晨午皆米粉 香腸---yy 1220來 菜掃光
中午公共電視的"中晝新聞"竟然"因故停播" 真不可思議
當初寫的軟體的根據/內容/作者 可能是10年前
可能沒人負責review 是否可以持續改善 降低規格/成本
由於我對英國有點資料 所以可以復原一日胡適遺失一半的日記
| 5:34 PM (21 minutes ago) | |||
晚會都是演講, 地方上民進黨籍的各級民意代表都有來,立委參選人也有來,還有特
【台 灣醒報記者章文台北報導】民進黨總統參選人蔡英文昨天在溪湖、二林、和美連趕三場造勢活動中喊出:「希望在彰化縣贏5萬票」,台下支持者大喊「要贏10萬 票啦!」情緒沸騰。蔡英文今天上午九點半即在彰化鹿港天后宮造勢,十點在市區車隊掃街。中午到王功做蚵仔文化體驗,晚上則回到台北出席在板橋縣民大道二段 的律師後援會成立大會。
她也說,一個政府不能一直說經濟成長有多少,但大家還是找不到工作,因為有一半出口品是在國外做的,而是應讓出口品儘量在台灣生產才有工作機會。她 也在二林鎮為「二林小英之友會」造勢,蔡英文說,二林鎮是台灣農民運動發跡之地,許多民主前輩出身二林,是她熟悉、溫暖的地方。
晚間她又與副手蘇嘉全參加和美競選總部成立晚會,蔡英文說,面對即將來臨的總統及立委大選,中部地區具有關鍵地位,她呼籲台下的群眾們不僅票投民進 黨,每個人也要幫忙拉票。在長達1公尺的特大號小豬撲滿上簽名。蔡英文數度問,明年總統換姓蔡的來當,好不好?換人執政好不好?支持者大聲回答「好!」
胡適在1926年10月12日的日記寫下讀後感: 此書甚有趣味 文筆甚佳
日 本人的信禪 大似北歐人的信基督教: 禪其名而日本其實 他們的茶禮也是如此 禪宗記載上偶有"為新到設茶""喝茶去"的話 但其禮必不如此之繁而板 若如此喝茶 此與古人的"一飲酒而賓主百拜"何異 ? 禪宗大師呵佛罵祖 終日向智慧路上替人解縛打鬼 何致自苦如此 ? 此又是禪其名而日本其實也《爐邊談話》(趙越等譯,台北:福隆,2010) 。其實從此書可以知道,小羅斯福總統相當善於講故事,譬如他說的一些戰爭時空軍英雄的艱難任務等,相當有戲劇性。其實,總統利用收音機與人民拉近感情的做法,始於1930年代初*。在美國1929年股市大崩盤的時候,有人就說,胡佛總統在廣播中如此親切,讓大家誤以為是太平盛世呢。 (進一步可參`考John Kenneth Galbraith《1929大崩盤》( The Great Crash 1929) 台北:經濟新潮,2009。)
*On Dec. 6, 1923, a presidential address was broadcast on radio for the first time as President Calvin Coolidge spoke to a joint session of Congress.
- 音譯梵書與中國古音 /〈敦煌石室寫經題記與敦煌雜錄序〉
- Grand Circle Travel /Victory Loan 胡適給趙元任的信19420217...
- 英文的"胡適曰": Hu Shih Quotes
Eton College 演講" The New Literary Movement in China"
從前幾天和剩下的當日後半可知他是到英國著名的Eton College去演講" The New Literary Movement in China" (此講稿他很慎重其事 約花3晚 可能7-10鐘頭)
胡適提到的該校校有以紅色標出 其中缺 Shelley 他是該校Syon 學院畢 (現在找不到它) 他還提到BALFOUR:Balfour: A Political Biography - Sydney H. Zebel - Google BooksThis biography analyses the long political career of Arthur James Balfour (1848-
Past pupils of Eton College are known as Old Etonians. In recent years, the school has become popular with the British Royal Family; Princes William and Harry are Old Etonians. Eton has also produced nineteen British Prime Ministers, including William Ewart Gladstone, Sir Robert Walpole, the first Duke of Wellington, and the current Prime Minister, David Cameron. A rising number of pupils come to Eton from overseas, including members of royal families from Africa and Asia, some of whom have been sending their sons to Eton for generations. One of them, King Prajadhipok or Rama VII (1893–1941) of Siam, donated a garden to Eton.[83] The mediaevalist and ghost story writer M. R. James was provost of Eton from 1918 until his death in 1936. The English Antarctic explorer Lawrence Oates attended the school. The jazz trumpeter and radio broadcaster Humphrey Lyttelton attended Eton. Actors educated at Eton include Max Pirkis, Eddie Redmayne, Simon Woods, Damian Lewis, Dominic West, Jeremy Brett, Hugh Laurie, Tom Hiddleston and Patrick Macnee. Musician Frank Turner also was at Eton. Other Old Etonians include Henry Fielding, Guy Burgess, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, John Maynard Keynes and Henry More.
Eton College - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eton College, often referred to simply as Eton, is a British independent school for boys aged 13 to 18. It was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI as "The King's College of Our Lady of Eton besides Wyndsor".[1]
It is located in Eton, near Windsor in England, north of Windsor Castle, and is one of the original nine English public schools as defined by the Public Schools Act 1868.
Eton has a long list of distinguished former pupils. David Cameron is the nineteenth British Prime Minister to have attended Eton.[2][3]
Eton has traditionally been referred to as "the chief nurse of England's statesmen",[4] and has been described as the most famous public school in the world.[5] Early in the 20th century, a historian of Eton wrote, "No other school can claim to have sent forth such a cohort of distinguished figures to make their mark on the world".[6]
The Good Schools Guide called the school "the number one boys' public school," adding, "The teaching and facilities are second to none."[7] The school is a member of the G20 Schools Group.
- 1 Overview
- 2 History
- 3 School terms
- 4 Boys' houses
- 5 Head Masters of Eton College (1442 - Present day)
- 6 Uniform
- 7 Tutors and teaching
- 8 Societies
- 9 Incentives and sanctions
- 10 Prefects
- 11 Sports
- 12 Music and drama
- 13 Celebrations
- 14 School magazines
- 15 Charitable status and fees
- 16 Controversy
- 17 Historical relations with other schools
- 18 Old Etonians
- 19 Partially filmed at Eton
- 20 In popular culture
- 21 Bibliography
- 22 See also
- 23 Notes
- 24 References
- 25 External links