2023年6月18日 星期日

兼談 邢義田的《立體的歷史》推廣《立體的文學》,讀Digging BY SEAMUS HEANEY.......米家路 (星期日读一首诗:谢默斯·希尼 《挖掘》(黄灿然中译)Jiayan Mi 兼談 邢義田的《立體的歷史》 父亲节快乐👨/Happy Father’s Day ) 受教記: "Squarings xxxvii" by Seamus Heaney 的中文翻譯之討論:從《方形》到 “方格”(“ 打弹珠”)

兼談 邢義田的立體的歷史

所謂立體的歷史,是三度空間整體的歷史畫面,由(1)文字和非文字的材料,經2歷史研究和寫作者的手,傳遞給(3)讀者,三者互動而後產生。 歷史研究和寫作者描繪並傳遞畫面。 畫面在讀者心目中是否生動立體,一方面取决於讀者自己,一方面也取决於描繪和傳遞者的喜好、能力、訓練、眼光以及據以建構的畫面是否具體生動多彩。

Between my finger and my thumb   
The squat pen rests; snug as a gun.

Under my window, a clean rasping sound   
When the spade sinks into gravelly ground:   
My father, digging. I look down

Till his straining rump among the flowerbeds   
Bends low, comes up twenty years away   
Stooping in rhythm through potato drills   
Where he was digging.

The coarse boot nestled on the lug, the shaft   
Against the inside knee was levered firmly.
He rooted out tall tops, buried the bright edge deep
To scatter new potatoes that we picked,
Loving their cool hardness in our hands.

By God, the old man could handle a spade.   
Just like his old man.

My grandfather cut more turf in a day
Than any other man on Toner’s bog.
Once I carried him milk in a bottle
Corked sloppily with paper. He straightened up
To drink it, then fell to right away
Nicking and slicing neatly, heaving sods
Over his shoulder, going down and down
For the good turf. Digging.

The cold smell of potato mould, the squelch and slap
Of soggy peat, the curt cuts of an edge
Through living roots awaken in my head.
But I’ve no spade to follow men like them.

Between my finger and my thumb
The squat pen rests.
I’ll dig with it.
Seamus Heaney, "Digging" from Death of a Naturalist. Copyright 1966 by Seamus Heaney. Used by permission of Farrar, Straus & Giroux, LLC, http://us.macmillan.com/fsg. All rights reserved.

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Source: Death of a Naturalist (1966)

受教記: "Squarings xxxvii" by Seamus Heaney 的中文翻譯之討論:從《方形》到 “方格”(“ 打弹珠”)

書名:《深呼吸:米家路中英對照選1981-2018 》,

48首12行( 3行*4 )的短诗

星期日读一首诗:希尼 《方形》(中译黄灿然). Read a poem each Sunday: "Squarings xxxvii" by Seamus Heaney

Hanching Chung
  • Jiayan Mi
    Hanching Chung 老师赐教!
  • Hanching Chung
  • Jiayan Mi
    Hanching Chung 其实, 希尼写了48首12行的短诗, 都题为“Squarings”。 我查了一下,他实际上受到了英国早期游戏“打弹珠”启发, "squaring" 就是游戏中的一格, 所以应该翻译成“方格”最为贴切。
  • Jiayan Mi
    Hanching Chung 英国弹珠游戏mancala 一共有48颗珠子,12个方格,所以希尼就写了48首短诗,每首12行来对应这种游戏。据批评家言,这是希尼最好的组诗!

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    Poem Squarings xxxvii by Seamus Heaney - Essay
    https://fawbie.info › seeing-things › squarings-xxxvii

    Squarings xxxvii. Heaney revealed his sudden 'feeding-frenzy' to DOD (p,325) : Shortly after I came home (from a trip to Rome in 1989), I was pouncing for ...

    Squarings xxxvii by Seamus Heaney - Analysis
    https://fawbie.info › Seeing Things

    Squarings xxxvii. Heaney revealed his sudden 'feeding-frenzy' to DOD (p,325) : Shortly after I came home (from a trip to Rome in 1989), I was pouncing for ...


    Edna Wu
    Heaney's poem is a poet's response to Cold Mountain, a collection of poems by Han Shan (Cold Mountain). Reading Cold Mountain, Heaney realized that poetry (or Cold Mountain) is a state of mind or states of mind. Han Shan's is spontaneous, "Unfussy and believable." After reading Heaney's response, I realize that poetry , especially Western modern poetry, is very much an insight or a flash of an fresh or unique idea. Heaney's poem has some rhythm and rhyme; its Chinese translation is just prosy.
