2022年5月29日 星期日

蜡烛的故事(法拉第) The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures (1825~2021)


英國大科學家法拉第(Michael Faraday)在電磁學、光學及化學上的貢獻,二百年來一直受到舉世推崇。電磁學四大定律之一的法拉第定律,講到如何由磁場變化產生電場,這定律導致馬 達與發電機的發明。在光學上,法拉第效應講的是磁場可以如何改變光的行進,即所謂的磁光效應。在化學上,法拉第發現氣體的液化行為並在電解及電化學等領域 有極大的貢獻,他還製造出許多當時頗為新奇的物質,如四氯乙烯、合金鋼、苯等。有人推崇他是最偉大的實驗家,為了尊敬這位偉人,英國皇家化學學會中設有法 拉第學會(Faraday Society)。

法拉第也是一位傑出的科學教育者,他在一八四○至一八六○年間以蠟燭為主題,對青少年發表的一系列演講尤其著名。演講的內容後來被編成一本書──《蠟燭的化學史》(Chemical History of a Candle),書中篇章包括蠟燭的組成、蠟燭的燃燒,以及氫、氧、水、二氧化碳的物理化學性質,還有大氣的組成。

這一本基礎物理化學通俗讀物在西方十分流行,在此書中,法拉第利用蠟燭將自然的奧祕揭示給世人看,由這本書可以看出法拉第在科學上的素養,以及他 在推廣通俗科學上的努力。法拉第關於蠟燭的第一次演講,是在一八四八年的聖誕節,聽眾是青少年朋友,最後一次則是在一八六○年的聖誕節。


Keeper of the Fla

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Michael Faraday delivering a Christmas Lecture in 1856.

The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures are a series of lectures on a single topic each, which have been held at the Royal Institution in London each year since 1825, missing 1939–1942 because of the Second World War. The lectures present scientific subjects to a general audience, including young people, in an informative and entertaining manner. Michael Faraday initiated the Christmas Lecture series in 1825, at a time when organised education for young people was scarce. Faraday presented nineteen series of lectures in all.


A close-up image of a candle showing the wick and the various parts of the flame; Michael Faraday lectured on "The Chemical History of a Candle".

The Royal Institution's Christmas Lectures were first held in 1825,[1] and have continued on an annual basis since then except during the Second World War.[2] They have been hosted each year at the Royal Institution itself, except in 1929 and between 2005–2006, each time due to refurbishment of the building.[3] They were created by Michael Faraday, who later hosted the lecture season on nineteen occasions. The Nobel laureate Sir William Bragg gave the Christmas lectures on four occasions, and his co-laureate son Sir Lawrence Bragg gave them twice. Other notable lecturers have included Desmond Morris (1964), Eric Laithwaite (1966 & 1974), Sir George Porter (1969 & 1976), Sir David Attenborough (1973), Heinz Wolff (1975), Carl Sagan (1977), Richard Dawkins (1991), Baroness Susan Greenfield (1994), Dame Nancy Rothwell (1998), Monica Grady (2003), Sue Hartley (2009), Alison Woollard (2013), Danielle George (2014), and Saiful Islam (2016).[4][5][6]

The props for the lectures are designed and created by the RI's science demonstration technician, a post which Faraday previously held. A popular technician, with the advent of television, serving from 1948 to 1986, was Bill Coates. The technician is informed of the general subject of the lectures during spring, but the specifics aren't settled until September, with the recordings made in mid-December.[4] By 2009, the lectures had expanded to a series of five sessions each year. However, in 2010 the Royal Institution cut back on costs as it had become over £2 million in debt. These cost-cutting measures included the budget allotted to the Christmas Lectures. This resulted in a reduction from five sessions to three.[7]


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