2021年3月2日 星期二

著名非裔畫師 Jacob Lawrence (1917~2000) 沉寂60年的作品現身


雅各布·阿姆斯特德·勞倫斯(英語:Jacob Armstead Lawrence,1917年9月7日-2000年6月9日),美國畫家,以描繪非裔美國人的歷史題材和當代生活而聞名[1]。1941年,23歲的勞倫斯以60幅畫構成的系列畫作《大遷徙系列》獲得全國矚目;該系列描繪了非洲裔美國人從南方農村地區向北方城市的大遷徙過程[2][3]



A missing painting by renowned Black artist Jacob Lawrence has resurfaced after 60 years

Published 23rd October 2020



If you have 6 minutes, this is worth it

‘I didn’t know I had a masterpiece’

The Jacob and Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence Foundation, Seattle/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; Amr Alfiky/The New York Times
In the second such find in a matter of weeks, a New York City nurse rediscovered a long-lost painting by Jacob Lawrence, a leading modernist painter of the 20th century, that had disappeared from public view in 1960. Each painting had hung undisturbed on the walls of two Upper West Side apartments a few blocks apart.
“It didn’t look like anything special, honestly,” said the owner, about Panel 28 from the series “Struggle: From the History of the American People,” above. “The colors were pretty. It was a little bit worn. I passed by it on my way to the kitchen a thousand times a day.”
