2017年2月6日 星期一

0208 2017 二《》(John Berger, 1926.11.5- 2017.1.2)

2.18 漢清講堂 我負責:
紀念John Berger (1926-2017) :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Berger
0. 奇人
1. 社會關懷: Fellow Prisoners 監獄與高牆 (vs WED's)

好像在1月5日,我決定2月份的"漢清講堂"要紀念 John Berger (1926-2017)。手頭上約有 John Berger的8本書,約是他的著作清單的三分之一強,再加上報紙的訃聞與YouTube上的影片,所以"評介"這位【生生世世是紅色】 (Permanent Red, 先生之一本作品書名)的藝術家 (極廣義的說法;他跟Susan Sontag (1933-2004)在某些領域的文類類似,都有小說、論攝影、藝術評論、公共知識份子.....)。

John Berger is a storyteller, essayist, novelist, screenwriter, dramatist and critic, 

With John Berger / Ways of Seeing , Episode 4 (1972)

A BAFTA award-winning series with John Berger, which rapidly became regarded as one of the most influential art programmes ever made. In this…

Hanching Chung https://www.amazon.com/Portraits-John-Berger/dp/1784781762

A major new book from one of the world’s leading writers and art criticsJohn Berger, one of the world’s…

約翰.伯格(John Berger, 1926.11.5- 2017.1.2)

His grandfather was from Trieste,[5] 
小時候母親Miriam Berger帶他逛商店看電影的"敘述故事"之影響。《我們在此相遇. 里斯本》的對話。

父親Stanley Berger-- his father had been an infantry officer on the Western Front during the First World War and was awarded the Military Cross[3][6] and an OBE.[7]  John 自稱他屬第一次世界大戰世代。父親臨終時的素描。
戰後,進入倫敦中央藝術學院及切爾西(Chelsea)藝術學院就學。老師有Henry Moore等等,同學的故事,參見《我們在此相遇. 伊斯林頓》。
這學校屬專科,非大學系統。這點要注意,尤其是大學系統的藝術史、政治學、社會學、經濟學等,與John Berger的,不同世界:John Berger 的現實在"此地",希望在左派。



伯格的第一部小說發表於1958年,*A Painter of Our Time (1958)[8]

This visionary first novel by the Booker Prize-winning author of To the Wedding and G. is at once a gripping intellectual and moral detective story and a book whose aesthetic insights make it a companion piece to John Berger's great works of art criticism.
"'Life will always be bad enough
for the desire for something better
not to be extinguished in men
(Gorky,參見Berger, 1989, p. 5).

  • Permanent Red (1960)[52] (Published in the United States in altered form in 1962 as Toward Reality: Essays in Seeing)

1962年結婚,遷居日內瓦:認識瑞士攝影家 Jean Mohr,,合作出書,如《藝術與革命》 Art and Revolution: Ernst Neizvestny, Endurance, and the Role of the Artist in the USSR (1969).[2] 一書內的近百張照片。

A Fortunate Man (with Jean Mohr) (1967)
  • Another Way of Telling (with Jean Mohr) (1982)[52]
  • At the Edge of the World (with Jean Mohr) (1999)[56]
  • John by Jean: Fifty Years of Friendship (Jean Mohr, ed.) (2016)[75]

  • *G. (1972)[25]  布克獎,獎金的流向。

 In 1972 he won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize and the Booker Prize for his novel G. 

1974年起移居法國農村 (晚年在巴黎置產):由 Tilda Swinton 製作、以 John Berger 為題的紀錄片 The Seasons in Quincy: Four Portraits of John Berger 亦於2016年 8 月推出
有不少文章和照片記農夫,如《說故事的人》,還有農村"小說"四部曲:He lives in a village in Haute-Savoie the French Alps.
Pig Earth by John Berger 

The Seasons in Quincy: Four Portraits of John Berger, 2016
This is "TRAILER - The Seasons in Quincy: Four Portraits of John Berger" by Bartek Dziadosz on Vimeo,

In 2009 he was awarded the Golden PEN award by London PEN for a lifetime’s contribution to literature. 

