2017年2月11日 星期六

0211 2017 六

昨晚去那兒取訂書,又去山外買書。山外老闆談起賴兄病重,不勝唏噓! 他說他都不敢去健檢,怕聽到自己中獎的壞消息!

His wife, the pretty Madame Dambreuse, who fig- ured in the fashion journals, presided at charitable assemblies. By flattering the duchesses, she appeased the rancours of the aristocratic faubourg, and caused the residents to believe that M. Dambreuse might yet repent and render them some services. 

Faubourg - Wikipedia

Faubourg is an ancient French term approximating "suburb" (now generally termed banlieue). The earliest form is Forsbourg, derived from Latin foris, 'out of',
關廂 guān xiāng ㄍㄨㄢㄒㄧㄤ. 城門外的大街。元.楊文奎.兒女團圓.第二折:「拼的遶著四村上下,關廂裡外,爪尋那十三年前李春梅。」

President Xi Jinping of China, Stung by Trump's Taiwan Call, Is Said to Shun Talks
New York Times
Stung by Mr. Trump's unorthodox telephone call with the president of Taiwan and his subsequent assertion that the United States might no longer ...

半夜看了漢清講堂上傳的The Arcade Project,大失所望:

Hundreds of Pilot Whales Stranded on New Zealand’s Farewell Spit
Hundreds of Pilot Whales Stranded on New Zealand’s Farewell Spit
