2012年2月4日 星期六

0205 2012 日 晴

看BBC 的World Book Club 討論 Great EXPECTION
Being Charles Dickens/ Dickens 2012

Ken 給 HC 的相簿: 新竹18尖山小遊

此館(洞洞館) 建築尚可(因近代香港名家設計 逃過拆除) 內容不敢恭維 原1964年為展示台灣土改和農業等成績....(一)展覽名稱:一樓:臺大農業陳列館館史展

1989年《憂鬱的熱帶》出版時 譯者王志明已過世
現在是2012年 網路上可找到此書的英譯本
Tristes Tropiques at the Internet Archive—full text of 1961 English translation by John Russell

重拾這本令人不忍卒讀的哲學散文詩時 真是感愛萬千
  • Tristes Tropiques (1955, trans. John Weightman and Doreen Weightman, 1973) – also translated as A World on the Wane
昨日給陳忠信夫婦一首 :"給愛貓的一家人"

That poem, “Cat in an Empty Apartment,” as translated by Dr. Cavanagh and Mr. Baranczak, opens:

Die — You can’t do that to a cat.

Since what can a cat do

in an empty apartment?

Climb the walls?

Rub up against the furniture?

Nothing seems different here,

but nothing is the same.

Nothing has been moved,

but there’s more space.

And at nighttime no lamps are lit.

Footsteps on the staircase,

but they’re new ones.

The hand that puts fish on the saucer

has changed, too.

Something doesn’t start

at its usual time.

Something doesn’t happen

as it should. Someone was always, always here,

then suddenly disappeared

and stubbornly stays disappeared.

辛波絲卡(Wislawa Szymborska)一首詩/思索辛波絲卡的命運

Claude Levi-Strauss在《憂鬱的熱帶》 (Tristes Tropiques ) 說的
緬甸的佛寺的緬想: 伊斯蘭教 (令人震撼) 的源頭 基督教的時空交錯
Part 9 'The Return' closes the book with reflections on, among other themes, the nature and purpose of anthropology, the effects of travel on the mind, the roles of Buddhism and Islam in global culture, humankind's place in the universe and our connections to the world and to one another.

《憂鬱的熱帶》 (Tristes Tropiques )Claude Levi-Strauss/王志...

2012年2月5日 在臺灣大學文學院 "拾得" 下列書 (印象):China Review International/《臺灣與海洋亞洲研究通訊》(霧社事件專號).第...

漫長的補鼠之夜 先發現Apples 受咬食 取它為餌 晚上九時即補之 用水淹死 再取一塑膠米袋打算包之 數小時後另有小水鼠跌入......應該還有....