他的力作FELLOW PRISONERS (約2011年)之後,以為準備就緒,沒想到又讀到一篇傑作 An Apple Orchard (An Open Letter to Raymond Barre, Mayor of Lyon)--光這篇,就值得去買{另類出口}譯作 (台北麥田),而我SLIDES已作成,還覺得只談了原篇交響曲般的文意中的一條線索而已!
現在的資訊發達,可以知道里昂市長(1996-2001) Raymond Barre是法國政壇奇人,他的計畫遷建約1848年建的監獄 (在隆河兩支流之間),至今也沒落實 (囚犯2009年都遷走了,兩座監獄 (Berger的傑作內有之間的通道,監獄外的人與內部親友之"呼"話......)的建物仍在)。Berger請教森林專家,建議栽種Spartan蘋果品種 (20世紀加拿大的科學選種),
果樹間相具距6米 (囚犯平均面積3米乘3米,遠比林文蔚 Ewam Lin 畫筆下的台灣鐵窗內朋友寬敞得多多.......)。


Wikipedia的John Berger

Here Is Where We Meet - The New Yorker



The human essence of nature exists only for social man; for only here does nature exist for him as a bond with other men, as his existence for others and their existence for him, as the vital element of human reality; only here does it exist as the basis of his own human existence. Only here has his natural existence become his human existence and nature become man for him. Society is therefore the perfected unity in essence of man with nature, the true resurrection of nature, the realized naturalism of man and the realized humanism of nature. [Marx note at the bottom of the page: Prostitution is only a particular expression of the universal prostitution of the worker, and since prostitution is a relationship which includes not only the prostituted but also the prostitutor – whose infamy is even greater – the capitalist is also included in this category.]因此,社會性質是整個運動的一般性質;正像社會本身生產作為人的人一樣,人也生產社會。活動和享受,無論就其內容或其存在方式來說,都是社會的,是社會的活動和社會的享受。自然界的人的本質只有對社會的人說來才是存在的;因為只有在社會中,自然界對人說來才是人與人聯繫的紐帶,才是他為別人的存在和別人為他的存在,才是人的現實的生活要素;只有在社會中,自然界才是人自己的人的存在的基礎。只有在社會中,人的自然的存在對他說來才是他的人的存在,而自然界對他說來才成為人。因此,社會是人同自然界的完成了的本質的統一,是自然界的真正復活,是人的實現了的自然主義和自然界的實現了的人道主義。

Walter Benjamin

A. S. Byatt 在《論歷史與故事》說, Walter Benjamin的 《The Storyteller》中說,"一個人的人生從他死去的那一刻變成故事。"      說故事的人,都是逝者的秘書。接過亡魂的字條,以故事向世人轉達。

Max Raphael ( 1889 – 1952), German-American art historian. ..Fellowships awarded by the Bollingen Foundation
Zur Erkenntnistheorie der konkreten Dialektik, 1934, French translation
Prehistoric Cave Paintings, New York, Pantheon, 1945, Bollingen Series, no. 4.
Prehistoric Pottery and Civilization in Egypt, New York, Pantheon, 1947, Bollingen Series, no. 8.
The Demands of Art, Princeton University Press, 1968 (posthumous), Bollingen Series, no. 78.
Landscapes: John Berger on Art
By John Berger
Tom Overton and Verso, 2016

If art ... why does its power to move us endure long after the base has been transformed?
 Why, asked Marx, do we still look towards Greek art as an ideal?
If art in the last analysis is a superstructure of an economic base,


“The function of the work of art is is to lead us from the work to the process of creation which it contains.”
he asks us to imagine the artist at work
the artist turns raw material into artistic material by shaping it to represent an idea or an object; the artist turns his perception into something external and objective, a representation

Painting ... to developing our historical and evolutionary self-consciousness.
 Painting is especially well suited to developing our historical and evolutionary self-consciousness.

How the first world war changed the world

譬如說,1926年 11月11日,他借劍橋大學基督學院的院長辦公室寫講稿 (演講卻是在ART School)。
當天是第一次世界大戰終戰紀念日,The Cenotaph ,大戦戦没者紀念。 胡適在辦公室看到白髮老油漆工,在梯子中間停下來,虔誠而莊嚴地禱告一分鐘,相當感動。

Today's #Dailychart is a rem

翻讀  Jacques MEYER《第一次世界大戰時期士兵的日常生活 1914-1918》上海人民,2007



Hanching Chung

茨威格Stefa Zweign 《昨日的世界》The World of Yesterday 《蒙田》《一个古老的梦:伊拉斯谟传 》畫傳《巴爾扎克傳》

Stefan Zweig in exile: A European in Brazil; The Unhurried World of Pre-War Vienna


一早知道,Trump 總統因sexism和racism,遭英國議會揶揄、謝絕。由可愛的校友John Bercow說出,好玩!


