The Record of a Pilgrimage to China in Search of the Law (入唐求法巡禮行記)
The Record of a Pilgrimage to China in Search of the Law (入唐求法巡禮行記 nittō guhō junreikōki ) is a four volume diary written by Ennin, a Japanese Buddhist monk in China during the ninth century. He was one of eight Japanese Buddhists who studied in China at that time. He wrote his diary while he went on a Buddhist pilgrimage to China for nine and a half years (838-847). The books are translated into English as two volumes by Professor Edwin O. Reischauer of Harvard University under the title Ennin's Diary: The Record of a Pilgrimage to China in Search of the Law (Ronald Press, New York: 1955) and Ennin's Travels in T'ang China. The first volume is a translation of Ennin’s Diary. The second volume, a discussion of Ennin's travels, includes materials from other sources.
Ennin's travel books are precious as historical sources, although they have some errors. His book was the first written document about China and its life by a foreigner. He did not write an evaluation of what he saw, but rather wrote about religious matters and Chinese life under the Tang Dynasty. His diary is a good source on the practice of popular Buddhism in China. He described ceremonies as well. He brought back many sutras and mandalas to Japan. He struggled in his travel during the Tang’s persecution of Buddhism (842-846).
Another contribution on his books was about Korea, which records details of Korea's active trade with Northeastern China. Korean had a dominant role in trade between East China, Korea, and Japan.
円仁 - Wikipedia円仁(えんにん、延暦13年(794年) - 貞観6年1月14日(864年2月24日))は、第3代天 台座主。慈覚大師(じかくだいし)ともいう。 入唐八家(最澄・空海・常暁・円行・円 仁・恵運・円珍・宗叡)の一人。下野国の生まれで出自は壬生氏。 ...
此書為 Edwin Reischauer*(1910-90)教授的博士論文 (彭明敏《自由的滋味》台北:玉山,2009,頁97 ( 此版本有美國日本名家*賴世和Reischauer教授的讚詞)
*他的作品有些有翻譯 (黑體字)
Selected works
In a statistical overview derived from writings by and about Edwin Reischauer, OCLC/WorldCat encompasses roughly 300+ works in 1,000+ publications in 18 languages and 23,000+ library holdings.[12]
- The Romanization of the Korean language, Based Upon Its Phonetic Structure (1939) with G. M. McCune
- Elementary Japanese for University Students (1942) with S. Elisséeff
- Ennin's Diary : The Record of a Pilgrimage to China in Search of the law (1955), translated from Chinese
- Wanted: An Asian Policy (1955)
- Japan, Past and Present (1956)
- The United States and Japan (1957)
- Our Asian Frontiers of Knowledge (1958)
- East Asia: The Great Tradition (1960) with J. K. Fairbank
- East Asia, The Modern Transformation (1965) with J. K. Fairbank, A. M. Craig
- A History of East Asian Civilization (1965)
- Beyond Vietnam: The United States and Asia (1968)
- A New Look at Modern History (1972)
- Translations from Early Japanese Literature (1972) with Joseph K. Yamagiwa
- Toward the 21st century: Education for a Changing World (1973)
- The Japanese (1977)
- The United States and Japan in 1986: Can the Partnership Work? (1986)
- The Japanese Today: Change and Continuity (1988)
- Japan, Tradition and Transformation (1989)
- Japan: The Story of a Nation (1990)
我在向達和陳寅恪 1930s-1940s 的文章中看到引用 多以會昌滅佛期歷史為主
(入唐求法巡禮行記) 英譯研究本很快為學者注意 翻譯成法文等
勞榦 | 書評: |
《清華學報》(Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies)第1卷 第 2 期 民國四十六年四月
陳之藩-胡適通信: 可以打掉一點暮氣 誰曉得 !/ 這許久沒和你通信 真是我的損失!...
陳之藩-胡適 通信錄是重要的
陳之藩致胡適的信(1947-48 共 13封) 都公布在 陳之藩 散步 (台北: 天下文化 2003 ) 胡適1948/3/3 複信存: ".....也許發現一個英年的陳之藩可以打掉一點暮氣 誰曉得 !"(胡適信)
胡適致 陳之藩 (1957-58 共5風) 發表在陳之藩 的 在春風裡 (台北:遠東) 先刊於 自由中國
"這許久沒和你通信 真是我的損失!....) 胡適 1958/3/26
- 《旅美小簡》台北: 遠東圖書公司1973
- 《在春風裏》台北: 遠東圖書公司 197?
- 《劍河倒影》台北: 遠東圖書公司1983
- 《一星如月》台北: 遠東圖書公司 1984
- 《陳之藩散文集》(收入以上四本書 台北: 遠東圖書公司1988年)1991 (170 元)
《散步》 台北: 天下文化 2003
《大學時代給胡適的信》- 《蔚藍的天》
- 《旅美小簡》
- 《在春風裡》
- 《劍河倒影》
- 《一星如月》
- 《時空之海》
- 《散步》
- 《思與花開》
---王夢鷗《唐人小說校釋》《文學論》/ 《可侖巴》1954 《科西嘉的復仇》
Colomba by Prosper Merimee
《可侖巴》有根據法文譯本 劉光能 譯《科西嘉的復仇》台北: 大地 1978
聯合國發行自己郵票: 慈濟紀念郵票
下午校園散步 日本藝術對北京風俗畫的影響
- 哲學的改造 Reconstruction in Philosophy By John Dewey
- Living in Bali/ Greece/ Mexico/ Morocco ( TASCHEN)...
- 國立臺灣大學美術史研究集刊
周四 近2-3月都沒去聊天 只與法文學者談小三通