2014年9月4日 星期四

0905 2014 五



晚上睡前讀物是紀德(1869-1951) 的一輩子日記 選集 Journals 1889-1949
1918年2月, 對同性戀的分類、分析和自白。pp. 316-317

pp. 312-13

l'invitation au voyage

Uploaded on Apr 10, 2007

A invitation to travel. Animation film by david gautier from a famous french poem of Charles Baudelaire

Là, tout n'est qu'ordre et beauté,
Luxe, calme et volupté.

There all is order and beauty,
Luxury, peace, and pleasure.
— William Aggeler, The Flowers of Evil (Fresno, CA: Academy Library Guild, 1954)

Gide 要寫本美學,各章名:
1. Order (logic, reasonable disposition of the parts);
2. Beauty (line,dash, profile of the work);
3. Luxury (disciplined richness);
4. Calm (tranquillization of the tumult);
5. Voluptuousness (sensuality, adorable charm of attractiveness).

1. 秩序(邏輯,部分的合理配置); 
3,奢侈( 有紀律的豐富); 

cf. 0401 2014

Taiwanese gangsters

The White WolfSep 4th 2014, 3:23 by J.R. | TAIPEI

BESPECTACLED and dressed modestly in a dark Chinese suit, Chang An-lo’s manner is erudite. On August 29th he addressed the Taiwan Foreign Correspondent’s Club. It is hard to believe he was once one of Taiwan’s most feared triad leaders, or that he was incarcerated in a maximum-security American penitentiary for ten years on drug-trafficking charges. In Taiwan he goes by the name of the “White Wolf”.

For decades the relationship between Taiwanese politics and organised crime was close and murky. Chinese triads accompanied Chiang Kai-shek and his Kuomintang (KMT) troops when they fled to Taiwan in 1949 after losing the Chinese Civil War. Just two decades ago gangsters pervaded Taiwan’s young democratic institutions: the head of parliament’s judicial committee was widely believed to be a triad. The island worked hard to clean up its politics and, for the past decade, gangsterism receded.

But Mr Chang’s return to Taiwan last year, after a 17-year stint in China as a fugitive, provoked alarm. He is often described as the spiritual godfather of the Bamboo Union, a Taiwanese triad. Mr Chang says he has put a life of crime behind him. Now, he says, he is a career politician. He leads the Unionist Party, which supports unification between Taiwan and China: “the best thing for Taiwan’s future”, he says.

Analysts say he made close connections with high-ranking Chinese officials during his time in China. Opposition politicians allege that Mr Chang is doing its bidding. One of those is Parris Chang, a former deputy head of Taiwan’s national security council under the previous Democratic Progressive Party government. Chang An-lo says both he and the Chinese government have the same goal—to work for the Chinese people—but that he does not “listen to their orders”.

Mr Chang has put pressure on anti-China activists. In April, when students occupied Taiwan’s parliament in protest at one of Mr Ma’s trade pacts, Mr Chang and an accompanying entourage of hundreds paid a visit to anti-China protesters at the gates of Taiwan’s parliament, the Legislative Yuan (where he is pictured here). Tensions between the two groups ran high; police acted as a buffer between them for hours. Mr Chang told the students: “You are all fucking offspring of China, but do not deserve to be Chinese.” The students replied: “No, we are Taiwanese!” Video footage from Taiwan’s Apple Daily newspaper shows members of Mr Chang’s entourage beating a lone student caught up in their throng.

Mr Chang is also notorious for exposing the secret links between organised crime and Mr Ma’s democratic KMT during its authoritarian days in the 1980s. A close friend of his and two other Bamboo Union members were sentenced to life for the murder of Henry Liu, a Taiwanese journalist writing a critical biography of Chinese president Chiang Ching-kuo. Mr Chang was incensed at the KMT’s betrayal of one of his gang: “The Taiwanese government tried to double-cross my friend,” he told correspondents.

So he began cooperating with American investigators, handing the FBI (and the Los Angeles Times) a tape recording revealing how members of his triad had been trained and briefed by Taiwanese military intelligence at the direction of the bureau director (who later received a life sentence from a Taiwanese court). The tape also revealed how, in 1979, the KMT had asked the Bamboo Union to do its intelligence work and to use violence against dissidents.

Mr Chang returned to Taiwan in the mid-1990s, but was forced to leave for China in 1996 after a new warrant was issued for his arrest related to bid-rigging activities. According to Chin Ko-lin, a professor and expert on the Chinese underworld, Mr Chang took up residence in Shenzhen. In Mr Chin’s book, Heijin: Organized Crime, Business, and Politics in Taiwan, he quotes gangsters who say Mr Chang led the Bamboo Union there, where it was involved in “dispute resolution” on behalf of Taiwanese businesses.

Upon his return to Taiwan last year, Mr Chang was promptly arrested and then swiftly released on bail. Prosecutors recently dropped all charges against him, saying the term of the charges had expired. Andrew Yang, a former deputy defence minister, thinks Mr Chang made connections with high-level Chinese officials involved in the government’s propaganda department. However, Mr Yang says that it is unclear if he maintains close ties with Chinese security operators that he was thought to have made there.

Police raided one of Mr Chang’s political campaign offices last year, according to the Taipei Times. The paper alleged it was a front for the Bamboo Union to engage in extortion, possess guns illegally and hold drug parties. Mr Chang said the leader of the office had left his party months before the incident, the paper reported. Mr Yang says Taiwanese authorities are keeping a close eye on Mr Chang but “short of any clear evidence, the authorities cannot place restrictions on him”.

(Picture credit: AFP)

■ 播出時間:9/5 (週五) 晚間11點半 

《北西北》(North by Northwest)是一部美國彩色驚悚懸疑片。拍攝於1959年,由米高梅公司出品。這部電影被認為是導演希區考克的經典之作,影片情節曲折起伏,扣人心弦,被視為電影史上的懸疑片典範。本片被美國電影學會選為AFI百年百大驚悚電影第4名、AFI百年百大電影第55名、以及AFI百年各類型電影十大佳片懸疑類第7名。


North by Northwest (1959) Poster

North by Northwest (1959)

 -  Adventure | Mystery | Thriller  - 26 September 1959 (Japan)
Your rating: 
Ratings: 8.5/10 from 175,153 users  
Reviews: 475 user | 194 critic
A hapless New York advertising executive is mistaken for a government agent by a group of foreign spies, and is pursued across the country while he looks for a way to survive.




