2007年8月8日 星期三

88節 2007

88節 我護護父親和岳父都過世

下午約兩點 陳寬仁帶魏先生(卡內(耐)基和 飛行安全專家)來訪

與燕散步 跟她介紹Deming的 系統觀 周末新竹教育

We're kinder side-tracked here now,

管窺 ASQ (1)


白家電及小家電、white goods、appliances

Google Maps and Trend

Red states and blue states and Birkenstoc

to bringing out into the open the resources required to meet the strategic business goals.

管窺 ASQ (2):Freund-Marquardt Medal: Richard A. Freund 與Donald W. Marquardt

Crash Course in Quality for Chinese Car 等

Mattel Case (2007)

長江白羇豚 (又稱:白鰭豚)


cannibalization and campaign







  1. (衣服)定製的;裁縫製的;樣式和裁製講究的
  2. (為某一目的)特製的
  3. (對要求等)恰恰合適的

Hope is fading for China 's rare Yangtze River baiji dolphin after an international expedition failed to find a single…

《獨立報》報道,英國自然科學研究院周三(08/07/2007)發表報告宣佈長江白羇豚 (又稱:白鰭豚)已滅絕。
















我甚至於懷疑:「Lee Der工業有限公司」也可能是台灣的技術/公司。

BBC:“上周宣佈全球回收近百萬件中國生產玩具的美國美泰(Mattel)公司透露,這批問題玩具來自廣東的Lee Der工業有限公司。








Chinese Factory Is Identified In Tainted-Toy Recall

By Nicholas Casey and Nicholas Zamiska

Word Count: 592 | Companies Featured in This Article: Mattel

Mattel Inc. late yesterday identified the Chinese factory involved in the company's big toy recall last week, ending nearly a week in which critics complained that Mattel's unwillingness to do so highlighted a regulatory failure.

Mattel said the plant is Lee Der Industrial Co., located in Guangdong province. Mattel, of El Segundo, Calif., last week recalled 1.5 million Chinese-made toys believed to contain lead paint. The toys included items involving popular characters like Elmo and Dora the Explorer.

Under current U.S. law, when companies bargain with the government before agreeing to a voluntary recall, they don't have to disclose the ...


Sidekick syndrome: never in the group photo because you're the one stuck holding the camera? Say "cheese." Puh-leeze!,

說來好笑 此公司大張旗鼓搞高科技 但是他們公司的網站已經停擺兩天了 我不得其門而入!


fold concertina pliant


A small hexagonal accordion with bellows and with buttons for keys.

[CONCERT + Italian -ina, feminine diminutive suff.]

n. - 六角形手風琴
v. tr. - 使起皺紋
v. intr. - 起皺紋


  • concertina fold 六角形手風琴

日本語 (Japanese)
n. -
コンサーティーナ, 蛇腹形鉄条網

It was invented in 1844 by Sir Charles Wheatstone.

n. - 古代人

adj. - 遠古的, 年老的, 舊的
n. - 老人, 年高德劭者


  • ancient history 古代史, 家喻戶曉的故事
  • ancient times 古時
  • from ancient times 舊來, 從古時候就有的

日本語 (Japanese)
adj. -
古代の, 昔の, 古くからの, 古めかしい, 古い, 旧式の, 古来の
n. -
古代人, 古代文明人


  • ancient history 古代史, 周知のこと
  • ancient times 古代
  • from ancient times 旧来

品質向上と販路拡大を図ろうと、JA全農山形な どは7日、山形県天童市で品評会を開いた。 村山地方や置賜地方などの農家が63点を出品。県や全 農山形の職員ら審査員6人が、2キロずつ箱詰めされた ブドウを粒の色や



消基會指出,魚罐頭的鈉含量都不低,消費者在食用時,可能只注意到口味的喜好而忽略了鈉含量高低的問題;而魚類可能會因生長環境受汙染而造成魚肉 殘留重金屬,或是罐頭在存放過程中,罐頭內壁的鍍錫層溶出於罐頭食品中造成錫汙染,若消費者長期食用重金屬殘留的魚罐頭,將會傷害身體健康。







另外,程仁宏也建議,業者購買和食用罐頭食品時,可掌握「看、摸、倒」的3字訣,看就是看標示是否完整、有無生鏽;摸就是罐頭表面如有凸出不要購 買;倒就是開罐後要將未食用完畢的食物用其他容器盛裝,因為一般的食品罐頭都是由內壁鍍錫的馬口鐵製成,避免放置過久導致微生物繁殖而變質。

Preview L.A. hotels via Google Maps Street View?

