John Berger | openDemocracy
Jan 4, 2017 - John Berger on poverty, desire, storytelling, and the future's gift to the present. 1. The wind got up in the night and took our plans away.
Jan 4, 2017 - John Berger on poverty, desire, storytelling, and the future's gift to the present. 1. The wind got up in the night and took our plans away.
錦坤兄來訪,帶來江燦騰博士年前簽名贈書 (謝謝。我與江燦騰博士尚未謀面,在80年代讀過江先生的第一本著作;此次二書都無索引):1.【二十世紀台灣佛教文化史研究】北京:宗教文化,2010, 45萬字 (3+507頁)。他應該是要我讀"胡適來台前新禪學研究的肇始及其發展和爭辯" (211-260)等等篇。
2.【晚明佛教改革史】桂林:廣西師範,2006, 30萬字 12+387頁)
"Our poems
like milestones
must line the road."
By Hickmet, translated by Jon Berger, in ' I WOULD SOFTLY TELL MY LOVE', Jan., 2002
like milestones
must line the road."
By Hickmet, translated by Jon Berger, in ' I WOULD SOFTLY TELL MY LOVE', Jan., 2002
There is an immediacy about Charles Dickens's life, just as there is about his novels—a kind of bursting physicality. “If I couldn't walk fast and far,” he once said, “I think I should explode and perish”
不過多年前聽過故陳寬仁老師談及他的【工程經濟學】的初版和再版(約30年之後);可惜沒問他其九十多歲母親的回憶錄【果姑漂流記】的故事。可以肯定的是,劉先生是位俠義之士。今晨讀江燦騰博士提的,他的一本自學奮鬥史之書 (書類是我猜的),劉先生給百萬稿費故事。
周玉山主編【三民書局六十年】台北:三民,2013 (16彩頁、11+586,,無索引)分"作者篇"和"編者篇",據主編者說共百多人執筆,最有價值的是劉振強的【回首來時一甲子】(556-586)。2013年員工四百多人。
Yayoi Kusama already holds the record for the highest price paid for a work by a living female artist. At 87, with two new retrospectives, she’s busier than ever.