2022年11月4日 星期五

晚年萬事皆關心 (七十自壽 5)。"悅有涯之生"。殷惠敏〈故友如冬葉,蕭然四落──悼念李怡〉Oft, in the Stilly Night;一世香江夢,星沉寶島,讜論猶存五車書。 。系統內解決問題; Susan L. Shirk談中國 《貪功致敗:中國如何擾亂了自己的和平崛起》( Overreach: How China Derailed Its Peaceful Rise )。譯註或索引。巫本添新書發表會

晚年萬事皆關心 (七十自壽 5)。"悅有涯之生"。殷惠敏〈故友如冬葉,蕭然四落──悼念李怡〉Oft, in the Stilly Night;一世香江夢,星沉寶島,讜論猶存五車書。 。系統內解決問題; Susan L. Shirk談中國 《貪功致敗:中國如何擾亂了自己的和平崛起》( Overreach: How China Derailed Its Peaceful Rise )。譯註或索引。巫本添新書發表會   


Oft, in the Stilly Night

(Scotch Air)

Oft, in the stilly night,
Ere slumber’s chain has bound me,
Fond memory brings the light
Of other days around me;
The smiles, the tears,
Of boyhood’s years,
The words of love then spoken;
The eyes that shone,
Now dimm’d and gone,
The cheerful hearts now broken!
Thus, in the stilly night,
Ere slumber’s chain hath bound me,
Sad memory brings the light
Of other days around me.

When I remember all
The friends, so link’d together,
I’ve seen around me fall,
Like leaves in wintry weather;
I feel like one
Who treads alone
Some banquet-hall deserted,
Whose lights are fled,
Whose garlands dead,
And all but he departed!
Thus, in the stilly night,
Ere slumber’s chain has bound me,
Sad memory brings the light
Of other days around me.



*宇佐美文理 (Bunri Usami)《歷代名画记 氣的藝術論》趙偵宇翻譯,三聯,2022


翻譯註解或索引也許很有幫助:例 酬張少府【唐】王維The Fisherman's Song ....《名畫記行》https://hctranslations.blogspot.com/2022/11/fishermans-song.html

 周作人晚年認為他翻譯的式亭三馬之《浮世風呂》《浮世裏法館》較為滿意,因為都有滿意的註解 (《浮世風呂》未譯出的後半,原先因為註解麻煩而未譯出,後來覺得可惜。)




Ben Chen
最愛 · odernptsSota5l9gi3 42uti201m6h1um05lhlu0u小6m7gll7il440673時cm ·


Susan L. Shirk: Uncovering China's Past, Present, and Future
For decades, China’s ascension to power was promised to be peaceful, with the nation’s leaders adopting a restrained approach to foreign policy and reassurin...

謝淑麗(Susan Shirk)新書《貪功致敗:中國如何擾亂了自己的和平崛起》( Overreach: How China Derailed Its Peaceful Rise )。《紅色工程師的上升》(Rise of the Red Engineers)......


翻譯例討論:習近平不再宣布中國處於“重要戰略機遇期”,也沒有提到“和平與發展仍是時代主題”。謝淑麗(Susan Shirk)新書《貪功致敗:中國如何擾亂了自己的和平崛起》( Overreach: How China Derailed Its Peaceful Rise )。《紅色工程師的上升》(Rise of the Red Engineers)......

The New Yorker

Sometimes you have to solve the problem from inside the system.

The Hourglass Deadline
Sometimes you have to solve the problem from inside the system.

巫本添及其 講座: 偶遇 荒唐 即興 緬懷    5.28(唐山).   新書發表11.4「永遠的謝晉」、113首詩的「尚未熄滅」、年輕一輩的「發生的事情Happening 」以及英文詩集「Love and Survival」

巫本添表示,他的多部作品重新寫序言再版,今年9月新出書「永遠的謝晉」、113首詩的「尚未熄滅」、年輕一輩的「發生的事情Happening 」以及英文詩集「Love and Survival」。



巫本添及其 講座: 偶遇 荒唐 即興 緬懷 (唐山)

巫本添是位妙人,72歲。父親是謝東閔的主秘。中學就編刊物,輔大英文系讀書時,碰到不少好老師 (跟他共同翻譯書;讓他有機會跟來台的三島由紀夫問答......)
到NYU讀書先讀戲劇,再讀電影製作等..... (老師的金玉良言是:絕不可用自己的錢拍片........)
"It's never too late."
巫本添已出四本書。 (唐山)
講座: "偶遇 荒唐 即興 緬懷" 是第五本回憶錄2023,先睹為快!

巫本添 講座: 偶遇 荒唐 即興 緬懷 (唐山)https://www.facebook.com/hanching.chung/videos/536392207888392
