2021年4月2日 星期五

2004的blog "Simon University" 幾條:淺談set piece;Hans:二十一世紀的科學品質:蕃薯夢;英文:Sony v Apple;溫故知新:王世襄《髹飾錄解說》;報章英文:欣賞adobe建築,談Adobe公司;吃大豆 無法防骨質疏鬆


2004-07-10 11:16:53 評論賞析|其他評論

2004-07-09 12:41:04 評論賞析|藝術人文
淺談set piece

2004-07-09 00:21:46 評論賞析|其他評論
Hans:二十一世紀的科學品質:蕃薯夢;英文:Sony v Apple

2004-07-09 00:17:43 評論賞析|其他評論

2004-07-08 17:02:30 評論賞析|其他評論
報章英文:欣賞adobe建築,談Adobe公司;吃大豆 無法防骨質疏鬆

【讀到THE BOSTON POPS如何紀念其指揮,看到pianissimo.極輕,由於他的書都不在身邊,中文GOOGLE他,得張繼高張繼高. 必須贏的人. 九歌. 1995. 957-560-360-5. 03. AC 150 .C4983 1995. 張繼高. 從精緻到完美. 九歌. 「哲人已遠--憶張繼高」:『收拾禪心侍鏡台, 沾泥殘絮有沉哀;湘弦洒遍胭脂淚,香火重生劫後灰。 (曼殊之詩, 錄自張繼高的樂府春秋)』
The Pops, under Harry Ellis Dickson, its assistant conductor for 25 years, noted Mr. Fiedler's death last night by beginning its concert in Boston's Symphony Hall with his signature piece, John Phillip Sousa's "Stars and Stripes Forever," played pianissimo.極輕 After the first few bars, Mr. Dickson walked away from the podium, leaving the orchestra to play on leaderless.

順便GOOGLE忠樸,感嘆…….周末看公視HARD GOODBYES: MY FATHER(童年舊事),他感謝雙親教他許多,缺的只是沒教他「告別」……】



「婆娑*世界大宋國 福州玄妙山….. 」
*婆娑:梵語saha ,意譯為"忍土" "忍界"等,意指忍受各種煩惱 困苦的世界。

--(日)道元 (1200-53) <<正法眼藏>> (何燕生譯注,北京:宗教文化出版社,2003 )p.76, 第七 <一顆明珠>

((<<國語辭典>> 中的"婆娑"






Old Norse. 古代斯堪的那維亞(人[語])的,西斯堪的那維亞(人[語])的;挪威(人[語])的
TALE 【古‧文】 計算;總計,總額
• The shepherd tells his tale [the tale of his sheep]. 牧羊人點清他的羊數.
• The tale is complete. 數目不錯 ,並無短缺.
2. A number told or counted off; a reckoning by count; an enumeration; a count, in distinction from measure or weight; a number reckoned or stated.
The ignorant, . . . who measure by tale, and not by weight. --Hooker.
And every shepherd tells his tale, Under the hawthornn in the dale.

In packing, they keep a just tale of the number --Carew.

典故:There shall no straw be given you, yet shall ye deliver the tale of bricks.

出 埃 及 記 Exodus 5:17 [hb5] 但法老說、你們是懶惰的、你們是懶惰的、所以說、容我們去祭祀耶和華。
[kjv] But he said, Ye are idle, ye are idle: therefore ye say, Let us go and do sacrifice to the LORD.
[bbe] But he said, You have no love for work: that is why you say, Let us go and make an offering to the Lord.
5:18 [hb5] 現在你們去作工吧、草是不給你們的、磚卻要如數交納。
[kjv] Go therefore now, and work; for there shall no straw be given you, yet shall ye deliver the tale of bricks.
[bbe] Go now, get back to your work; no dry stems will be given to you, but you are to make the full number of bricks.
5:19 [hb5] 以色列人的官長聽說、你們每天作磚的工作一點不可減少、就知道是遭遇禍患了。
[kjv] And the officers of the children of Israel did see that they were in evil case, after it was said, Ye shall not minish ought from your bricks of your daily task.
[bbe] Then the responsible men of the children of Israel saw that they were purposing evil when they said, The number of bricks which you have to make every day will be no less than before.
淺談set piece

「謝謝「路人」的set-piece 為「橋段之英文」之指引。它可以寫篇關鍵字。小讀者等人有沒興趣?」我自己來,因為我碰到這字眼已兩年,剛好可以趁機整理一下。
我起先不認為set piece是「橋段」,不過它值得我們認識。或許我錯了,詳後文。
兩年前比較過兩本辭典對於set piece的翻譯。【朗文當代高級英語詞典】的解釋
:A set piece以固定程式和風格安排的具有特殊效果的場面、片段。

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary有特殊效果的場面、片段,不必然與主題相關。
set piece is part of a film, play, etc. which is exciting and attracts attention, but is often not a necessary part of the story or does not cause the story to develop.
The musical has no real story - it just consists of a series of set pieces


我還收一比較難的句子:Mr. Columbus, in contrast, is a master of the obvious and the emphatic. After the boisterous clowning of the opening set piece -which involves the ritual humiliation of the Dursleys, Harry's swinish Muggle guardians -the picture settles down into a plodding, heavy rhythm.