Los Angeles, San Diego, Houston and Orlando have been added to the “Street View” feature on Google Maps. It started happening for Los Angeles late last night, and we can only imagine how many people are going to get reprimanded today at work as they play the game of Google Maps celebrity-spotting. Here’s Disney Hall.

Boredom, Google and why Rudd will be PM
The Age - Melbourne,Victoria,Australia

Back in 2006 Google Labs launched one of its more intriguing products, Google Trends, which allows you to see what countries, regions and cities are searching on certain keywords.

It's a fascinating glimpse into what's on the minds of the world's internet users and also what seems to obsess certain cultures.

For example Australia ranks third in the world when it comes to searches on the words "cars", "education", "football" and "marriage", second in the world for "money" and just ninth for "sex".

However, we come first for searches on the words "beer", suicide", "rich", "depression" and "God", which tells me we may be a little conflicted about the path to happiness.

It's also an interesting way to see what sexual kinks occupy various countries with "oral sex" a big issue in Romania (though it may be semantics because if you search on "blow jobs" the Canadians lead the pack), "anal sex" seems all the rage in Turkey (we're third), gang bangs are huge Down Under and "transsexuals" mighty popular in the Czech Republic.

When you break the data down into cities, however, it gets really interesting; for instance if you search on "How to make bombs" Australian cities rank second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth in the world - and we're worried about an Indian doctor?

Search on the word "bored" and guess which city leads the world for searches? Sydney, with Melbourne sixth and Brisbane eighth ...

What sort of person Googles the word "bored"?

Well, me for starters, but there's obviously a boatload of other Aussies out there doing the same thing and you have to wonder why. Haven't we got it better than ever?

That may be the reason according to my old mate, Eric Hoffer.

"Our frustration is greater when we have much and want more than when we have nothing and want some. We are less dissatisfied when we lack many things than when we seem to lack but one thing," he writes in the book The True Believer.

"When people are bored, it is primarily with their own selves that they are bored. The consciousness of a barren, meaningless existence is the main fountainhead of boredom."

So what does this have to do with Federal Opposition leader Kevin Rudd?

Hoffer argues that "there is perhaps no more reliable indicator of a society's ripeness for mass movement than the prevalence of unrelieved boredom. In almost all the descriptions of the periods preceding the rise of mass movements there is reference to vast ennui."

While Hoffer was writing about mass movements like Nazism, the Crusades, revolutions and religious conversions, you could argue that voting out a national government that has ruled for more than a decade falls into a similar category; it requires a mass movement in public feeling.

Pollsters and political journalists have been speculating all year as to why Rudd has managed to surge ahead in the polls and perhaps it is just this; we're friggin' bored.

"To a deliberate fomenter of mass upheavals, the report that people are bored stiff should be at least as encouraging as that they are suffering from intolerable economic or political abuses," says Hoffer.

Now Google Trends does have its holes - it only takes snapshots of huge amounts of data - but it's brutally honest; despite what the music media wanna tell you Wolfmother is not an international act but Tina Arena sure as hell is.

I like that. I trust that.

So while I'm not huge believer in polls and pundits, because they have been proven wrong time and time again, I do believe Google and Google says we Australians are bored.

"Where people live autonomous lives and are not badly off, yet are without abilities or opportunities for creative work or useful action, there is no telling to what desperate and fantastic shifts they might resort in order to give meaning and purpose to their lives," says Hoffer of the bored in The True Believer.

That book incidentally, was made into a bestseller when former US president Dwight D. Eisenhower cited it during one of the world's earliest television press conferences.

And there's a bloke who knew something about winning elections in a tough market.

