2008年6月29日 星期日

06330 2008 周一



或許 一句話 我的生活是書虫生活
譬如說 昨日晚上模忙一大段



The personal commitment

夫 道 以 人 弘 . 教 以 文 明 . 弘 道 明 教 . 故 謂 之 弘 明 集

弘 明 裨 褊

前幾天 作 The Ascent of Man

去DEN 找出1998 我以前引過此書的說法

MonteMors@aol.com wrote:
> In sum, I hope the discussion would consider the question of whether a full
> theory of knowledge requires that we extend beyond "data-based" concepts and
> account for emotional processing as an essential element of effective
> knowledge (or perhaps expand the definition of "data").
Yes, in Shewhart's work, he reminded us to study psychology of
statistics and if we read very carefully, he knew so-called Kano
attractiveness model but he suspended it.
Deming's many examples in his books are very moving, if you don't mind I
express it in this way. Or we like to appreciated some fine examples
from Joiner, Scholtes and others.(say, Peter's re-re-quoted "loss
(function) of Napoleon's Russian Campaign.."When this diagram was shown
to the Court of France, they wept.")
We need to enrich this field as a smarter way of renaming SPC. We need
to extend our system of *knowledge* so that like Deming, we can draw
quotations from various sources like Chaucer (he read it in hospital)
and one Japanese poem...
Recently, I read J. Bronowski's works like Humanism and the Growth of
Knowledge, Art as a Mode of Knowledge, The Origins of Knowledge in
imagination and The Ascent of Man. I like to share with Denizen his
concluding words,

The personal commitment of a man to his skill, the intellectual
commitment and the emotional commitment working together as one, has
made the Ascent of Man.

Bronowski, like Deming, said" knowledge is not a loose-leaf notebook of
facts. Above all it is a responsibility for the integrity of what we
are, primary of what we are as ethical creatures."

So, Deming talked about the obligations of management and appreciation of a system.
I think the core value is emotional and loud and clear.

Hanching Chung
Taipei, Taiwan
"We still don't know how to live." (maybe one of Deming's quotations.)

Falstaff,The Life of Johnson by Boswell

dissolute Falstaff, Vice, miles gloriosus

Johnson was some time with Beauclerk at his house at Windsor, where he was entertained with experiments in natural philosophy. One Sunday, when the weather was very fine, Beauclerk enticed him, insensibly, to saunter about all the morning. They went into a church-yard, in the time of divine service, and Johnson laid himself down at his ease upon one of the tomb-stones. "Now, Sir, (said Beauclerk) you are like Hogarth's Idle Apprentice." When Johnson got his pension, Beauclerk said to him, in the humourous phrase of Falstaff, "I hope you'll now purge and live cleanly, like a gentleman." The Life of Johnson by Boswell
要了解這脈絡也必須了解Falstaff 是要從戰場脫身要去領賞
莎士比亞 亨利四世上篇 第五幕第四景末
這 purge 雙義 可以是"好好洗澡 潔身"或"悔改"等等

另外 Boswell說 Johnson的 "No, Sir."類似 Falstaff的
"I deny your major. " 這多少從脈絡中了解比較有趣
major大前題 premiss, proposition 出自1H4 II.iv.481 [Falstaff to Prince Hal] I deny your major.
