The question of rhyme in Chinese is a curi-
ous one, and before going any farther it may be
as well to try to clear it up a little. All Chi-
nese poetry is in rhyme ; there is no such thing
as blank verse. The Odes^ collected and edited
by Confucius, provide the standard of rhyme.
Any words which are found to rhyme there
may be used as rhymes anywhere else, and no
others. The result is, that the number of
rhyme-groups is restricted to 106 ; and not only
that, but of course words which rhymed to the
ear five hundred years B.C. do so no longer in 1902.
Yet such are the only authorised rhymes to be
used in poetry, and any attempt to ignore the
rule would insure disastrous failure at the public
ous one, and before going any farther it may be
as well to try to clear it up a little. All Chi-
nese poetry is in rhyme ; there is no such thing
as blank verse. The Odes^ collected and edited
by Confucius, provide the standard of rhyme.
Any words which are found to rhyme there
may be used as rhymes anywhere else, and no
others. The result is, that the number of
rhyme-groups is restricted to 106 ; and not only
that, but of course words which rhymed to the
ear five hundred years B.C. do so no longer in 1902.
Yet such are the only authorised rhymes to be
used in poetry, and any attempt to ignore the
rule would insure disastrous failure at the public
This point may to some extent be illustrated
in English. The first two lines of the Canter-
bury Tales^ which I will take to represent the
Odes^ run thus in modern speech : —
in English. The first two lines of the Canter-
bury Tales^ which I will take to represent the
Odes^ run thus in modern speech : —
" When that April is with his showers sweet,
The drought of March hath pierced to the root."
The drought of March hath pierced to the root."
No one nowadays rhymes sweet with root.
Neither did Chaucer; the two words, sate and
rote were in his days perfect rhymes. But if
we were Chinese, we should now rhyme sweet
with root^ because, so to speak, Chaucer did so.
Neither did Chaucer; the two words, sate and
rote were in his days perfect rhymes. But if
we were Chinese, we should now rhyme sweet
with root^ because, so to speak, Chaucer did so.
Sergei Eisenstein《愛森斯坦論文選集》《并非冷漠的大自然》sightseeing with Sergei Eisenstein。"Odessa Steps" 上的拿破崙效應。效應寶典
並非冷漠的大自然 By C. 愛森斯坦 中國電影出版社,1996,p.294 《并非冷漠的大自然》譯自蘇聯六卷本《愛森斯坦文集》第三卷,共分四部分:“論作品的結構”、“激情”、”再論作品的結構”和”并非冷漠的大自然”。書中,...
2018年1月底,hTC大賣事業、人頭給Google 時,中共許多人都擔心哪天Google 將Android 收回,中國的手機大咖怎樣辦?
所以,這幾天的"美國廠商禁賣華為軟件" (注意,不只Google,Microsoft的,可能也很有威力.......)消息,中國早料到了。
2018年1月底,hTC大賣事業、人頭給Google 時,中共許多人都擔心哪天Google 將Android 收回,中國的手機大咖怎樣辦?
所以,這幾天的"美國廠商禁賣華為軟件" (注意,不只Google,Microsoft的,可能也很有威力.......)消息,中國早料到了。
2. 5G電訊的設備主要部品,都備了6~12月用量的存貨
2. 5G電訊的設備主要部品,都備了6~12月用量的存貨
2019年5月20日 星期一
比較:統計的;質 vs 量。比較,最重要的先問比的目的。Mann的長篇小說
1. 總統候選人的民調數據,每天在電視、網路、報紙上飛來飛去,比得不亦樂乎。
2. 我貼出過20世紀1999?,北京大學出版社出版的《胡適(中文)書信集》3冊;1998年中央研究院出版的,5冊。
3. 現在還談大學排行榜,那或許100名內的,比100~200內的,平均燒好點,但第20名 比第50名,好在哪呢。
4. 我高一時,讀過400~500本課外書,包括Animal Farms By George Orwell。
閱讀Thomas Mann的文學經驗,讓我們更覺得"無知"。
故友彭淮棟在1979年,從英文本翻譯出Mann 的《魔山》;約2014年從德文譯出《浮士德博士》。兩本都是大著,前者德文本1200頁,遠景的約800頁 (正文)
Mann 常可將短篇小說發展成長篇......
