2014年9月20日 星期六

0921 2014 日

In 1982, The General Assembly of the United Nations declared September 21 International Day of Peace; a holiday designed to focus on ways of strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.
An antiwar advocate, Leonard Bernstein made the following statement at a Hiroshima concert for disarmament - a quote very fitting for today's holiday.
"With peace goes freedom and with freedom you have to fight for democracy everyday. It won't happen by itself. If you just sit back there will be no democracy, therefore there will be no free debate, there will be no right of speech, human rights, there will be no basic way for the human society to conduct itself in such a way that there is freedom which brings peace." -Leonard ‪#‎Bernstein‬ (NHK Interview in Japan, 1985)

10點半64號弄Brunch 翻書: 王增榮、王俊雄主編2014實構錄》台北:中華民國都市設計學會,2014

磯小屋米報 [第九期]
Published Date: 2014-09-20 22:27:02
Published by 磯小屋米報wws 2周後答話,不過老梁說不定已交稿,很無奈:
Sorry about the delay.  I think he means that while adults need to do things to reflect and decompress and think,  children are living the moment without responsibilities and are hovered over by doting parents.
But one thing I have found as an author,  people read things into what I wrote that I never intended or thought of!
Hope all is well with you.



Onionhead Cerebrum 漢述祖(Joseph)致謝詞嗎?
Onionhead Cerebrum 兄,今天忘記問我太太,因為晚餐主要在談台灣 第一代建築師的書。我去找Wikipedia 等資料,最親的談到漢先生太太,都沒談他兒子。你能過寫Joseph,應該是內行人。昨天漢先生也有談話,由於我沒與會,所以細節不知道,您的問題待請教他人之後再說了......

上周六,香港老友女兒尚昕來參加讀書會(我們初次見面),談起留學英國的情形,學費已很不便宜了......。我這幾年只知道英國學生多次抗議tuition fee 的調漲,沒注意到漲多高了。昨天特別當面請教陳忠信兄,問他少爺幾年前在皇家藝術學院的費用,才確定從1977到2013年,約漲了7~8倍。

UK Tuition Fees: How Much Does it Cost to Study in the UK?