Toget 軟體下載:... 你可以扮演其中歷史上留名的人物。 遊戲中涵蓋了美國歷史上十多個有名的戰爭,包括:: classic set piece battles at Dettingen (1743); Almanza (1707); wide-ranging(1777);…

The idea is that you used *some* of your 10 seconds of maneuvering to get a bead on your foe, but you weren't able to just sit there aiming. Weapon Acc is mostly used for carefully placed shots in "realistic," wargames-style set-piece battles.

昨天查WordNet Dictionary
「SET-PIECE: Dictionary Entry and Meaning
Definition: [n] a piece of scenery intended to stand alone as part of the stage setting n. set piece, n. 【物】 (舞台上的)單件立體佈景. See Also: scene, scenery」

 最讓我滿意的是 The New Oxford American Dictionary【這一說法可以當"橋段"的定義】
set piece
'a thing that has been carefully or elaborately planned or composed, in particular:
 a self-contained passage or section of a novel, play, film or piece of music arranged in an elaborate or conventional patterned for maximum effect. 這一說法可以當"橋段"的定義

 其他如一篇精心設計或準備的演講稿

* 這在足球賽的free kick或scrum精心安排的戰術:妨礙敵隊得分set piece。其他類似:「當在比賽中你獲得了一個任意球之後,先仔細觀察場上隊員的位置。如果你覺得當前隊員的站位不甚理想時,可以按下空白鍵——注意,此時並不是在變換陣形,而是在做罰球前的戰術扯動(set piece)」;

* 同理,煙火的花樣設計等等

Hans:二十一世紀的科學品質管理法:蕃薯夢;英文學習:Sony v Apple

如果一年四季, 都可以在一定的時間, 要求一定數量, 和均一品質的蕃茄上市, 要如何栽種呢?

胡適當年提出「要怎樣收穫先那樣栽」這句口號時, 可能想像不到二十一世紀的農業栽培正是這句話的實踐。

目前, 日本可果美公司正積極引進源自荷蘭的大面積溫室栽培來栽種優質蕃茄(3公頃高5公尺溫室), 利用電腦控制的特性, 可完全將蕃茄的生長環境所需的最佳溫度,溼度,養份調配和施肥等, 加以自動化科學管理, 而達成定時,定質,定量和成本低廉(現有五倍的高產量)的蕃茄生產 。

可果美公司已經有三座大型溫室栽培場的成功經驗, 接著更要建立比目前還大三倍的溫室栽培場, 並有計劃的在日本推廣, 隨季節調節供需, 以取代現由委託300戶農民生產的傳統模式。

最大的困難是, 能熟練的安裝溫室的大型玻璃套件的荷蘭工人(三年經驗), 因不符合具有十年以上工作經驗的條件, 在申請較長期的工作居留時, 會被日本政府以不合乎專家資格而打回票。


從來, 以不斷改善和良率提昇的歸納法, 是二十世紀的品質管理。

二十一世紀, 不良率要達到零, 事前調整作業工程, 設計機械, 通過檢驗得出結果。.

這需要以零不良率和資源的最佳利用為目標, 和開發畫期性的生產技術等演繹手法。

Apple Challenges Sony's Claims
Over Music Player's Capacity

Apple Computer Inc., aiming to protect the lead of its iPod digital music player, launched a verbal strike against rival Sony Corp.'s new Network Walkman music player, which is designed to be an iPod killer.
【killer 3 something that destroys something:
This chemical is found in most weed killers.】

In a statement, Apple said Sony isn't accurately depicting the song capacity of its new 20-gigabyte Network Walkman. While Sony says the device can hold 13,000 tracks, Apple alleges that the Japanese electronics giant, in calculating the storage capacity of the Network Walkman, is using songs that are compressed into digital files of inferior fidelity to those that Apple uses to calculate how many songs the iPod can hold (digital music of lower quality take up less storage but delivers poorer sound than high-quality songs). As a result, Apple posits, Sony's Walkman actually holds only 4,800 songs that have been compressed into a higher quality format.
"We're disappointed that Sony, which is new to this market, has decided to make their first impression by attempting to mislead the press and customers," Apple said in a statement.

Apple's statement comes in response to the big marketing splash that Sony made last week when it unveiled its $399 20-gigabyte Network Walkman. During its announcement, Sony showed how its new Walkman is smaller than Apple's iPod and it also said that the device, using its ATRAC data-compression technology, could hold 13,000 songs. In contrast, Apple's 20-gigabyte iPod holds 5,000 songs and its 40-gigabyte iPod holds 10,000 songs.

