2018年5月30日 星期三

0529 0530 2018

※您吃點的芝加哥漢堡,聽隔桌在談日薪2千的打工 (12小時,有獎金,其實,這是時薪150的美化說法.......) 以前請中國的機械人,他們的服務態度令人無法消受。
※您想起近日的分屍案:先剃頭、斬首、分屍,埋屍 (整個台灣島都在噩夢中)再請父母幫忙清洗 (?),再逍遙 (?)6天.......
※讀《程硯秋戲劇文集》:柳存仁《外国的月亮 程砚秋/程腔与龙井茶》。將柳無忌和柳存仁搞混。
※ 詩難選難譯:三好達治詩抄 陳明台譯
嬰兒車、少年、回聲、草之上、祖母、烏鴉、信號、鬱金香、白日之舟、貝殼、雪 等11首
《文學台灣 106 (2018夏)》 頁126~32

我們報導過,企業大亨、前紐約市長 M. Bloomberg 捐錢請哈佛大學的政府學院和商學院,合作訓練美國的市長 (在職再教育),換句話說,美國的市長在相關的職業教育多不足的。此案例很值得深思。
今年台北市"白綠藍"市長候選人的學歷是:兩位博士、一位碩士。 美國的市長: How to Become a Mayor In most municipalities, mayors are elected by the voting public. Required e...

"競院爭力報告"由瑞士某商學院主持,歷史近30年,據說根據的理論是M. Porter 教授的。
"競院爭力報告"由瑞士某商學院主持,歷史近30年,據說根據的理論是M. Porter 教授的。 以前國民黨某政府,要求效法之,在行政院成立台灣競爭力指標近200個,.......這些年,台大圖書館花錢買一本年報,歸檔。 台灣"五星市長報...

14:59 157 Virginia Woolf and The Hogarth Press 漢清講堂 2017-05-19 40 views11 months ago Virginia Woolf 分享了 1 則 貼文 。 ...

Wikipedia常常可反映出各語種的研究程度。請比較英日中等3種版本的深入:Linguistic relativity;サピア=ウォーフの仮説;沙皮爾-沃爾夫假說
The hypothesis of linguistic relativity holds that the structure of a language affects its speakers' world view or cognition. Popularly known as the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis, or Whorfianism, the principle is often defined to include two versions. The strong version says that language determines thou...

215 「人生實難」:談臺靜農先生 2018-02-21 漢清講堂

9,057 次觀看
Watch Francine Houben​, Dick van Gameren, Rodrigo Louro​ and Friso van der Steen talk about the new #Kaohsiung Social Housing project in #Taiwan!
Hanching Chung 分享了 1 則貼文
5月初,漢清講堂講"George Sand圈 and Gustave Flaubert圈 " (也許7月YouTube上線)時,加入此網頁 (大部分都有興趣,不懂法語,請Google翻成英文。還不錯,可入門。
At the beginning of August 1858, in an overwhelming heat, George Sand made a stay of ten days in Gargilesse, a small village in the Val de Creuse that she had already known for a long time. The previous summer, on a whim, Alexandre Manceau had bought a modest house in the village where the couple could settle freely. In August 1858, George Sand, accompanied by two friends, left without Manceau because it is retained in Nohant by an important work of engraving; however, he will join her to spend a few days with her before returning to work at Nohant.
At the time of departure, August 13, it is very hot and the weather turns to the storm; it took 4 to 5 hours from Gargilesse to Nohant! George Sand beautifully describes, on the corresponding page of his diary, the spectacle of the storm that is getting ready and the setting sun (beware, no summer time in 1858: the sun rose and went to bed 2 hours later early compared to our schedule!) which she attended on the road to Cluis ...
Diary of the year 1858, as of Friday, August 13th:
"Heat worse than ever. We decide that we will not leave until 3 am (it is necessary to understand 15 pm, which corresponds to 17 hours for us compared to the height of the sun in the sky) ... After an hour of suffering, the time fresh and all the trip goes on to look at the strange and magnificent mountains of red gold, apricot, cherry and orange rising from all points of the horizon. We spend only an hour in Cluis so as not to have Manceau dine too late. The setting is splendid, the sun without rays is purple on a violet background. Then come beautiful flashes on all these clouds of clouds become an opal tone. We arrive at 9:00 to 20 (we must understand 20:40) and we find on the road Manceau who unfortunately was very worried about us; he had prepared flowers and a superb entry. We explain ourselves, he is recovering ... "
The banks of the Creuse Gargilesse by Gustave Castan, 1865, Museum of Fine Arts Limoges; portrait of George Sand by Thomas Couture engraved by Alexandre Manceau in 1850; photo of Manceau by Nadar in 1864.

This week, in honor of Philip Roth, we're giving you free access to his Art of Fiction interview, his novella 'Goodbye, Columbus', and a recording of his speech from our 2010 revel.

U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis accuses China’s Xi Jinping of breaking a pledge not to militarize the South China Sea islands. WSJ.COM Mat...
