2018年8月21日 星期二

0821 2018 二

我只看過數期《明道文藝》(創刊 1976.03.29,已出版475期)。
此月刊能邀請許多名家寫專欄,真是不簡單。 我只看過數期《 明道文藝-讓青年敞開心靈.讓時代留下腳印 - 明道中學 》(創刊…

The Age of Insight: The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain, from Vienna 1900 to the Present
The age of insight : the quest to understand the unconscious in art, mind, and brain : from Vienna 1900 to the present...

作者: 黃得時
作者: 江寶釵
描述: v.1, 創作卷一 : 漢詩,中文隨筆 --
v.2, 創作卷二 : 日文隨筆(上) --
v.3, 創作卷三 : 日本隨筆(下) -- 
v.4, 創作卷四 : 臺灣文學隨筆 --
v.5, 創作卷五 : 兒童文學(上) --
v.6, 創作卷六 : 兒童文學(下) --
v.7, 論述卷一 : 中國文學研究 --
v.8, 論述卷二 : 臺灣文化(上) --
v.9, 論述卷三 : 臺灣文化(下) --
v.10, 論述卷四 : 日本漢學研究(上) --
v.11, 論述卷五 : 日本漢學研究(下)
出版者: 臺南市 : 國立臺灣文學館
出版日期: 2012
格式: 11冊 ; 22公分.

歐洲海報簡史(Posters:A brief introduction)
Henri Brispot, Cinématographe Lumière (1896). This poster was created for the Lumière Brothers on the occasion of the world's first-ever public film screening. It is thought to be the world's first movie poster. Courtesy of Sotheby's London.
Henri Brispot, Cinématographe Lumière (1896). This poster was created for the Lumière Brothers on the occasion of the world's first-ever public film screening. It is thought to be the world's first movie poster. Courtesy of Sotheby's London.
The poster is an important piece of cinematic history

Sotheby's Is Selling the World's First Movie Poster, Which Promoted a Premiere Only 30 People Attended | artnet News
Sotheby's is auctioning the first-ever film poster, designed by artist Henri Brispot for the first film screening, from the Lumière Brothers.

才開始讀Peter Fuller的書 Theoria,才資料,他1990年就過世,真是天忌英才。

Peter Fuller 1947~90, Theoria: art and the absence of grace (1988)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Peter Michael Fuller (31 August 1947 – 28 April 1990) w...

2017年8月21日上午11:32 ·

不顧商界反對和貿易會談,美國推進對華新關稅計劃 本周, 特朗普政府繼續推進對將近半數中國進口商品加征關稅的計劃, 儘管美國商界普遍反對該計劃, 且美中將開始舉行新一輪旨在解決貿易爭端的談判。…

tea and sympathy
It's time for action, not just tea and sympathy.
Malaysia's leader has suspended multibillion-dollar construction projects financed by Chinese loans. BLOOMBERG.COM Malaysia Hopes China Wil...
