2023年3月13日 星期一

When the Light, Shadow and Stars Aligned: Standing Where Ansel Adams Stood 1932年冬Ansel Adams夫婦參觀Rochester的柯達工廠,作者說是難忘的經驗:我們從實驗室,一路看到最後的裝運作業。


《光與影的一生-安瑟‧亞當斯回憶錄》 165頁,有1932年冬Ansel Adams夫婦參觀Rochester的柯達工廠,作者說是難忘的經驗:我們從實驗室,一路看到最後的裝運作業。材料在遼闊的廠區內由敏捷的小型蒸汽火車運來運去。我還記得一堆堆的銀錠堆在一邊,等著融成感光劑;還有一排排壯觀的紙捲擺在一旁,等著加上外膜。當年相紙是硝酸基製品,極易燃燒,也可能爆炸,所以整座工廠裡到處可見警告標誌。

Dr. Kim Beil is an art historian who teaches at Stanford University. Over the course of four days, she hiked 50 miles and climbed 10,000 feet to report this story.

1936 was a pivotal year for Adams. In January he’d traveled east to lobby members of Congress in support of Kings Canyon’s designation as a national park. From Washington, he headed to New York, where he met the painter Georgia O’Keeffe and her husband, Alfred Stieglitz, a photographer who also ran the much-admired gallery An American Place.

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