2024年6月22日 星期六

100 Things We've lose to interner. 廖玉惠 送米的學生


2024.06.22白米Pamela Paul's "100 Things We've Lost to the Internet" isn't a rant against technology. It's a poignant reflection on the small and significant changes the internet has brought to our lives. 


Here are 7 lessons from the book: 

1. The Disappearing Value of Patience: The internet's instant gratification can make us impatient with slower, analog experiences. The book laments the loss of activities like browsing physical libraries or waiting for a handwritten letter, experiences that fostered patience and anticipation.

2. The Blessings of Privacy: A Fading Memory: Our online footprint is vast and often permanent. The book highlights the loss of a certain kind of privacy, where secrets could be kept and personal moments weren't documented for public consumption.

3. The Power of Place: The Erosion of Physical Communities: The internet can connect us globally, but it can also isolate us from our local communities. The book sheds light on the decline of face-to-face interactions and the importance of fostering connections in our physical surroundings.

4. The Fragility of Memory: When Google Remembers Everything: The internet provides a vast archive of information, but it can also weaken our ability to retain memories on our own. The book explores the value of personal memories and the importance of cultivating them independently of the internet.

5. The Joy of Discovery: The Algorithm's Curated World: Recommendation algorithms can expose us to new things, but they can also limit our exploration. The book highlights the loss of the thrill of serendipitous discovery, of stumbling upon something unexpected and delightful in the pre-internet world.

6. The Art of Conversation: The Decline of Nuance in Online Discourse: Online communication can be fast-paced and often lacks nuance. The book explores the decline of thoughtful conversations and the rise of superficial interactions dominated by emojis and memes.

7. The Power of Boredom: The Loss of Unscheduled Time: The constant stimulation of the internet can make us uncomfortable with boredom. The book highlights the value of unstructured time, a space for daydreaming, introspection, and fostering creativity.

Generally, "100 Things We've Lost to the Internet" serves as a reminder of the trade-offs inherent in technological advancements. By acknowledging what we've lost, we can strive for a more balanced relationship with technology, one that retains the positive aspects of the digital world while cherishing the irreplaceable gems of the analog one.糙米的故事

經常來邀稿的《停泊棧》主編 張幸雯午後來信說:「我們執行長知道老師剛手術,特別交代我跟您致意。我們想送您一點東西,但是,不知道老師的飲食和生活習慣,思前想後~還是冒昧地直接請問您。」我回說:「送禮不必啦!我心領,請幫我謝謝你們執行長的關心。」








