2011年2月17日 星期四

0218 2011

1600 國科會某人來談 herbert simon 管理行為 之問題 我很生氣這些做法

大樓的管理員 老先生住院了 問他比較熟的隔棟管理員 (知道老友喜歡高梁酒)為什麼不去探視一下
他說雖然是好朋友 但是幫不上忙:《交友論》On friendship: one hundred maxims for a Chine...
老男人 感慨 - 王偉忠寫的





想當年 , 深圳珠海夜上海 .
到如今 , 家裡球場到市場 .

想當年 , 吃喝嫖賭沒差點 ,
到如今 , 清淡無油鹽少點 .
---- 我想這很能說出老男人的無奈


胡適與女記者宣中文/ 漢代太學 (公孫弘)


讀胡適1948/12/13 的"北京大學五十周年"

"......漢武帝元朔五年 (西曆紀元前一二四年) 公孫弘奏請為博士設弟子員五十/ 那是歷史上可信的"太學"的起源......



我曾想過寫日本的Deming Prize 所以買The Economy of Prestige: Prizes, Awards, and the C...

Dear Professor Orsini,
Thanks for the mail.
My original idea about "People, Society, and History in Deming's Perspective" is to write the Deming's "friendship" stories with Japan and Taiwan, comparing with his com back stories in the USA and UK.

I did not write it actually. My first priority is to visit JUSE, hope there have an archive for most Dr. Deming's visitings Japan.

But as you might guess, my yearly book publishing task is not a small "burden" for me. So I am preparing for it.

This year I'll write the theme of " from experience to model" . I am particular keen on the dr. deming's learnings from Out of the Crisis to the New Economics on the subject of "leadership".

Travelling to New York for me is a little bit luxury for me now. But I think I must find a way to break the bondage of book publishing and outside Asia travellings. Now I can not escape from it.

By the way, is it possible to send me some of your yearly proceedings as a gift or a trade for more of my books for my reference ?

Best Wishes,
