2021年6月24日 星期四

藝術中的幽默 Humor in Art

Hanching Chung

Kimbell Art Museum

最愛 · 昨天上午2:27 ·

The blue skies and green grass of early summer in Texas are an exquisite backdrop to Fernand Léger’s “Walking Flower” (“La fleur qui marche”). This form from nature is imbued with a human spirit, personified by the humor, joy, and playfulness of its marching stance and the tonal duality of its two faces.

 禮拜天美術神遊 (41): Saul Steinberg:1914~99 索爾·斯坦伯格。E. H. Gombrich的一篇簡介:The Wit of Saul Steinberg,功力非凡。https://www.facebook.com/hanching.chung/videos/4339879222689518

Cover by Saul Steinberg, 1963
