2012年2月23日 星期四

0224 2012 五 雨

夢見建築系諸同學返校放砲 有二外國結構展 要去苗栗看展....
醒來過 9點多醒
2 則或許相關的新聞: 辣妹勁舞團廟會 忘記每月約10天 每人賺2萬/ 18男一女租通勤火車某車廂 鎖起來玩樂後上傳
讀少爺 真好笑 讀董橋 談藏書與"隱秀篇"的史 參考宇文所安的注

YY很不簡單 早上去聽了馬勒與現代主義 下午還另有旁聽
取 第四屆經學會議論文集


Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.




培林是一種乙型交感神經興奮劑,同類的藥物還有卡林特洛(clenbuterol)、沙布坦(salbutamol)及特必林(terbutaline)等,由於添加在飼料中可增加飼料效率及動物的瘦肉量,因此俗稱「瘦肉精」。鑑於中國上海曾發生肉品含有卡林特洛導致民眾中毒的案例,農委會於2006年 10月公告,禁止此類藥物提供動物使用,即依法不得檢出。在美國進口豬肉驗出瘦肉精後,衛生署即通令各縣市衛生局加強抽檢市售肉品,先後於苗栗、屏東、台南市的市場驗出國產豬肉含有培林,農委會與衛生署也分別在桃園、彰化與高雄縣的鵝隻查出含有沙布坦,違法使用瘦肉精的問題終於浮上檯面。



對於畜牧動物的用藥,農委會動植物防疫檢疫局副局長黃國青解釋:「所有的動物用藥都必須經過安全性、有效性及毒理的動物試驗審查通過後,才准予檢驗、登記核發許可證使用。只要是合法的藥物,並遵守停藥期,應該就不會有藥物殘留的問題存在。」瘦肉精在豬隻體內二至四週就會代謝掉,不過目前瘦肉精的問題不在於檢出濃度的高低,而在於它是公告禁止使用的藥物。農委會自2002年起即已對豬、鵝進行瘦肉精的監測,合格率一路成長,至2006年分別為豬99%與鵝 100%;不過今年上半年鵝隻活體的不合格率突然增高為3.5%,而查獲使用瘦肉精的養豬戶也常表示不知情,讓防檢局高度懷疑有不肖飼料業者在飼料中摻入瘦肉精販售,需要檢調單位深入追查。


Theatrical release poster
Directed by Garry Marshall
Produced by James G. Robinson
Peter Guber
Written by Mark Andrus
Starring Jane Fonda
Lindsay Lohan
Felicity Huffman
Dermot Mulroney
Garrett Hedlund
Cary Elwes
Music by John Debney
Cinematography Karl Walter Lindenlaub
Editing by Tara Timpone
Studio Morgan Creek Productions
Distributed by Universal Pictures
Release date(s) May 11, 2007
Running time 113 minutes
Country United States
Language English
Budget $20 million
Box office $25,992,167


Rachel Wilcox (Lindsay Lohan) is an uncontrollable 18 year-old. With her latest car crash, Rachel has broken the final rule in her mother, Lilly's (Felicity Huffman), San Francisco home. With nowhere else to take the impulsive and rambunctious girl, Lilly hauls her daughter to the one place to which she had sworn she would never return: her own mother's house in Idaho. Matriarch Georgia Randall (Jane Fonda) lives her life by a number of unbreakable rules - God comes first and hard work comes a very close second - and wants anyone who shares her home to do the same. She will make anyone who takes the Lord's name in vain wash out their mouths with a bar of soap. Now saddled with raising the young woman, it will require each patient breath she takes to understand Rachel's fury.

Georgia arranges a job for Rachel as the office girl of Dr. Simon Ward (Dermot Mulroney), the local veterinarian, who also unofficially treats people. His two nephews, Sam (Dylan McLaughlin) and Ethan (Zachary Gordon), are often at Georgia's house. Simon does not show interest in Rachel or other women, so she thinks he is gay. However, Simon's sister, Paula (Laurie Metcalf), reveals that he is still mourning the death of his wife and son who were killed in a car crash three years earlier. He refuses to have sex with Rachel even when she tries to seduce him, but feels some passion for Lilly, whom he has dated in the past.

Rachel performs oral sex on Harlan Wilson (Garrett Hedlund), who, not yet being married, was still a virgin because of his LDS (Mormon) religion. Backed up by a reluctant Rachel, he confesses to his LDS girlfriend, who is shocked. A team of LDS girls starts spying on Harlan to make sure he does not "have sex" again. After a short chase using Harlan's truck, Rachel explains to them that what happened was over, and that they can go back to having their summer fun. They agree to do so, only if Rachel goes home. Rachel then threatens them by saying if they have anything to do with her and Harlan again, as in: talk to Harlan, yell at Harlan, call her a name, throw stuff at her, or do anything else that has to do with her, then she will find all of their boyfriends and "fuck them stupid."

While trying to make a point to Simon about survival, Rachel bluntly says that her stepfather Arnold (Cary Elwes) had sex with her from the time she was 12 until she turned 14. Seeing the effect of her revelation, Rachel tries to convince him she lied. However, Simon has already told Georgia about the sexual relationship, and Georgia in turn tells Lilly, who at first thinks Rachel is lying. Lilly comes to believe her daughter, however, and begins to drink heavily and asks Arnold for a divorce. When Arnold arrives, Georgia tells him to leave and will not allow him in the house. Finally, she attempts to force him off the property by hitting him with a baseball bat; when he still refuses to leave, she forces him, by using the bat to threaten his sports car in order to put a bar of soap in his mouth, after he takes God's name in vain. Rachel sees that Lilly cannot accept the truth, and lies to her, saying she didn't do anything sexual with Arnold.

At the motel where Arnold is staying, Rachel tells him that she has a video tape of him having sex with her when she was 14. Arnold seems worried, which further convinces the viewers of his guilt. Rachel demands US$10 million (half his presumed net worth) if he does not keep Lilly happy. She admits to him that she lied to Lilly because she does not want her to be upset anymore. On the way back to San Francisco, Arnold tells Lilly that he is giving Rachel his new red Ferrari. Hearing this Lilly quickly recalls Rachael's earlier claim that he bought her a Ford Mustang to keep her silence and demands to be let out of the car. As Lilly jumps out of the car and starts walking back to town, Arnold angrily admits to having sex with Rachel; he claims to have been seduced, that Lilly's heavy drinking drove him to it, and finally saying that Rachel enjoyed it. After fending off an attack from an enraged Lilly, Arnold drives off, daring her to take him to court.

In the end, Georgia, along with Simon, Rachel, and Harlan, catch up with Lilly in Harlan's pick-up truck, and a tearful Rachel makes up for her behavior. Harlan also mentions to Georgia that he is in love with Rachel and plans to marry her when he returns from his two-year mission.

週五音樂會(五) 地點:懷恩堂 大堂 洽詢電話: 2362-5321

台北市新生南路三段90號〈近捷運公館站〉晚上七點半 ※免費自由入場


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