2013年5月5日 星期日

0506 2013 一

半夜讀Art and Crime翻譯本第一章.注解不錯

約8起.近日左眼有些問題. 麥當勞周一coffee免費. 折扣不到10元.人多.

參加此講座 胡適在提問時才提到.....




今天下文的大哥來訪. 談了兩鐘頭. 他現在在推一種可以作為各種建材的原料 (它由某種專利成份X和米糠弄成的米粒大的材料A  再將A混不同成份形塑成建材B1/B2/B3......
他們賣X   或A    或投資造X的更多產能. 

我想下回有空你或有興趣跟他見見面他 每周一周上下午在台北

5/6(下週一)下午 4:00,我大哥叫黃

快思慢想一書或許是學術上很重要的名著 但是我個人卻覺得很乏味 欠卻閱讀吸引力

Reply 能不能找一小主題深入地談. 譬如說 YOU TUBE他的一些演講就可以了解他的大要.


希望每天弄5人: 世堂最認真

  Peter Drucker先生的存在的維度: Soren Kierkegaard 齊克果
One of the most knowledgable and also influential management theorists, the famouis, late Peter Drucker, had a few sentences as follows, which revealed his true diciplines: a multiple-diciplined philosopher:

For Kiekegaard, human existence is possible only in tension--in tension between man's simultaneous life as an individual in the spirit and as a citizen in society.

先生的這段引言出自Drucker 先生1993的書:The Ecological Vision: Reflections on the American Condition (GOOGLE BOOKS可讀它)



Soren Kierkegaard: Google doodle marks 200th birthday of Danish philosopher, here's what you need to know about him

Kierkegaard is widely considered as the first existentialist philosopher and has influenced the likes of Albert Camus and Franz Kafka
Soren Kierkegaard: Happy birthday Soren, you're 200 today
Soren Kierkegaard: Happy birthday Soren, you're 200 today
Søren Kierkegaard's 200th birthday has been virtually marked with a Google doodle today.
The Danish philosopher - who died in November 1855 aged 42 - is widely considered as the first existentialist philosopher, with many of his works focusing on how life should be lived as a "single individual".
Consequently, his work often highlighted the importance of personal choice and commitment and of 'truth as subjectivity'.
The Google doodle depicts six characters - five of whom are holding outsized quills - spelling out the search engine giant's name. Two figures each have an arm outstretched, bent at the elbow, and have their heads held up as if contemplating something other than their task.
One of the characters also seems to be addressing the sixth figure, standing slightly away, who does not hold a quill.
 Kierkegaard, who was raised as a Lutheran, gained considerable fame for his work in the 1930s and has had an enduring influence on subsequent generations of philosophers and writers.
Just some of the artists was have been inspired and influenced by Kierkegaard's notions of angst, despair and the importance of the individual include Albert Camus, Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, W.H Auden, Don DeLillo, Franz Kafka, J.D Salinger and Malcolm Muggeridge.

Check out all the latest News, Sport & Celeb gossip at Mirror.co.uk http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/soren-kierkegaard-google-doodle-marks-1870650#ixzz2SVzvR4xK
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