2020年7月19日 星期日

0719 2020

20世紀的幾位"大老" (dean),都是很有名望、學問;
Walter Lippmann, the retired columnist and author who was the dean of American political journalism in the 20th century, died of a heart ailment yesterday morning at a private nursing home at 755 Park Avenue, He was 85 years old.
讓我想起翻譯成 "華爾街教父"的這本"The Dean of Wall Street"
有意思的是,該文給胡適下的不朽處,竟不是胡先生的三不朽(楊聯陞先生在給《陳世驤選集》作序敬輓,就是用胡適的話來破題的,該文功力不凡),或是像我們在《華爾街大老》(The Dean of Wall Street)中了解的,傳主 Benjamin Graham的墓誌銘是刻了丁尼生詩歌Ulysses 的句子--他與胡適都極喜愛。(詳《努力、探尋、發現、永不退讓、不屈服》)
dean:The senior member of a body or group: the dean of the Washington diplomatic corps.

19 小時
"The language of science is a language under stress. Words are being made to describe things that seem indescribable in words – equations, chemical structures and so forth. Words do not, cannot mean all that they stand for, yet they are all we have to describe experience.
By being a natural language under tension, the language of science is inherently poetic. There is metaphor aplenty in science. Emotions emerge shaped as states of matter and more interestingly, matter acts out what goes on in the soul."
Wishing a happy birthday to Roald Hoffmann, awarded the 1981 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Read his full biography at: https://bit.ly/2O2FPkq

The Same and Not The Same, Dr. Roald Hoffmann, Cornell University
The Same and Not The Same, Dr. Roald Hoffmann, Cornell University

The Same and Not the Same By 霍夫曼(Roald Hoffmann) ;《哲學、藝術與化學》Beyond the Finite, ;Genesis 3:6《創世紀》
霍夫曼(Roald Hoffmann) 《相同與不同》 出版社: 天下文化出版;The Same and Not the Same (ISBN 0-231-10139-2) Columbia University Press, New York, 1995.
Ben Chen 給我的這則近1小時的演講,題目雖然與上書名相同,可是內容很可能不相同。
Roald Hoffmann on the Philosophy, Art, and Science of Chemistry (ISBN 0-19-975590-5) Oxford University Press
Beyond the Finite, edited by Roald Hoffmann and Iain Boyd Whyte (ISBN 0-19-973769-7) Oxford University Press.
The Same and Not the Same By 霍夫曼(Roald Hoffmann) ;《哲學、藝術與化學》Beyond the Finite, ;Genesis 3:6《創世紀》
The Same and Not the Same By 霍夫曼(Roald Hoffmann) ;《哲學、藝術與化學》Beyond the Finite, ;Genesis 3:6《創世紀》
他的大名很面熟,我記得讀過其大作? 霍夫曼(Roald Hoffmann) 《相同與不同》 出版社: 天下文化出版; The Same and Not the Same (ISBN 0-231-10139-2) Columbia University Press, N...

嘿嘿,聽說再過幾年,南中國海會擠滿美、中、英、 (日)(各代)航空母艦,盛會啦!

Make a friend’s day: 每日深入一位"朋友"的世界 (送給您當禮物):Isao Takahata (高畑 勲, 1935~2018)訪 Frédéric Back (1924 – 2013) 的世界;The Man Who Planted Trees
Make a friend’s day: 每日深入一位"朋友"的世界 (送給您當禮物):Isao Takahata (高畑 勲, 1935~2018)訪 Frédéric Back (1924 – 2013) 的世界;The Man Who Planted Trees
Make a friend’s day: 每日深入一位"朋友"的世界 (送給您當禮物):Isao Takahata (高畑 勲, 1935~2018)訪 Frédéric Back (1924 – 2013) 的世界;The Man Who Planted Trees
或許,每日深入一位"朋友"的世界。 昨天,運氣很好,兩位好友:日本人和加拿大人,除了書之外,都有英文的YouTube 先拿起數月前買的書高畑勛的30堂日本美術課『一枚の絵から 日本編』Isao Takahata (高畑 勲, 1935~2018) 他去...

7/18 鄭宗龍【毛月亮】 與【林懷民舞作精選】 公共電視 網路直播 PTS Live

China sees its worst flooding in decades. The Three Gorges Dam has failed to protect China in its struggle against devastating floods, despite suggestions that it could. China warns of 'stronger flood' as Three Gorges Dam faces swell 三峽大壩 - 早拆比晚拆好,晚拆就拆不了 (王維洛)

The Patriots by Sidney Kingsley "這戲很好,使我掉淚" ( 胡適日記 1943年2月23日) 。Sidney Kingsley: The Patriots: The Genesis (1988)。2020 《漢密爾頓》裡的美國歷史課:你應該知道的五個問題
亞歷山大·漢密爾頓上一次在百老彙的舞台上重磅登場,是西德尼·金斯利(Sidney Kingsley)的1943年劇作《愛國者》(The Patriots),當時美國正深陷於一場全球性的民主鬥爭。劇中的漢密爾頓非但不是平民主義英雄,簡直就是個法西斯分子,試圖在美國實現金錢貴族統治,擁有平民自治願景的杰斐遜則是民主的捍衛者。

「うまみ就是『豪華落盡見真淳』的 『淳』。」其實..うまみ的漢字是"甘"...

Judge: Facebook's $550 Million Settlement In Facial Recognition Case Is Not Enough (NPR)


Umimachi Diary
Umimachi Diary.jpg
Cover of the first tankōbon volume
Written byAkimi Yoshida
Published byShogakukan
MagazineMonthly Flowers
Original runJune 28, 2006 –
June 28, 2018
Live-action film
Our Little Sister
Directed byHirokazu Kore-eda
Produced by
  • Kaoru Matsuzaki
  • Hijiri Taguchi
Written byHirokazu Kore-eda
Music byYoko Kanno
ReleasedMay 14, 2015
Runtime126 minutes
