2013年5月21日 星期二

0522 2013 三 午後陣雨長


9點打電話給嚴匡漢.  他後來回話.  約7點鐘新北投見面.

昨天我與世堂聚會6小時. 請參考我的一些簡單記過去10年來與他的一些因緣.
(我很想知道你們對東海重要的設計評圖制的看法. 換句話說. 學校制的優缺點. 我就工業工程系而言. 東海的教育很貧乏.....)
今晚與匡漢聚會. 上次見面是1987年.

1430 起.


Cover Image: April 2013 Scientific American Magazine See Inside

Men Who Do More Housework Have Less Sex

Men who do more housework have less sex

male with broom, man with apron, apron, broom, limp broom

Image: Thomas Fuchs

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Conventional wisdom suggests that women are drawn to men who help out around the house. Yet new research indicates that some divisions of labor may be sexier than others. A February paper in the American Sociological Review reported that married couples in which men take on a greater share of the dishes, laundry and other traditionally female chores had sex less often than average, which in this study was about five times a month. Yet couples in which men confined themselves largely to traditionally male chores such as yard work enjoyed sex more frequently than average. Taken to the extreme, men who performed all the traditionally female chores would have had sex 1.6 times less often than men who did none of them. The study authors, from the Juan March Institute in Madrid and the University of Washington, arrived at the correlation by crunching data from the National Survey of Families and Households (NFSH), which gathered survey information from 4,500 U.S. married couples. The researchers ruled out any kind of coercion on the part of the “manly” chore-performing husbands by looking at data from the same survey on sexual satisfaction: they found that women from households with more traditional divisions of labor felt no less happy with their sex lives than women in more gender-neutral ones.
The study has its skeptics. Its data were gathered between 1992 and 1994, making demographer Sharon Sassler of Cornell University wonder about their relevance today. “In the past two decades,” she says, “who gets married has changed considerably.” Today most couples cohabit before marrying, and a large proportion of the women in those couples, Sassler argues, are not satisfied doing a disproportionate share of so-called women's housework. According to Sassler, frequently those couples do not marry, making the set of couples who would qualify for the NSFH today profoundly different from the set in 1992.
Study co-author Julie Brines, a sociologist at the University of Washington, says men and women have deep-seated ideas about what is masculine and feminine. Displays of masculinity may evoke feminine displays in women, which activates or intensifies sexual charge. Put the man on a rider mower, in other words, and boom—fireworks. Stand him at a sudsy sink, and it's a probable no go.

This article was originally published with the title Of Lust and Lysol.


五尾乘二 (阿尾的落地窗) - 1 天前
*幽人應未眠 *2013/2/6—4月(J生日)---5/22** 剛離開研討會場,正要趕向另一個行程,在車道上立刻陷入初下班的車潮中,想快也快不得。 順手轉開音響,流瀉而出的是貝多芬D 大調小提琴協奏曲,熟悉的樂音將心思拉向遙遠的過去,尤其聽到那小提琴獨奏的主題段落,幽細的琴音攀緣裊繞而升起,忽然間淚水就湧了上來,酸苦地想起J 來… 高二那年,我還在211班,期末考軍訓那一堂全班作弊,我的考卷被傳抄,桌上空空時,我抬眼一看,嚇! 還得了! 前門上端窗戶是校長的臉,後門窗上是教務主任的臉,兩張臉滿是肅殺氣,監考的是我們的阿華導師,他低著頭改自己的卷子,全無感覺。 他是我們學長,當完兵就接我們導師,大概從他當學生的時代考軍訓課就這麼回事。 我忘了那場考試怎麼結束的,但是記得寒假裡,我接到學校通知單,告知我們班被拆了,我被分到216班。 在新的班級,J是21號,坐在第二排最前面,我是65號,開學沒多久,他從座位上老遠走向我來,送我一本”莊子”,記得是陳鼓應寫的三民書局版本,那是他 把我當朋友的方式,那一刻開始了我們一輩子的交情。後來,我漸知道他才情不凡,喜歡文學、藝術,會拉小提琴,數理頭腦一流,還曾投稿校刊,發表一篇化學論 文。 記得那時做過智力測驗,我得分才一百二十幾,他可是全班最高---130,天才級的聰明! 那時他還拉我聽古典音樂,就從... 更多 »
