2008年8月3日 星期日

0802 0803 2008


Here is some stuff to add.

I’ll send more before Sunday evening.

Dear Bill,

This is wonderful. One task for us is to coin some simple and shorter words for the titles of each lecture.
for example,

Lecture One: Dr. Deming's System of Profound Knowledge and its applications..

Lecture two: Statistical Thinking and Psychology and Actions.

Lecture Three: Systems Thinking and Knowledge..

This is only one of many possible selections and you are the expert of it.





我們當初的構想是每年請一位國際友人來台。他們多半多才多藝,不應局限在IE/品質/統計/企業管理等單一領域,而且請來不易,所以希望東海大學考慮給予設立2周至1月的「駐校戴明學者」之身份。這任務頗困難,因為我們的資源相當有限。8月1日早讀到法國友人的信,我們原先計畫的2009年似乎有問題,請參考他給我的信 "The New Economics" is about the future of Mankind 【有修正】。

很幸運,2008年的講師 Mr. William W. Scherkenbach.在台灣,特別答應我們作三場演講-討論(英文講師簡介和要旨,請詳 Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures 2008)。


你與世界一流管理大師【《戴明修煉I》、《戴明修煉II》】William W. Scherkenbach【威廉‧謝爾肯巴赫】的面對面,機會難得。

不管你來台北羅斯福路的品管學會參加開幕大戲【Lecture One: Dr. Deming's System of Profound Knowledge and Its Applications. 1016. 】,還是到秋高氣爽下美麗的東海大學之壓軸戲【Lecture two: Statistical Thinking and Psychology and Actions. 1017 】,大軸子【Lecture Three: Systems Thinking and Knowledge.. 1018日】,都會是讓你大開眼界的知識盛會。
晨200看 bbc goya 只講一畫
晨翻譯 bill

晚參 嘉義攤 燕說 甚粗




很幸運,2008年的講師 Mr. William W. Scherkenbach.在台灣,特別答應我們作三場演講-討論(詳後)。而今天一早讀到法國友人的信,我們原先計畫的2009年似乎有問題,請參考他給我的信 "The New Economics" is about the future of Mankind




緣起:鍾漢清等人為紀念東海大學師長們高禩謹先生、劉振先生、錦堂先生、吳玉印先生、張忠樸先生等人對於台灣產業的貢獻,特提議每年邀請一國際友人來台共同主持「東海戴明學人講座Tunghai Deming Scholars Lectures。

營運方式:講座通常於每年10月中於台北(品質學會等地)-台中(東海大學等地)各舉辦1-2場,每回2-3小時。相關的經費、文宣、書籍、DVD等,由某些台灣戴明之友當志工支持、完成。 我們的資源很有限,所以希望CSQ等提供免費場地,其他經費由人文促進基金會和朋友們負擔。

Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures 2008

A Note

The purpose of Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures 2008 is to to foster understanding of The Deming System of Profound Knowledge™ to advance commerce, prosperity and peace in Taiwan, so that Taiwan can maintain its leading role in various fields.. The Lectures are sponsored by a group of friends of Mr. Hanching Chung who like to dedicate it in the memory of some of his deceased teachers and friends of Tunghai University, honoring the memory of their Tunghai Days. We particular like to express our thanks to Mr. William W. Scherkenbach 's kindness to agree to deliver the lectures.

It is easy to cite the praises from the presses about Dr. Deming's legacy. A few samples for your reference. .In 2005 BBC Radio 4 there is an episode "Do It Like Deming" (July 03, 2005 Business on the box ) In Fortune Magazine's 75th Anniversary( July, 2005) special section of "20 That Made History"in last 150 years, "Dr. Deming 1950"was among one of the key historical decisions. Dr. Deming was also one of "The 50: People Who Most Influenced Business This Century" (with General Douglas MacArthur, Oct,1999, the Los Angeles Times). Not to mention the well cited as one of the "revolutionary thinkers" of the history of Wikipedia article "U.S. News & World Report". (Oct. 10:52, 1991).

Unfortunately, most people's understanding of Dr. Deming's true legacy, Deming's System of Profound Knowledge are still very limited and in many ways misleading. For example, I made a comment about the article "Red Bead Experiment" by Mr. Mike Johnson which claims his red beads kit is the original one and he "donated an original paddle and set of beads to the ASQ Organization to be displayed in their new headquarters building in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Information about this display is available in the Deming Newsletter dated Spring 2005.."(http://knol.google.com/k/mike-johnson/red-bead-experiment/3p1wt3p4nkpas/2#)

I suggest him to change the title to "a red beads kit for ASQ display" and as for the ASQ 2005 Display in Deming Newsletter, the readers should read the original report. Please visit. Deming Newsletter dated Spring 2005. http://deming.org/pdfs/DemingInteractionSpring2005.pdf

I also recommend readers to read Dr. Deming's books for the meaning of the game. The reason is very simple that we can easily trace the Red Bead Experiment at least since early 1950s in Dr. Deming's Japan lectures and the texts of lectures in Taiwan in late 1960s.

It is obvious that Taiwan is a leading place for Dr. Deming's teachings thanks to many pioneers of productivity and quality movement since 1950s. In fact, this 2008 Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures are dedicated to some leading advocates and contributors during past half century.

We are most lucky to invite Mr. William W. Scherkenbach as our speaker. We published his two masterpieces ("Deming's Road to Continual Improvement" and "The Deming Route to Quality and Productivity: Road Maps and Roadblocks", both with Dr. Deming's most favorable forewords) in 1996 and ever since then Bill become one of our honorable Taiwanese friends. He now works for one multi-national corporate Litton-On as a vice president of Six Sigma and Quality.


Lectures topics and transcripts are not available now.

The Schedule (tentative)

台北 中華民國品質學會 本部

10/16(五) 下午02:10-05:00 對象為學會會員和受邀單位和個人


10/17(五) 下午04:10-06:00

10/18(六) 上午10:00-12:00