小說無索引。然而Google Books 有一項"Common Terms....."很有意思,《魔山》英文本的:對德國文哲界有知識的,可以知道此書有待研究、耕耘處頗多
1. 總統候選人的民調數據,每天在電視、網路、報紙上飛來飛去,比得不亦樂乎。
2. 我貼出過20世紀1999?,北京大學出版社出版的《胡適(中文)書信集》3冊;1998年中央研究院出版的,5冊。
3. 現在還談大學排行榜,那或許100名內的,比100~200內的,平均燒好點,但第20名 比第50名,好在哪呢。
4. 我高一時,讀過400~500本課外書,包括Animal Farms By George Orwell。
閱讀Thomas Mann的文學經驗,讓我們更覺得"無知"。
故友彭淮棟在1979年,從英文本翻譯出Mann 的《魔山》;約2014年從德文譯出《浮士德博士》。兩本都是大著,前者德文本1200頁,遠景的約800頁 (正文)
書初版時,阿擘拿一本,塗塗改改。他來台北參加阿彭的喪禮時,我追問那本書的下落......找不到了.....去年講尼采《悲劇的誕生》時,提到美國某教授說,Thomas Mann的《死在威尼斯》的某段記夢,就是尼采說的《悲劇之誕生》。請參考漢清講堂YouTube我談尼采。
我隨意翻《魔山》中記小孩時,在學校向某同學借鉛筆的夢,3~4頁,其實,那是Death in Venice 的另一版本。之後,讀《魔山成書記》,pp.801-12,說這兩書是"幽默姊妹篇" (p.804)
他還是莫明其妙"突然"不告而別",留下我們在塵世,用Google查他沒翻譯的'' Be uns hier oben ... '' (p.804).....老友,懷念你。以上就Mann在《魔山成書記》中說的,他的著作成一系統,環環相擴,相互印證。我佩服Mann的本事,小說中的種種夢,意義深遠,有其著作和德國或者世界文化、思想的相互指證。
Mann 常可將短篇小說發展成長篇......
小說無索引。然而Google Books 有一項"Common Terms....."很有意思,《魔山》英文本的:對德國文哲界有知識的,可以知道此書有待研究、耕耘處頗多
Common terms and phrases
adventure analysis artist attitude Augen Betrachtungen BildungsromanBuddenbrooks Castorp chapter character Clavdia conscious courseDavos death deutsche disease elements emotional essay ethos experienceexpression eyes fact feel felt formulation Frau Chauchat Friedrich SchlegelGeistes genius German GERMANIC LANGUAGES Goethe Goethe's hätte Haus Berghof Heinrich Heinrich Mann hero hero's Herr Hofrat Behrens Hoheit humanidea ideal intellectual ironic temper irony Joachim Krankheit Krokowski languagelassen Leben Lebensabriss Leitmotiv libido literary literature Macht Mann'smardi matter Mensch ment mind morality mystical Naphta Nietzsche Nietzsche'sNovalis novel occult passage passion Peeperkorn personality philosophy phraseplay problem reader realm regard relation sagen Seele sense SettemSettembrini significance Sinn soul sphere spiritual Germany Steigerung symbolsympathy theme things Thomas Mann tion Tonio Kröger TranslatedTranssubstantiation Treue Volk volume wenig Werke whole Wilhelm Meisterwohl word Wort Zauber Zauberberg Zeit
"Goethe in Hollywood" ;魔山;The Architecture of Memory: Los Angeles / City of Crystal: Excavating the Future of Los Angeles, 1990/2006
The Magic Mountain - Page 727 - Google Books Result
Thomas Mann - 2018 - Fiction
I am sure I wrote that to Professor Hermann Weigand of Yale University when he sent me his bookon The Magic Mountain, the most fundamental and ...
Thomas Mann - 2018 - Fiction
I am sure I wrote that to Professor Hermann Weigand of Yale University when he sent me his bookon The Magic Mountain, the most fundamental and ...
The magic mountain, a study of Thomas Mann's novel, Der Zauberberg by Herman John Weigand( Book )
40 editions published between 1933 and 1979 in 3 languages and held by 1,200 WorldCat member libraries worldwide