If you'd like to email me with a topic suggestion or just vent, try here. I now have more than 800 unanswered emails and no hope of catching up. So I'm instituting a no-reply policy (unless you're hot) because I'm sick of feeling guilty about it. In advance, I thank you for your email.

白家電及小家電、white goodsappliances



A major appliance is a large machine which accomplishes some routine housekeeping task, which includes purposes such as cooking, food preservation, or cleaning, whether in a household, institutional, commercial or industrial setting. An appliance is differentiated from a plumbing fixture because it uses an energy input for its operation other than water, generally using electricity or natural gas/propane. An object run by a watermill would also be considered an appliance. The term white goods is also used for these items, primarily where British English is spoken, although definitions differ on what is a white good. In the United States, the term white goods more commonly refers to linens than appliances.

white goods


  1. White fabrics, usually of cotton or linen.
  2. Household merchandise, as bed sheets and curtains, formerly made from white fabrics, but now often colored.
  3. Large household appliances, as ovens and refrigerators, formerly finished with white enamel, but now often colored.

plural noun SPECIALIZED白色貨品(冰箱,洗衣機,被單等等)

white goods 白い家庭用品 ((タオル, シーツなど;また〈米〉では冷蔵庫などにも言う)).

large electrical goods for the house, such as cookers and washing machines

The noun white goods has 2 meanings:

Meaning #1: large electrical home appliances (refrigerators or washing machines etc.) that are typically finished in white enamel

Meaning #2: drygoods for household use that are typically made of white cloth
Synonym: household linen

In retailing, all those heavy household appliances that were originally manufactured with a white enamel finish, such as refrigerators, freezers, washers and dryers, or stoves.

noun [C]
a device, machine or piece of equipment, especially an electrical one that is used in the house such as a cooker or washing machine:
electric/domestic/household appliances

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

domestic appliance noun [C]
a large piece of electrical equipment used in the home, especially in the kitchen:
We stock a wide range of domestic appliances, including fridges, freezers and dishwashers.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)



2007/08/06 20:25



企業・市場動向 / 家電製品 / 中国

 富士経済は,世界の主要な白物家電・小物家電の生産実績と今後の予測を発表した(PDFの発表資料)。 調査は,200747月に実施したメーカーへの取材や文献調査に基づくものという。調査対象とする家電36品目を「衣住関連」「調理関連」「空調・給 湯関連」「パーソナルケア関連」に分類し,日本,中国,その他アジア,北米,中南米,欧州,中東・アフリカの7地域に分けて分析した。

 対象品目の2006年における世界生産台数は141908万台(家庭用太陽光発電システムを除く)。そのうち,調理関連機器が最も多く,4 9048万台を占める。以下,パーソナルケア関連機器の35249万台,空調・給湯関連機器の3446万台,衣住関連機器の27165万台と続く。 市場は拡大傾向で,2011年まで対前年比4%前後で成長すると予測する。中でも,冷蔵庫や電子レンジなどの白物家電が,日本や欧米の買い替え需要や中国 などでの普及率向上などにより,堅調な伸びを示しているという。コーヒー・メーカーやIHクッキング・ヒーターなどが好調に伸びていると説明する。

 地域別に見ると,調査した36品目のうち,中国での生産量が最も多い品目は29品目。衣住関連からパーソナルケア関連まで,多くの品目で生産量1 位となった。一方,日本で最も生産量が多いのは,住宅用太陽光発電システムとヒートポンプ式給湯機。欧州は衣類乾燥機とモニター付きドアホン,食器洗浄乾 燥機,IHクッキング・ヒーターが,北米はディスポーザーの生産量が世界1位だ。中国メーカーは外資系企業のOEM生産を脱却し,自社ブランドで中国や周 辺地域での勢力を拡大していると富士経済は分析する。また,日本メーカーは上位機種のみを国内で生産,欧米メーカーは大型白物家電の生産を東欧や中南米 へ,小物家電の生産を中国へ移管するという傾向が強まっているとする。

