2008年6月12日 星期四

0612 2008


These six stages of life for Confucius were clearly moral stages in which the need to strive at different levels was confronted and conquered. And of course his six stages are worlds away from Shakespeare's Seven Ages of Man where growth and the path to age and death are seen in terms of physical fluorescence and decay. Confucius is concerned with intellectual motion in his charting of our life's course. At fifteen, he tells us, he sets his heart on learning because he has already learned and absorbed so much of the history and poetry from the past. At thirty, he finds his balance through the rites that bring order and meaning to people's relations with each other and with their rulers rather than the rights - R.I.G.H.T.S - as we now view them in terms of our freedom to act according to our own inclinations. At forty, Confucius felt free from doubts because he was beginning to understand the purpose of his enquiries into the moral world and the wellsprings of purposive social action. He was fifty when he came to sense what heaven intended him to do. This was not a judgement about religion for this was heaven as a compelling force beyond interpretation, a silent pointer to the past and the future. At sixty, Confucius felt attuned to what he heard, as striving diminished; and at seventy to achieve one's innermost goal without further pressures or insecurities. How rich that seemed. How good an end to a long life.


孔子一生的這六個階段,顯然也是道德階段,各有必須努力面對並克服的不同層次。當然和他的這人生六階之世界,與莎士比亞說的人生7時期說法迥然不同它強調從開始一路隨歲數和體能【牙齒眼睛味覺等】不斷成長、老化的【參考 As You Like It 2幕第7場】。孔子在刻劃人生過程中所關注的是智能的流變。他告訴我們,他在15歲時決心向學,因為他從既往學、化了相當多的史訓和詩義。他在30歲從禮儀發現了人與人和人與統治者之間互動關係的平衡的秩序和意義注意,他所著眼的,乃是從人際關係,而非權利,即,他不是依我們現在的看法:依己之所欲而自由地傾向該有的權利。孔子40歲時,不再自疑,因為他開始明白,他對道德世界的探究和後代的有意社會作為,合乎其生命目的。他50歲時,他從反思中意識到天意如何。這不是對宗教的判斷,因為天自強不息,四時行焉,逝者如斯,萬古悠悠,天何言哉。60歲時,作為漸微 ,孔子認為所聞皆適意;70歲時,達成內心的目標,不再感到有壓力或不安。他這輩子似乎如此充實。壽且豐美,善哉。







『台湾映画』  投稿原稿募集 
締め切りは20086月末 詳細をお知りになりたい方は、メールにて連絡下さい。


[]林慧兒(男),產經新聞台灣主筆,七十幾歲,旅台,著台灣有情 等。


超級作家,故 若菜正義 wakana -1996?)

台大藏書貧乏,總圖5F臺灣研究文庫 有十來年度的台灣總覽

1950年代(?)自中國歸日: 李香蘭

一九五六年,日本每日新聞 記者若菜正義來台擔任特派員,

往返日台 大著

明日の台湾 : その現実と底流 若菜正義 ... 1973

蔣経囯時代の台湾 若菜正義著1978

若菜正義, 中國第一家庭: 探訪蔣總統家庭人與事 [編譯者彭懷恩, 寇維勇].出版社:香港書報社決經銷, 1985

1976-94 主持

(年刊 百科全書) 臺灣總覽 原刊名 台灣年鑑 ---據第5(1976年版)(1975年發行)臺灣總覽(臺灣年鑑改め)1卷刊期 年刊

