2021年7月6日 星期二

波特萊爾Baudelaire, Charles 1821~67《巴黎的憂鬱》 Le Spleen de Paris, also known as Paris Spleen or Petits Poèmes en prose, 譯人:胡品清、亞丁等等

 波特萊爾Baudelaire, Charles 1821~67《巴黎的憂鬱》 Le Spleen de Paris, also known as Paris Spleen or Petits Poèmes en prose,  譯人:胡品清、亞丁等等





Le Spleen de Paris, also known as Paris Spleen or Petits Poèmes en prose,
"A Hemisphere in a Head of Hair", 


Brune/Blonde, The Online Exhibition, 2010 A hemisphere in your hair, Charles Baudelaire, 1862 1 Charles BAUDELAIRE A hemisphere in your hair (Published in 1862 in, Le Spleen de Paris).

現在的翻譯本,常有註解,不過,可能只是局部的字意解,無助於了解全文。以《惡之華》第一首為例,詩名benediction ,根據《天主教 英漢袖珍辭典 (1) 祝福;祝聖;祝禱;感謝:通常聖職人員以手畫十字為人或物祈求天主降福之儀式。


Who among us has not dreamt, in moments of ambition, of the miracle of a poetic prose, musical without rhythm and rhyme, supple and staccato enough to adapt to the lyrical stirrings of the soul, the undulations of dreams, and sudden leaps of consciousness. This obsessive idea is above all a child of giant cities, of the intersecting of their myriad relations.

— Dedication of Le Spleen de Paris

Eugène Delacroix[edit]

A strong supporter of the Romantic painter Delacroix, Baudelaire called him "a poet in painting". Baudelaire also absorbed much of Delacroix's aesthetic ideas as expressed in his journals. As Baudelaire elaborated in his "Salon of 1846", "As one contemplates his series of pictures, one seems to be attending the celebration of some grievous mystery...This grave and lofty melancholy shines with a dull light.. plaintive and profound like a melody by Weber."[15] Delacroix, though appreciative, kept his distance from Baudelaire, particularly after the scandal of Les Fleurs du mal. In private correspondence, Delacroix stated that Baudelaire "really gets on my nerves" and he expressed his unhappiness with Baudelaire's persistent comments about "melancholy" and "feverishness".[34]

One of the world’s largest refugee populations is being driven out of Pakistan

The age of great men is going; the epoch of the ant-hill, of life in multiplicity, is beginning. The century of individualism, if abstract equality triumphs, runs a great risk of seeing no more true individuals. By continual leveling and division of labor, society will become everything and man nothing.

As the floor of valleys is raised by the denudation and washing down of the mountains, what is average will rise at the expense of what is great. The exceptional will disappear. A plateau with fewer and fewer undulations, without contrasts and without oppositions, such will be the aspect of human society. The statistician will register a growing progress, and the moralist a gradual decline: on the one hand, a progress of things; on the other, a decline of souls. The useful will take the place of the beautiful, industry of art, political economy of religion, and arithmetic of poetry. The spleen will become the malady of a leveling age.

Modern poetry begins with Charles Baudelaire (1821-67), who employed his unequalled technical mastery to create the shadowy, desperately dramatic urban landscape -- populated by the addicted and the damned -- which so compellingly mirrors our modern condition. Deeply though darkly spiritual, titanic in the changes he wrought, Baudelaire looms over all the work, great and small, created in his wake.

Cenotaph of Charles Baudelaire, Montparnasse Cemetery

Grave of Baudelaire in Cimetière du Montparnasse


繆詠華新增了 2 張新相片
歷史上的今天:1867年的今天,我最愛的Charles Baudelaire 逝世
波特萊爾Baudelaire, Charles(1821.4.9~1867.8.31,巴黎蒙巴納斯墓園第6區)
現代派詩人,代表作有詩集《惡之華》、《巴黎的憂鬱》等。波特萊爾過世後,與他最討厭的繼父合葬一處,不過還好身邊有他最愛的母親為伴。他的墳墓在第6區,位於園中大路邊上,還算好找,但並不起眼,倒是位於墓園第26和27區間的紀念墓雕頗具巧思。其實從1892年起,波特萊爾委員會便開始討論要幫波特萊爾蓋座紀念墓雕(詩人馬拉美還自告奮勇負責籌款),原委託羅丹負責雕塑,豈料幾經波折,該案遭到延宕,最後終於在1902年改由較無知名度的荷西‧德‧夏爾默瓦(José de Charmoy)製作完成。所謂的「知名度」當然是相較於羅丹而言,其實夏爾默瓦也承製過貝多芬雕像,而同樣位於蒙巴納斯墓園的聖伯夫紀念墓雕(第17區,可參看第102頁〈聖伯夫篇〉)也是他的作品。



The health agency also listed some side effects, including bad breath, anxiety, dehydration and irritability. Yet people in London do not seem too concerned.該機構還列出了口臭、焦慮、脫水和易怒等副作用。但在倫敦,人們似乎不太在乎。

As a confirmed crab apple who has often been compared to the splenetic Lucy Van Pelt character from Peanuts, I am gratified to learn that should my real spleen ever decide to vent in earnest, the outburst may just help save my life.

譬如說p. 25 "使脾臟發炎"不如 "讓人生氣 壞脾氣" EXCITE SPLEEN

Hume give vent to his spleen against Shakespeare.

Please don't shout - there's no need to vent your frustration/anger/rage/spleen on me.

Definition of spleen


  • 1 Anatomy an abdominal organ involved in the production and removal of blood cells in most vertebrates and forming part of the immune system.


    1. A large, highly vascular lymphoid organ, lying in the human body to the left of the stomach below the diaphragm, serving to store blood, disintegrate old blood cells, filter foreign substances from the blood, and produce lymphocytes.
    2. A homologous organ or tissue in other vertebrates.
  1. Obsolete. This organ conceived as the seat of emotions or passions.
  2. Ill temper: vent one's spleen.
  3. Archaic. Melancholy.
  4. Obsolete. A whim; a caprice.

n. - 脾臟, 怨恨, 壞脾氣
n. - 脾臓, 腹立ち


  1. Of or relating to the spleen.
  2. Affected or marked by ill humor or irritability.

A person regarded as irritable.

[Late Latin splēnēticus, from Latin splēn, spleen. See spleen.]


sple • net • ic, -i • cal
splinétik, -kəl
1 ((文))気難しい, 怒りっぽい;意地の悪い.
2 脾臓(ひぞう)の.

