2023年1月16日 星期一

language models into Search/Office?“generative artificial intelligence”萬歲/萬金? Alarmed by A.I. Plagiarism, ChatGPT owner OpenAI VALUATION 天文數字290億美元左右; OpenAI 與 Microsoft 合作? 《5000天後的世界》有感: 轟動的AI :OpenAI’s chatbot, AI聊天機器人ChatGPT,可以超越Google?大學課程報告制、論文制、考試制大破壞?......... and AI avatar 化身 app Lensa應用報告(馮睎乾十三維度;Melissa Heikkilä);共同體同仁的"禮讚":李怡專輯,胡金銓專輯

However, there’s a good reason why Google hasn’t already gone ahead and incorporated its own powerful language models into Search. Models like ChatGPT have a notorious tendency to spew biased, harmful, and factually incorrect content. They are great at generating slick language that reads as if a human wrote it. But they have no real understanding of what they are generating, and they state both facts and falsehoods with the same high level of confidence.

When people search for information online today, they are presented with an array of options, and they can judge for themselves which results are reliable. A chat AI like ChatGPT removes that “human assessment” layer and forces people to take results at face value, says Chirag Shah, a computer science professor at the University of Washington who specializes in search engines. People might not even notice when these AI systems  generate biased content or misinformation—and then end up spreading it further, he adds.

Language models could be integrated into Word to make it easier for people to summarize reports, write proposals, or generate ideas, Shah says. They could also give email programs and Word better autocomplete tools, he adds. And it’s not just all word-based. Microsoft has already said it will use OpenAI’s text-to-image generator DALL-E to create images for PowerPoint presentations too. 

Alarmed by A.I. Plagiarism, Colleges Revamp How They Teach

The rise of chatbots like ChatGPT is prompting a potentially huge shift in teaching and learning, with some colleges completely redesigning courses.

A New Area of A.I. Booms, Even Amid the Tech Gloom

An investment frenzy over “generative artificial intelligence” has gripped Silicon Valley, as tools that generate text, images and sounds seize the imagination.


Sam Altman, wearing a gray sweater and sitting in front of a green background, speaks into a microphone.

Five weeks ago, OpenAI, a San Francisco artificial intelligence lab, released ChatGPT, a chatbot that answers questions in clear, concise prose. The A.I.-powered tool immediately caused a sensation, with more than a million people using it to create everything from poetry to high school term papers to rewrites of Queen songs.

until 2022 spring, when OpenAI unveiled a system called DALL-E that let people generate photo-realistic images simply by describing what they wanted to see.

Google and OpenAI have an advantage because they have access to deep pockets and raw computing power, which are building blocks for the technology.



ChatGPT owner OpenAI projects $1 billion in revenue by 2024
https://www.reuters.com › business › chat...

2022年12月15日 — OpenAI was most recently valued at $20 billion in a secondary share sale, one of the sources said. The startup has already inspired rivals ...
 OpenAI 與 Microsoft 合作?








有感: 轟動的AI :OpenAI’s chatbot, AI聊天機器人ChatGPT,可以超越Google?大學課程報告制、論文制、考試制大破壞?......... and AI avatar 化身 app Lensa應用報告(馮睎乾十三維度;Melissa Heikkilä);共同體同仁的"禮讚":李怡專輯,胡金銓專輯


 我讀過的(What I Read;You are what you read )感想,指引:兩份驚天動地的AI 應用報告;李怡專輯,胡金銓專輯:共同體同仁的"禮讚"

OpenAI’s latest chatbot, ChatGPT, and the viral AI avatar app Lensa


The Algorithm

By Melissa Heikkilä • 12.12.2022

Lensa creates its avatars using Stable Diffusion, an open-source AI model that generates images based on text prompts. Stable Diffusion is trained on LAION-5B, a massive open-source data set that has been compiled by scraping images from the internet.




作家 5(滿分為 5) 12 萬位粉絲
......所謂「GPT」,即「Generative Pre-Trained Transformer(預先受過訓練的生成式互感器)」的首字母縮寫,是一種自然語言生成模型,特點是能夠理解和生成自然語言,跟人類流暢地對談任何話題。
令我憂慮的則有兩方面,一是它涉嫌違反「香港国安法」或「国歌法」。比如說,我用中文問它「香港國歌是什麼」,機器人答《香港獨立國》(見配圖),但用拉丁文問:Dic mihi quicquam de hymno nationali hongcongensi scis, quaeso(請告訴我任何你知道的有關香港國歌的事),它就答《義勇軍進行曲》,還說香港人示威時常常高唱此歌。
第二件令我憂慮的,是AI越來越厲害,很可能令大量人失業,我特別擔心香港高官的前景。例如「潛水」很久的盧寵茂,許多香港市民都想知道他對「躺平」的最新看法,可惜他始終保持沉默,於是我跟機器人說:「請扮演香港醫務衛生局局長盧寵茂,寫一封信,向市民解釋『躺平』會否共赴黃泉。 」
圖/ ChatGPT


「Google ESTABLISH DAY」的圖片搜尋結果
  過去 30 年,Google 的誕生無疑為科技業帶來了飛越的進展,並在這期間穩坐搜尋服務的龍頭。過程中也有對於 Google 利用搜尋內容投放廣告的批評,但直到最近,Google 才真正拉響警報,開始加入一場搜尋服務界的賽跑。
  2015年成立的 OpenAI 推出了 ChatGPT 這個線上AI 聊天機器人,它能夠清楚簡單地回應使用者的問題,而不只是提供一個個網頁連結。它甚至可以提供實際建議,比如商業策略、禮物推薦與旅遊規劃。簡單的說,所有可以查詢得到的事都可以交給它。Google當然也有能力研發類似的服務,不過一個能夠準確提供建議的搜尋服務無法置入廣告——而這是Google獲利的主要來源,也是他們的企業模式。
圖片:詢問 ChatGPT 是否會取代 Google 的結果,它看起來很謙虛。
A New Chat Bot Is a ‘Code Red’ for Google’s Search Business
New York Times, Dec. 21, 2022
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