"露天" 的秋刀魚之歌

VOX POPULI: Random inspections can help protect the savory blessings of autumn

Vox Populi, Vox Dei is a daily column that runs on Page 1 of the vernacular Asahi Shimbun.


The other day, I came across saury from Hokkaido selling for 98 yen apiece in a neighborhood supermarket. I broiled the silvery blue dagger-like fish with salt and ate it with grated daikon and "sudachi" citrus. I felt as if I was biting into autumn itself. As the season advances, saury swim south to coastal areas of Sanriku in the Tohoku region and off Choshi, Chiba Prefecture.

This autumn, however, a new net stands between the fishing grounds and the dinner table. The term radioactivity measurement has a horrible ring. But before the fishing season, I heard that random inspections to measure levels of radioactivity will be strengthened at landing ports. According to reports, in order to avoid groundless rumors, fishing would be curtailed within a 100-kilometer radius of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.

Radioactive contamination is also affecting mountain delicacies. Levels of radioactivity exceeding government safety standards were detected in wild mushrooms, chestnuts and boar meat from Fukushima Prefecture. Fortunately, early harvested rice was shipped without problems. However, inspections of regular rice have yet to start. Since I have been enjoying rice grown in Fukushima Prefecture's Aizu district for the last few years, I am worried.

More than anything, reasonable monitoring and credible information are essential to ensure food safety. If consumers believe foodstuffs that reach the market must be safe, their stress levels would be lessened considerably. In addition to inspections at production centers, random checks should also be carried out at stores to protect the savory blessings of autumn.

"I eat up a saury/ How beautiful its bones are" is a haiku by Setsuo Tanaka. All the more because we experienced the Great East Japan Earthquake this year, why not savor the delicacies of Sanriku and have second helpings of newly harvested Fukushima rice? It would be pleasing to the palate and contribute to the recovery of stricken areas. Of course, all this is based on the premise of full information disclosure on product safety.

Sept. 8 was Hakuro (literally white dew day), one of the 24 solar terms in the traditional calendar. With lingering heat, the glistening of dewy grass tends to be dull. But isn't there a way to peacefully enjoy seasonal delicacies? I want to tell cesium and other radioactive substances not to contaminate seasonal blessings. To make sure, let me borrow the following verse from "Sanma no Uta" (Saury's song), a poem by writer Haruo Sato (1892-1964): "Alas/ Autumn wind/ If you have a heart, convey this message for me."

--The Asahi Shimbun, Sept. 8
