2018年1月24日 星期三

0125 2018 四

  • Russell Ackoff Doctoral Student Fellowships
  • Britain's 'Most Un-P.C.' Charity, The Presidents ...
  • 童子賢捐贈政大政治系、歷史系、中文系、台文系
  • 虎科大旁 「婆婆」;捐百萬送父母當「慈濟榮董」
  • Jeff Bezos, Son Of Cuban Immigrant, Gives $33 Mill...
  • 為善不計報

  • Hugh Ramapolo Masekela was a South African trumpeter, flugelhornist, cornetist, composer and singer. He has been described as the "father of South African jazz." Wikipedia
    Born: April 4, 1939, Witbank
    Died: January 23, 2018, Johannesburg, South Africa
    Stimela (Coal Train) featuring Hugh Masekela (fluegelhorn & voice),

    Bra Hugh Performing live in Italy Lugano. The poem in this…
    今日世界出版社 科學類出版品的優秀作品;天鵝之歌

    Science Is Not Enough : Reflections on the Present and Future Hardcover – 1967 by Vannevar Bush (Author) 科學的貧乏 今日世界出版社, 1975…

    2. 書店架上擺著翻譯的北野武詩選.....
    3. 想起1982年遠景的這本書:祝福詩人.....

    《李敖的情詩》台北:遠景,1982,pp.62~65 譯桑塔耶那的情詩:附錄一、余光中的譯文 Hanching Chung 1.信義書局的家成兄寫"那個李敖".....那"任俠"..... 2.…


     Modigliani and Anna Akhmatova

    熊宗慧 《俄羅斯私風景:走過生活,讀過文學 時代的不安與女人的心事--阿赫瑪托娃的情詩》2013,pp.244-54,
    我去Thames and Hudson的World of Art叢書確認。

    Modigliani and the Russian beauty: the affair that changed him ...

    Modigliani would be out drinking in Paris when a sudden desire came over him to remove his clothes, flex his naked body, and give a performance of Dante’s Divine Comedy. If it wasn’t Dante then it was something else – he could recite dozens of poems from memory, even while drunk, a skill that served him particularly well when he met the young Russian poet Anna Akhmatova in 1910 and determined to win her heart. She was on her honeymoon at the time but Modigliani was undeterred. They soon began an affair, absconding to the Jardin du Luxembourg to sit in the rain and intone the poetry of Verlaine. “We rejoiced that we both remembered the same work of his”, Akhmatova recalled later.
    Modigliani captured her on paper, nude and perpendicular and as long in body and round in stomach as a butternut squash. And he drew her clothed and sphinx-like on a chaise longue. He is said to have sketched her sixteen times in all. Their relationship did not last, but Akhmatova took the drawings back to Russia and hung one on her wall. When we meet her in Martin Puchner’s vivid new history of writing, she is twice divorced but still reciting poetry, this time her own and to friends in Leningrad in the 1930s. Modigliani’s is one of the rare sheets of paper left in her home. She has burned the drafts of her latest poems after committing them to memory and is anxiously entrusting them to a group of women to remember until the Great Purge is over, and it is safe enough to write them down. Her devastating Requiem was finally published in Germany in 1963 and in Russia in 1989.

    Anna Akhmatova, 1911 by Amedeo Modigliani. Expressionism. nude painting (nu)


    周先生,您近月提出的2個ideas, 我或有點研究或有些初步想法,想找機會見一面。
    其一,您說計畫或設計從"理想"出發:這在故賓州大學教授Russell Ackoff以發展一套,我將許多要點和個案,寫入我2010年的書,系統與變異: 淵博知識與理想設計法 (2010)

    其二,建立institutes:您可考慮,我們 (譬如說你我熟知的溫肇東教授,及其他你或我等熟知的,夠格的人,組一"季會先討論一些想法。以後可考慮試創或資助某些institutes。


    鍾 漢清
    Hanching Chung (or HC/ hc)
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