 製品分類別に見ると,2006年における衣住関連機器の中国での生産は53.7%を占めたが,2011年には55.5%に達する見込みという。た だ,洗濯機と衣類乾燥機,掃除機の3品目は,基本的に需要地で生産されており,需要地に合わせた製品が生産されている。これらの製品は,今後の市場の成長 が期待されるBRICsを抱える中国やその他アジア,中南米などで生産量が増加する見通しだ。

 2006年の調理関連機器の中国での生産量は,世界全体の71.1%。2011年にはさらに増え,76.5%を生産すると予測する。コーヒー・ メーカーやトースターといった小物家電は,コストダウンのために中国での生産がほとんどを占め,今後も中国への生産集中は進むという。ただ,冷蔵庫や電子 レンジなどの白物家電の生産拠点は,現在中国以外にも分散しており,日本,その他アジア,北米,中南米,欧州においては,需要地で生産が行われている。

 2006年の空調・給湯関連機器の中国での生産量は78.2%だった。2011年にはさらに生産集中が進み,80.6%に達する見通し。この分野 の中心製品はルームエアコンと扇風機だが,いずれも中国での生産が多数を占める。現在,その他の高機能の製品は需要地で生産されているが,今後もその傾向 が続き,中・低価格製品の生産は中国やその他アジアで増加すると予測する。

 パーソナルケア関連機器の中国での生産量は2006年に市場全体の78.8%に達した。2011年には82.3%と見込む。この分野は近年競争が 激化し,日本や欧米のメーカーは,コストダウンの見込める中国での生産や,中国のOEMメーカーからの製品供給で対応している。中国ではOEM生産に加え て,近年は自社ブランドの強化を図るメーカーも現れており,OEMメーカーから脱却する現象が見られるという。

 製品では,ヒートポンプ式給湯器で大幅な成長を見込む。2006年の生産台数は57万台だが,2011年には2006年比164.9%増の151 万台に達すると予測する。現在は市場が日本と欧州に限定されており,規模も小さいが,両市場ともにエネルギー効率の高い温水器として,高い伸びを期待でき るとする。2006年の生産量を地域別に見ると,日本が全体の54%,欧州が42%。メーカー別の生産台数は松下電器産業が首位で8万台。三菱電機,コロ ナ,ダイキン工業などを加えた日本のメーカーの合計生産台数は31万台。ドイツThermotechnik社は4万台という。





━━ n. まね; 見せかけ; 擬態; 【コンピュータ】模擬実験, シミュレーション.
simulation game

Donald W. Marquardt, An algorithm for least squares estimation of nonlinear parameters [J]. Journal of the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1963, vol.11: 431-441.





Freund-Marquardt Medalists

Deming Medalists


Dr. Gipsie B. Ranney


Edward M. Baker


Thomas J. Boardman Ph.D.


Donald E. Petersen


Thomas W. Nolan


Henry R. Neave


Ronald D. Moen


Lloyd P. Provost


Shoichiro Toyoda


Peter R. Scholtes

Metropolitan Section


W. Edwards Deming


John C. Mandell


Hugo S. Hamacher


John W. Tukey


Paul C. Clifford


Lloyd S. Nelson


J. Stuart Hunter


Brian L. Joiner


David R. Cox


George E. Box


William A.J. Golomski


George A. Barnard


Cuthbert Daniel


William W. Scherkenbach


Gerald J. Hahn


Joyce Nilsson Orsini


William J. Latzko

The Brumbaugh Award Winners
Crosby Medalist
Deming Medalist
Distinguished Service Medalists
Edwards Medalists
Feigenbaum Medalists
Freund-Marquardt Medalists
E.L. Grant Medalists
Honorary Members
Ishikawa Medalists
Juran Medalists
E. Jack Lancaster Medalists
Lifetime Achievement Award
Shainin Medalists
Shewhart Medalists

管窺 ASQ (2)


Freund-Marquardt Medal: Richard A. Freund Donald W. Marquardt



不知怎的,張忠孝先生的事績,讓我想起美國ASQ的一位會長Richard A. Freund先生。值得注意的是,ASQ代管一他的「獎學金」The Richard A. Freund International Scholarship,我將它的來由和辦法剪下供參考:

This scholarship honors the memory of Richard A. Freund, a past president of ASQ. It is for graduate study of the theory and application of quality control, quality assurance, quality improvement, and total quality management. It covers the engineering, statistical, managerial, and behavioral foundations of those fields. The scholarship is offered to members and nonmembers worldwide. Study may take place in one’s own country or in another country.

