2011年2月7日 星期一

0207 2011 初五周一

昨晚回永和有很重要的房產/遺產之分配 包括投資台中逢甲大學商圈
昨晚與隔壁的"皮革定律"之林先生"暢談" 他留學美日


通知David Hung 等電話

(1995)一個平凡的人,一段偉大的傳奇!羅伯洛伊是十八世紀蘇格蘭的傳奇英雄。麥克格雷戈爾氏族的領導者羅伯洛伊,為了讓族人度過高地嚴寒刺骨的冬 天,而向地主蒙特羅斯侯爵商借一千英磅,未料這筆鉅款卻被狡猾的小人康寧漢偷走,加上侯爵索討在即,羅伯洛伊為維護榮譽而與侯爵反目成仇,一場大風暴即將 展開...The rousing adventure novel by Sir Walter Scott was adapted for this swashbuckler. Richard Todd stars as Robert Roy MacGregor, a clan leader in 18th century Scotland attempting to lead his fellow countrymen in a rebellion against the heavy-handed rule of England's King George I. When the king replaces a sympathetic politician with a lackey working against Rob Roy, it's up to the hardy Scotsman to defeat his enemies without the support of a powerful ally, while also romancing and marrying his true love (Glynis Johns). Rob Roy, the Highland Rogue (1953) was the last of 21 British films produced jointly by Disney and RKO. ~ Karl Williams, Rovi

下午明目談董仲舒 公孫弘太學 他們認為無意義

