2021年6月12日 星期六

6月13日反思 0613 202 :慶祝李喬先生米壽。理想與品德教育。禮拜天美術神遊 (74) :接著"聖靈"講, 簡介Gianlorenzo Bernini (1598~ 1680)的作品的圖象學:"The Chair of Saint Peter ";為何真理的雕像(Truth Unveiled by Time)是赤裸裸的the naked truth

6月13日反思 0613 202禮拜天:

Google 及 一般的翻譯疏忽
Gianlorenzo Bernini ベルニーニ翻譯成 (詹洛倫佐)貝尼尼
Benini ベニーニ家族也翻譯成貝尼尼
Giovanni Bellini (Italian pronunciation: [dʒoˈvanni belˈliːni]; c. 1430 – 26 November 1516) was an Italian Renaissance painter, probably the best known of the Bellini family of Venetian
 這是the naked truth 的"翻譯"
(Especially of feelings or behaviour) expressed openly; undisguised:

Others called her “Truth”, since it is said that “the truth is naked.”

(one's) head on a plate/platter
A phrase used hyperbolically to refer to a very harsh punishment. If I find out that Paul was the one who sabotaged my presentation to the board, I'll have his head on a plate! Identify the vandals, and bring me their heads on a platter!


Chair of Unity Octave :基督徒合一祈禱周:又稱 Church Unity Octave  Unity Octave 。每年一月十八至廿五日訂為基督徒合一祈禱周,為聖公會神父華特遜( Paul J. F. Watson )於 1908 年在紐約州格瑞莫爾( Graymoor )所發起,自一月十八日聖伯鐸寶座節( The Chair of St. Peter in Rome )開始,一連舉行八天,故有 Chair of Unity Octave 之稱。華神父于 1909 年改宗天主教。

Gloria in excelsis Deo  L. :天主在天受光榮:彌撒中光榮頌的首句,又稱大榮福頌。同 angelic hymn ;參閱 doxology 

Gloria Patri  L. :願光榮歸於父:聖三光榮頌之首句,全頌譯為:「願光榮歸於父,及子及聖神,起初如何,今日亦然,直到永遠。阿們。」。參閱 doxology 

Glorious Mysteries :(玫瑰經的)榮福奧跡;榮福五端:五端為:耶穌復活、耶穌升天、聖神降臨、聖母蒙召升天、聖母加冕為母后。參閱 corona 

The Chair of Saint Peter (LatinCathedra Petri), also known as the Throne of Saint Peter, is a relic conserved in St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, the sovereign enclave of the Pope inside RomeItaly. The relic is a wooden throne that belongs to the Apostle Saint Peter, the leader of the Early Christians in Rome and first Pope, used as Bishop of Rome.[1] The relic is enclosed in a sculpted gilt bronze casing designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini and executed between 1647 and 1653.[1] In 2012, Pope Benedict XVI described the chair as "a symbol of the special mission of Peter and his Successors to tend Christ’s flock, keeping it united in faith and in charity."[2]

The wooden throne was a gift from Emperor of the Romans Charles the Bald to Pope John VIII in 875.[1] It has been studied many times over the years, the last being from 1968 to 1974, when it was last removed from the Bernini altar.[3] That study concluded that it was not a double, but rather a single, chair with a covering and that no part of the chair dated earlier than the sixth century.[3]

Chair of Saint Peter
Latin: Cathedra Petri
Rom, Vatikan, Petersdom, Cathedra Petri (Bernini) 4.jpg
ArtistGian Lorenzo Bernini
MediumGilt bronze
LocationSt. Peter's BasilicaVatican City

The Pope's throne in St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, last publicly exposed in 1867. (From Wood Carvings in English Churches, 1910)