A gift of $100,000 has been made to ASQ by Mrs. Richard A. Freund, and ASQ shall administer the annual scholarship. Scholarship applications shall be received no later than April 1 of each year, with the award being made by July 1 of each year. The approximate amount of the yearly award will be $5,000.

我是少數翻譯過Richard A. Freund先生的主要論文的:QART(Quality Assurance Review Technique,品質保證審查技法)作者:R. A. Freund and H. B. Trulli(美國柯達公司主管。)來源:Quality Assurance Vol. 8, No.1, 1982.

更有緣份的是,ASQ將他與我過去杜邦公司的同事合設一獎章Freund-Marquardt Medal

主旨:The Freund-Marquardt Medal is presented to nominees who have applied quality principles to the development, implementation, and literature of management standards.

(歷屆獎主如下Freund-Marquardt Medalists):


Robert William Peach


Harrison M. Wadsworth


Lawrence A. Wilson


John Edward (Jack) West


Dan Harper


Edward G. Shilling


Jeffrey H. Hooper


)資料等簡介Donald W. Marquardt (1929- 5 July 1997) was the rediscoverer of the Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least squares fitting algorithm.

Donald joined DuPont in 1953 and worked for 39 years. In 1963 he published his famous paper "algorithm for least-squares estimation of nonlinear problems" in SIAM journal. Donald developed his algorithm to solve fitting nonlinear chemical models to laboratory data. He also founded and managed the DuPont Quality Management & Technology Center.

In 1991, he established his own company, Donald W. Marquardt and Associates, which provides consulting and training in quality management, quality assurance, ISO 9000 standards, applied statistics, strategic planning and organizational change.

He died from a heart attack at the age of 68.

Quality Digest Magazine August 1997

我手頭上有他編著, DuPont 公司印行的 PQM (Product Quality Management) (1988 Edition)

這裡的一篇他將它發表在Juran's Quality Handbook 5th edition (1998),連同一篇介紹ISO的,共兩篇,是Juran's Quality Handbook 5th edition中重要的作者。

The Quality World Loses a Friend

Donald W. Marquardt, a founding member of the Registrar Accreditation Board and chairman of the U.S. TAG to TC 176, died on July 5, after suffering a heart attack while on a business trip in Mexico two weeks previously. He was 68 years old.

"RAB has suffered two losses," says Joseph R. Dunbeck, RAB's chief executive officer. "First, Don's vast and intimate ISO TC 176 knowledge has guided RAB for eight years. Second, Don's wise judgment and counsel has contributed mightily to the growth of RAB's credibility. We have lost a mentor and good friend."

Marquardt leaves behind an impressive body of achievements and hard work. He spent 39 years with DuPont Co., during which time he founded and managed the DuPont Quality Management & Technology Center. He served as president of the American Statistical Association and was an elected member of the International Statistical Institute. He received ASQ's Shewhart Medal, the ASA's Founders Award and the Meritorious Service Award from the American National Standards Institute. Since 1990, Marquardt served on the RAB board of directors. He published more than 60 pieces of work, including research papers, book chapters and magazine articles.

Besides serving as chairman for the U.S. TAG to ISO TC 176, Marquardt was also a member of the Chairman's Strategic Advisory Group to ISO TC 176 and the Chairman's Advisory Group, U.S. TAG to TC 207 on Environmental Management.

In 1991, he established his own company, Donald W. Marquardt and Associates, which provides consulting and training in quality management, quality assurance, ISO 9000 standards, applied statistics, strategic planning and organizational change.

Those who wish to remember Marquardt may make a contribution to the Green Hill Presbyterian Church Memorial Fund, P.O. Box 3892, Wilmington, DE 19807.

