2017年12月20日 星期三

1221 2017 四

謝謝徐均琴博士 (徐復觀長女)對此篇《簡介協志叢書與志文出版社》/漢清講堂關於文學和藝術的"讚美"。

今年2017流行說,今年的諾貝爾經濟學獎得主是"行為經濟學之父"。此文或許可說明,1978年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主 Simon 也是此領域的高手。

the 1987 edition of The New Palgrave, edited by Eatwell, Milgate & Newman.
Herbert A Simon寫了幾條:
Behaviour Economics 週五早讀此篇,此辭典是為專業經濟學學生寫的,所以要如何深入淺出,是挑戰。
Bounded Rationality
Causality in Economic Model
Evans, Griffith Conrad, 1887-1973

Kawase先生已回日本好幾天。這回有一台灣電影的好消息,即,中部某偏遠地方的某棟4層樓,仍藏有近萬部的......這可能可補"台語片60週年 - TFI-國家電影中心Taiwan Film Institute"收藏的許多不足處。'' 詳情該由專業單位日後公布。晚安。

去台大聽通識課程: 我的學思過程,由台大校友,鴻準科技FIT 副總何有明先生演講。

基本上,【漢清講堂  2018 】每月中下旬聚會,產出是2~6 上傳YouTube的影片*。
12月底,無法完整看2018年的【漢清講堂 】節目。然而,寫些"企劃"/想法,讓朋友參考,希望您來參與,讓它更充實。

1. 序列節目(6個相關節目以上):

The Bauhaus 群英

2.  故人追思或研討

HC 將討論其翻譯的【雲使 】和印度學 (討論師覺月和Sen的論文):擬邀邱振瑞、辜振豐等人來報告

謝兄,我讀《東海大學圖書館管刊》, 知道你已弄了杜蘅之教授著作4篇。建議您,跟館長報備,找個機會來漢清講堂報告。

陳珍吾 (不知能否?)

3.  訪談 (都還沒聯絡、認識):

藝術家 陳景容 ;李衣雲 (漫畫的文化研究)

4. 大師來談心得
陳耀昌醫師 (歷史與小說)、江燦騰教授 (日本禪學)、溫肇東教授 (退休及再接再勵)、羅時瑋教授退休、......

5. 口述回憶錄及應景論說


6. 藝術家、作家、職人
陳祖林先生談 SIMM Soket 的開發經驗
Amedeo Modigliani (1884 - 1920) Salvador Dali
Picasso: A Life

7. 科技其其哲學簡介
如何利用Kindle (David Hsu)、
談 Operational Definition
Carol 的收費、講師費,每人百元等作法可參考。

台大圖書館還書:觀風蹉跎 典出何處

觀風蹉跎 伊能嘉矩的田野歷程書誌展| 國立臺灣大學圖書館

台灣原民調查120年台大辦伊能嘉矩特展- Yahoo奇摩新聞

2017/11/10 - 台大圖書館10年前已建立「伊能手稿文庫」開放外界查詢,今年日本遠野市立博物館曾向台大借展文物,辦理伊能嘉矩和台灣研究特展,這次換台大舉辦「觀風蹉跎伊能嘉矩的田野歷程書誌展」,也展示兩地館藏的「巡臺日乘」日記及「觀風蹉跎」手稿等檔案及文獻,並應用GIS標識伊能嘉矩當年在埔里地區的踏查活動,同時以圖層對照,讓觀展者體會今昔變化。策展人陳偉智說:『(原音)他有時候一天走了5、6個聚落,有時候一天只有待1個聚落這樣,所以這個我們也在上面有做了一個小的 ...

My Country and My People vs Japanese People and Culture
想辦法認識李衣雲 (政大)等

The Sea, The Sea 一書有梁永安先生譯本。篇幅已不小。如今,出版公司再給新讀者一bonus,二合一出版,並有導論;值得深思。
Everyman's Library
Winner of the The Booker Prize...
“What a queer gamble our existence is. We decide to do A instead of B and then the two roads diverge utterly and may lead in the end to heaven and to hell. Only later one sees how much and how awfully the fates differ. Yet what were the reasons for the choice? They may have been forgotten. Did one know what one was choosing? Certainly not.”
―from THE SEA, THE SEA (1978)
A SEVERED HEAD (1961) is one of Iris Murdoch’s most entertaining works, tracing the turbulent emotional journey of Martin Lynch-Gibbon, a smug, prosperous London wine merchant and unfaithful husband, whose life is turned inside out when his wife leaves him for her psychoanalyst. The story takes bedroom farce to a new level of sophistication, with scenes that are both wickedly funny and emblematic of the way momentous moral issues play out in everyday life. The Booker Prize–winning THE SEA, THE SEA (1978) is set on the edge of England’s North Sea, where egotistical Charles Arrowby, a big name in London’s glittering theatrical world, has retreated into seclusion to write his memoirs. Arrowby’s plans begin to unravel when he encounters his long-lost first love and finds himself increasingly besieged by his own fantasies, delusions, and obsessions. Both novels are tragicomic masterpieces that brilliantly dramatize how much our lives are governed by the lies we tell ourselves and by the all-consuming need for love, meaning, and redemption. READ an excerpt from the introduction here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/the-sea-the-sea-a-sev…/
