昨天讀李弘祺.(Thomas H. C. Lee)談米勒(Jean-Francois Millet)的 的“拾穗”(Des Glaneuses; Gleaners)等,兼謝謝他及盧德傳 Ruth.....
.....在長老會網站讀到您的:"教養、宗教與基督:從《矢内原忠雄傳》想到的 作者 / 李弘祺......總想起以前漢清講堂介紹岩波茂雄太簡略........
今晨讀WIKI版西遊記日文,參考資料5本中有4本是:中野美代子『西遊記 トリック・ワールド探訪』 岩波新書、2000年 ;
中野美代子『西遊記の秘密 タオと煉丹術のシンボリズム』 岩波現代文庫(新版)、2003年;井波律子『中国の五大小説〈上〉 三国志演義・西遊記』岩波新書、2008年 ;岩波文庫版 『西遊記』 訳者中野による解説。第10巻ほか数巻。
當然,講堂社不會缺席:西遊記(松枝茂夫・訳 / 清水耕蔵・画 / 講談社青い鳥文庫)
西遊記(新装版)(小沢章友・訳 / 山田章博・画 / 講談社青い鳥文庫)
對我們這種工廠人,這種關廠,總該 一掬同情淚......"The End of the Line for a Town Built on G.M.
For more than 50 years, life in Lordstown, Ohio, has revolved around the plant at the edge of town. In March, it stopped production.
This is the story of what happens to a factory town when the factory shuts down."
For more than 50 years, life in Lordstown, Ohio, has revolved around the plant at the edge of town. In March, it stopped production.
This is the story of what happens to a factory town when the factory shuts down."
我約半年前發現:The Self-Portrait - Thames & Hudson 的末段,4~5行,沒翻譯,它不是敏感題材,而是 "Selfie "這"新字",出版社和翻譯者都看不懂。可悲!
A selfie (/sɛlfi/) is a self-portrait type image, typically taken with a smartphone which may be held in the hand or supported by a selfie stick. - Wikipedia
A selfie (/sɛlfi/) is a self-portrait type image, typically taken with a smartphone which may be held in the hand or supported by a selfie stick. - Wikipedia