2021年3月11日 星期四

訪談中的人物 (20):安格爾 vs 聶華苓《鹿園情事》情事三章 (1990) : Paul Engle ( 1908 – 1991) ,Hualing Nieh Engle ( 聶華苓1925) ;《 三生三世》中、日版/《 三生影像》與安格爾:《現在,他是一顆星》Paul Engle Day


聶華苓《 三生三世》中、日版/《 三生影像》與安格爾:《鹿園情事》《現在,他是一顆星》Paul Engle Day


訪談中的人物 (20):安格爾-聶華苓《鹿園情事》情事三章 (1991)

  • (And translator with wife, Hualing Nieh) Poems of Mao Tse-Tung, Dell, 1972.

In 1967, following his departure as director of the workshop, Engle and future second wife Nieh Hualing co-founded The University of Iowa's International Writing Program, which provided for dozens of published authors from around the world to visit Iowa City each year to write and collaborate. Engle left the Writer's Workshop permanently in 1969 to devote himself full-time to the international program.

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Paul Engle

Paul Engle (October 12, 1908 – March 22, 1991), was an American poeteditor, teacher, literary critic, novelist, and playwright. He is remembered as the long-time director of the Iowa Writers' Workshop and as co-founder of the International Writing Program (IWP), both at the University of Iowa.