大綱 :

QART(Quality Assurance Review Technique,品質保證審查技法),能快速提供主管品質保證計畫進行狀況摘要,並給負責執行的人完整進度報告。QART的目的,在於協助吾人全神貫注於品質保證的計畫和執行(不論是在起始期或需要更正,加速期),並能建立品質保證活動的優先順位。QART應用流程圖(flow chart),因果圖(Cause-and-effect diagram),因果流程圖(cause-and-effect flow diagram),優先順序評估審查(Priority evaluation reviews)及品保狀態評價(State-of-quality-assurance evaluations),使吾人能即時注意相關的品質問題。

NEW! Feeder lines: A series of special assembly lines that allow assemblers to perform preassembly tasks off the main production line. Performing certain processes off the main production line means fewer parts in the main assembly area, the availability of service ready components and assemblies in the main production area, improved quality and less lead time to build a product.

NEW! First in, first out (FIFO): Use of material produced by one process in the same order by the next process. A FIFO queue is filled by the supplying process and emptied by the customer process. When a FIFO lane gets full, production is stopped until the next (internal) customer has used some of that inventory.

NEW! First pass yield (FPY): Also referred to as the quality rate, the percentage of units that completes a process and meets quality guidelines without being scrapped, rerun, retested, returned or diverted into an offline repair area. FPY is calculated by dividing the units entering the process minus the defective units by the total number of units entering the process.

NEW! First time quality (FTQ): Calculation of the percentage of good parts at the beginning of a production run.

NEW! Five-phase lean approach: A systematic method for implementing lean manufacturing that helps improve the production process and sustains gains made in the production cycle in an area or plant. The five phases are: 1. stability (provides an environment with controlled process variables, decreased waste and increased business impact); 2. continuous flow (characterized by reduced work in process inventory, time loss and defects, and increased process flexibility and repeatable processes between workstations); 3. synchronous production (characterized by disciplined process repeatability and synchronization between operations and customer requirements); 4. pull system (creates an environment in which material replenishment links operations with customer demand); 5. level production (reduces response time or changes in demand and upstream schedule variability).

管窺 ASQ (1)

Herbert A. Simon 曾說過,美國之富強有種種原因,不過其中(創造出能長遠發揮功效的)「組織」方面的能力,無疑是一大特色。

1990年代末,我翻譯Herbert A. Simon的回憶錄時,請問他、請談些美國的制度(我記得是加州大學的董事會)。他說,美國的許多制度都相當的複雜…..所以,相關的書籍相當多,譬如說:The Oxford Guide to the United States Government.

陳寬仁老師在品質月刊(中華民國九十六(2007)年七月號(43卷)7期)上寫過『美國品質學會一瞥 』。



The American Society for Quality (ASQ)



它的特色相當多:基本上的領導經營(leadership)是由理事會(決策單位)和管理委員會(運作單位,有一專職執行理事兼策略長,他橫晇兩單位ASQ is led by a board of directors, and managed by an executive director/chief strategic officer and a management committee.)

2007-08的理事會(Board of Directors)之組成,由上而下有「理事長辦公室」(Office of the President)、「兩屆(08/09)理事會」、「議事法規專家」(Parliamentarian*)、「執行理事兼策略長」(Executive Director/Chief Strategic Officer)、「管理委員會/管理理事」(Management Committee/Managing Directors)。這組織值得研究一下:

Office of the President由一特別選出的大公司贊助者當主席(Chair),兩任會長(理事長)、財務-司庫長(Treasurer)、執行理事兼策略長等6人組成。

Parliamentarian 除了是國會議員(下院議員A member of a parliament.)之外,也有議事法規專家(議院法学者, One who is expert in parliamentary procedures, rules, or debate. 法文:expert des procédures parlementaires;日文:老練な議会人。美國在1928年才正式設立*


*Before the 1920s various clerks kept track of the rules and precedents and offered advice to the presiding officers. In 1928 Speaker Nicholas Longworth appointed Lewis Deschler as the first House parliamentarian. It was a tribute to Deschler's nonpartisanship that he continued in the job until 1974, through both Republican and Democratic majorities.

The Oxford Guide to the United States Government.

