2022年11月8日 星期二

晚年萬事皆關心 (七十自壽 10):美國科技戰略"Mid-Decade Challenges to National Competitiveness" 及決策過程。秋陽到立冬。友情。天心月圓 (11月9晨5時),道元(Dogen) 明惠 川端康成[源氏物語與芭蕉] 'Try to be a little kinder. ’ 李明宗 羅漢Arhat....從ˇ德明獎說起", 張忠樸,尋智 1996年年底紀念研討會

美國科技戰略及決策過程"Mid-Decade Challenges to National Competitiveness" 。......天心月圓 (11月9晨5時)道元 明惠      川端康成[源氏物語與芭蕉]  'Try to be a little kinder. ’ 李明宗    羅漢Arhat....從ˇ德明獎說起",  張忠樸,尋智 1996年年底紀念研討會

前谷哥總裁施密特 2021.10-2022.8 招集225專家開了 26 次小組討論會,寫成報告成為拜登在中共20大會議前煞習近平威風而宣佈的對中出口管制法令。
那被稱為美國有史以來最嚴厲對中國制裁。華府智庫CSIS 稱之為"strangling with the intention to kill" (意圖致死的勒脖子)
2022.9.14 PC Mag英文報導全文如下:
Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt Warns China Could Cripple US Military, Economy
A report from the Special Competitive Studies Project gives the US until the end of the decade to counter this 'destiny-shaping' threat.
By Matthew Humphries
PC Mag September 14, 2022
(Credit: Getty Images/MF3d)
A new report from a US think tank chaired by former Google CEO Eric Schmidt is raising alarm bells over China's potential to win the technology race and in the process cripple the US economy and military.
Entitled "Mid-Decade Challenges to National Competitiveness(Opens in a new window)," the report was compiled by the Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP)(Opens in a new window) think tank over a period of 10 months (Oct. 2021 to Aug. 2022). During that time, four board meetings and 26 panel meetings were held with more than 225 experts including "government officials, technologists, academic leaders." The conclusions make for stark reading, suggesting that microeletcronics, artificial intelligence, and 5G are "destiny-shaping technology" for the US between now and 2030.
The report states that those three areas of technology "tell the story of a nation (and its allies) coming perilously and unwittingly close to ceding the strategic technology landscape and along with it the capacity to shape the future." That's because the US economy, society, and national security all rely on them, which is why China gaining dominance in these areas is viewed as so dangerous.
The US government is taking a much harder line towards China and its access to advanced technology this year, and as The Register reports(Opens in a new window), this new report helps make it very clear why.
In a section entitled "What Does Losing Look Like?" The worst case scenario seems to be a situation where China takes control of Taiwan and cuts off the supply of rare earth minerals to the US, which would mean, "America’s military is crippled, and the nation is plunged into a depression," and "Americans are forced to live in a world where China can turn off the technology tap."
So what is the solution to prevent this from happening? The SCSP believes 2025-2030 is the critical period where China must succeed in bolstering its military capabilities while executing its "techno-economic strategy." The US can counter that by solving six challenges detailed in the report, which are:
1. Harness innovation across commercial, academic, and government sectors to build an advantage in critical technologies.
2. Use government intervention and investment to bring technology hardware manufacturing back to the US.
3. Sort out AI governance while also allowing for technology breakthroughs and their swift implementation to improve lives and gain an advantage in many sectors.
4. Double-down on technological solutions and standards to keep the internet open, interoperable, and secure.
5. Adopt a new military strategy referred to as "Offset-X" and focused on "distributed and networked operations, human-machine collaboration, human-machine teaming, primacy in software-centric warfare, resilience, and greater technological interoperability and interchangeability with allies and partners."
6. Perform a digital transformation in the US Intelligence Community by leveraging "dedicated, tech-driven, open source organization" and creating new capacities for capturing foreign economic, financial, and tech intelligence.
The reports concludes by stating:
"As the world enters another disruptive technological age, the United States faces a rival in China that is already pivoting and positioning to dominate a similar slate of "deep tech" and "frontier tech." Whether the United States can rise to the occasion and harness the promise of the pending wave of revolutionary technologies will determine who wins the 21st century."

【他一再強調「善意在人生中是如此的重要」; 他解釋他之所以能夠獲得諾貝爾文學獎的理由,「是因為他們認識了我的作品中所表現的對於善意的感激。」這一句話,對於東方的青年作家們應具有極大的啟示作用。】
我聯想到曾經介紹過阿道斯·赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley,1894-1963 )之智慧雋語,他是舉世知名的作家,可說是最頂尖的知識份子。
“It is a bit embarrassing to have been concerned with the human problem all one's life and find at the end that one has no more to offer by way of advice than 'Try to be a little kinder.’ ”

212 日本水墨画家「雪舟」Sesshu(1420-1506年) ;莊喆老師的「雪舟破墨山水図變奏11幅」(2020年10月27日夜 facebook 2020年10月27日夜直播介紹)


 阿羅漢, 羅漢)
Arhat - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Arhat

In Buddhism, an arhat (Sanskrit: अर्हत्) or arahant (Pali: अरहन्त्, 𑀅𑀭𑀳𑀦𑁆𑀢𑁆) is one who has gained insight into the true nature of ...
Meaning · ‎Attainments · ‎Translations · ‎Explanatory notes

arhat | Buddhism - Encyclopedia Britannica
https://www.britannica.com › topic › arhat

arhat, (Sanskrit: “one who is worthy”) , Pali arahant, in Buddhism, a perfected person, one who has gained insight into the true nature of existence and has ...
缺少字詞: ARHATHOOD ‎| 必須包含以下字詞: ARHATHOOD

definition of Arhathood by The Free Dictionary
https://www.thefreedictionary.com › Arh...

(Buddhism) a Buddhist, esp a monk who has achieved enlightenment and at death passes to nirvana. Compare Bodhisattva. [from Sanskrit: worthy of respect, ...

巴利語arahant梵語arhat,意爲值得崇拜的人,故譯作「應供」,是動詞字根√arh(意思是值得)的現在分詞[2]。其字源可能是來自於巴利語araha或梵語arha,意思是「值得的」、「有價值的」。變化成名詞,意思是「傑出的人」、「有價值的人」。另外,arhaṇa是「有資格的」,arhita (過去分詞)是「受尊敬的」、「獲崇拜的」[3]




  1. 應供:佛的十種稱號當中就有「應供」一項,而「應供」的梵語其實正是「阿羅漢」。阿羅漢福慧俱足,為眾生之福田,供養阿羅漢可以修福,以其能教眾生如何修福、修慧、斷煩惱。
  2. 殺賊:「賊」指煩惱包括一念無明及無始無明煩惱,使眾生有損﹝障礙解脫出離三界或是障礙成佛﹞。阿羅漢斷除所有煩惱,故云「殺賊」。
  3. 無生:無生是不再受生死果報,出離了三界六道輪迴

佛光大辭典指出梵語 arhan,為梵語 arhat(阿羅漢)之單數主格,意譯受供養、受尊敬,故認為上述三義中,以應供一義較為適切[7]











  1. 慧解脫阿羅漢
  2. 俱解脫阿羅漢










