2021年4月9日 星期五

訪談中的人物 (36):Barbara Tuchman (1912 –1989 ) Interview ;《從史著論史學》( Practicing History);英雄、反英雄、名人

訪談中的人物 (36):Barbara Tuchman (1912 –1989 ) Interview ;《從史著論史學》( Practicing History);英雄、反英雄、名人

著名的「塔克曼」(Tuch•man , Barbara Wertheim 1912–1989)訪談,可參考Bill
Moyers《美國心靈》(A WORLD OF IDEAS)(北京:三聯,第3-17頁)。她

英雄的定義 為 "A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose,especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life"。

不過,現代人都將名人當英雄( "A person noted for special achievement in a particular
field: the heroes of medicine. See synonyms at celebrity.")

25年前,Lee A. Iacocca 出書大賣,日本有些評論家說,這種和老東家(Ford)吵架的「叛徒」,如果在日本,根本無法公然「賣出」…..

 Barbara Tuchman was one of America's best-known historians. An advocate of the notion that it's worth knowing where we've been, she's looks at the changes in America since the days of Washington, Adams and Jefferson.

At the root of our contemporary predicament, she concluded before her death in 1989, was the absence of a sense of honor. Tuchman twice won the Pulitzer Prize. Her last book, THE FIRST SALUTE, explores the American Revolution.

Bill Moyers

Barbara Tuchman Interview - A Distant Mirror The 14th Century and Today The Open Mind program PBS - 12/04/1979 Barbara Wertheim Tuchman (January 30, 1912 – February 6, 1989) was an American historian and author. She won the Pulitzer Prize twice, for The Guns of August (1962), a best-selling history of the prelude to and the first month of World War I, and Stilwell and the American Experience in China (1971), a biography of General Joseph Stilwell

Tuchman 芭芭拉.塔克曼:《從史著論史學》或《实践历史》《八月炮火》《史迪威與美國在中國的經驗》《第一聲禮炮:另一種視角下的美國革命》《愚政進行曲:從木馬屠城到越南戰爭》 ''A Distant Mirror.''《遠方之鏡:動盪不安的十四世紀》(A Distant Mirror, 1978 台北:廣場,2018)


歷史學作者塔克曼 (Tuchman, Barbara Wertheim1912-1989) 是一个很有意思的女作家。她的中文翻譯可能有三本。
第一本是台灣的 《從史著論史學》 / 芭芭拉.塔克曼Barbara W. Tuchman著; 梅寅生譯 臺北 : 久大印行 : 久博總經銷, 1990[ 民79]
《從史著論史學》附林博文1889.2.8 《紐約中報》社論:《把歷史傳記融為一爐的美國史家芭芭拉.塔克曼》,很可參考。

《遠方之鏡:動盪不安的十四世紀》(A Distant Mirror, 1978 台北:廣場,2018)


Barbara Tuchman Interview - A Distant Mirror The 14th ...
YouTube · Yuri I

Landon Lecture | Barbara Tuchman
YouTube · Landon Lecture Series
