2021年5月12日 星期三

不朽/難忘的電影 (10):《遊戲規則》雷諾瓦Jean Renoir's La Règle du jeu / The Rules of the Game (1939)


《遊戲規則》在Jean Renoir 的回憶錄中,佔三頁,很悲觀,備受打擊,所以只好取去美國打天下,十幾年後,修復版大受歡迎,得獎等。可能80年代初,文化部長給獎,Jean Renoir說, It is too late......

Henri Cartier-Bresson, who worked on the film before beginning a long career as a photojournalist, called it "one of the summits of art and a premonition of everything that was to happen in the world."

亨利·卡蒂埃·布雷森(Henri Cartier-Bresson)曾在這部電影中工作,然後開始了作為攝影記者的漫長職業生涯,他稱其為“藝術峰會之一,預示著世界上將要發生的一切”。

  Jean Renoir's La Règle du jeu / The Rules of the Game (1939) documentary


遊戲規則》(法語:La Règle du jeu)是知名法國導演讓·雷諾瓦的作品,劇情描述第二次世界大戰時期的上流社會,於1939年上映。《遊戲規則》是讓·雷諾瓦的代表作之一,也被廣泛的視為是史上最傑出的電影之一。 故事發生在二戰前夕,一群法國貴族在某莊園共度週末,由此反映出階級矛盾社會衝突等形形色色的人性瑕疵。所謂遊戲的規則,就是說謊言欺騙等卑劣手段,是戰前法國社會不可違背的遊戲規則,誰要是違反了這一規則,就要被當時的社會圈子滅殺,成為那個社會的犧牲品

Renoir's assistants on the film were Koch, Zwobada and Henri Cartier-Bresson

 Renoir finally agreed and left Zwobada, Cortegganni and Cartier-Bresson in Sologne to shoot B-roll footage of the rabbit hunting sequence.[13] Hundreds of animals were killed during filming and local people were used as stand-ins for the actors

Cartier-Bresson said the improvisation during filming was like a jam session; both cast and crew members were encouraged to suggest ideas and dialogue would often change on the morning of the shoot.
