2022年5月15日 星期日

5月16日今昔 反思 0516 2022:



德國總理電Putin談和戰等。轉告世人,Putin 戰鬥意志不屈。

每天烏克蘭國防部發表俄軍傷亡各式武器被破壞數 (今天及2月開戰以來累積數)。

---紐約時報報導5月12日俄軍渡河重挫 (google翻譯)


2022 年 5 月 15 日,美國東部時間上午 11:01 2022 年 5 月 15 日


上週,一個俄羅斯營在烏克蘭東北部試圖渡河時遭到破壞,這正在成為這場戰爭中最致命的戰鬥之一,根據公開證據估計,目前有超過 400 名俄羅斯士兵被殺或受傷。



俄羅斯黑海旗艦莫斯科號 4 月被烏克蘭導彈擊中時,船上有 500 多名水手。克里姆林宮起初堅稱所有水手都獲救,後來又說有一人遇難。但即使失踪水手的家屬公開要求答案,克里姆林宮在很大程度上仍對船員的命運保持官方沉默,這是壓制壞消息的更大運動的一部分。

Growing evidence of a military disaster on the Donets pierces a pro-Russian bubble.

May 15, 2022

The destruction wreaked on a Russian battalion as it tried to cross a river in northeastern Ukraine last week is emerging as among the deadliest engagements of the war, with estimates based on publicly available evidence now suggesting that well over 400 Russian soldiers were killed or wounded.

And as the scale of what happened comes into sharper focus, the disaster appears to be breaking through the Kremlin’s tightly controlled information bubble.


There were more than 500 sailors aboard the Russian Black Sea flagship Moskva when it was struck by a Ukrainian missile in April. The Kremlin at first insisted that all the sailors were rescued, later saying one was killed. But even as the families of missing sailors have publicly demanded answers, the Kremlin has largely kept up an official silence on the fate of the crew, part of a larger campaign to suppress bad news.

紐約大都會藝術博物館在「From The Vaults」發布了 1 段影片。



在這部迷人的無聲電影中——以 Ben Model 的新樂譜為特色——一位祖母帶著她的孫女去陶藝工作室尋找新的投手,但這位淘氣的年輕人另有計劃!

#FunFact:這部電影是大都會最早製作的電影之一,由羅伯特·弗萊厄蒂(Robert Flaherty)執導,他製作了第一部商業上成功的長篇紀錄片“北方的納努克”。

“Pottery making is one of the earliest of the crafts—one of the first of the arts—so old that its very origin is unknown.”
In this enchanting silent film––featuring a new musical score by Ben Model––a grandmother brings her granddaughter to a pottery studio in search of a new pitcher, but the mischievous youngster has other plans!
#FunFact: This film, among the earliest made by The Met, is directed by Robert Flaherty, who produced the first commercially successful feature-length documentary, “Nanook of the North.”
🎥 Watch more from The Met's moving-image archive at met.org/FromTheVaults. #FromTheVaults #FilmFriday