【splash noun [C]
something or someone bright or very noticeable:
The little girl in her flowery dress provides the only splash of colour in the picture】

That Apple, which is normally tight-lipped about its products, will now engage in a war of words with Sony shows how far the Cupertino, Calif. company will go to protect the market share lead that its iPod digital music player has gained over the past few years. Indeed, the iPod has been a source of new growth for Apple, forming about 15% of the company's overall revenues. The device has rejuvenated interest in Apple even as sales of its core Macintosh computer models have slowed. According to the Yankee Group, the iPod brand has a 50% to 60% share of the U.S. market for hard-drive-based audio players.

【rejuvenate verb [T]
1 to make someone look or feel young and energetic again:
She felt rejuvenated by her fortnight in the Bahamas.

2 to make an organization or system more effective, productive and modern by introducing new methods and ideas:
He has decided to rejuvenate the team by bringing in a lot of new, young players.】

"Sony chose to play marketing games so we wanted to set things right so that people could compare the devices apples to apples," said Greg Joswiak, Apple's vice president of hardware product marketing.
Sony reacted angrily to Apple's statement. Todd Schrader, Sony Electronics' vice president of portable audio products, said that the "Walkman has always been about choice." He said consumers can play songs on the Walkman in either a high quality or low quality format. He noted the new music player also has 30 hours of battery life, which is "three times more than the competition."

Mr. Schrader also took issue with Apple's characterization that Sony is new to the digital music market. He said Sony has been in the market since 1999 and currently has several music player products priced from $59 to $399 that can play digital music downloaded from a personal computer. "Sony isn't a one trick pony," he said.

【take issue with sth FORMAL
to disagree strongly:
I took issue with him over his interpretation of the instructions.】


王世襄《髹飾錄解說》(北京:文物出版社,1998再版(1983初版/1958油印) 787×1092, 1/16開)

「……. 世襄是先把《髹飾錄》中的名詞、術語摘錄出來,編成索引……..通過綜合比較來探索其意義。我們著述末附索引的為數不多,而世襄研讀此書卻是從編索引入手的。」(《髹飾錄解說》 p.251 載 附錄五:朱家溍「昂首猶作花,誓結豐碩子」---王世襄和他的《髹飾錄解說》)。


「45 四失:制度不中(不鬻市)、工過不改(是謂過)、器成不省(不忠乎)、倦懶不力(不可雕)」【賣不出去,表示不適用;不合規格也不返工、改過;完成不檢查;漆器胎骨過於偷工減料。】

「46 三病:獨巧不傳(國工守累世,俗匠擅一時。)、巧趣不貫(如巧拙造車,男女同席。)、文彩不適(貂狗何相續,紫朱豈共宜?))」【秘不傳人不好;器物各部分趣味不一致、缺乏統一和完整;花紋和色彩不協調。】


5/20 舊文

《雕漆器的故事》 索予明撰,台北:故宮博物院,1995

【明】黃成著 楊明注 《髹飾錄:合印日本蒹葭堂藏本 朱氏丁卯年刊本》王世襄編,北京:中國人民大學出版社,2004


讀種種「過」之缺點分類、解說…. 學品管的,都無法忘懷。

注音一式 ㄐ|ㄢ ㄐ|ㄚ
解釋 荻草與蘆葦。詩經˙秦風˙蒹葭:蒹葭蒼蒼,白露為霜。元˙鄭光祖˙倩女離魂˙第二折:近蓼洼,望平花,有折蒲衰柳老蒹葭。


報章英文:欣賞adobe建築,談Adobe公司;吃大豆 無法防骨質疏鬆

「 沿途望去,荒漠蒼涼,沙丘隆起大地,來到聖塔菲──新墨西哥州的首府,地勢陡地拔高了六千呎……放眼只有一種顏色,泥磚屋(Adobe)的土顏色。真的,處處都是泥磚屋,甚至博得「泥磚屋博物館城」的美名。
  聖搭菲政府規定,城內一律只能蓋「泥磚屋」(Adobe),可以使用各種泥土(mud),可是你猜猜看,合格的泥土顏色有幾種呢?答案:二十四種。…….從自家的院子裏挖取現成的泥土,摻雜適量的水和乾草,捏成一塊塊泥磚,以雙腳使勁踩硬成型,然後擱在太陽下曬幾天,便可用來當磚塊,砌牆壁、築牆…….」(成寒/著《泥磚屋的浪漫與品味》 2004-07-07)


Santa Fe is renowned for its arts, tricultural (Native American, Hispanic, and Anglo) heritage, and adobe architecture. The Pueblo people introduced adobe to the Spanish, who in turn developed the adobe brick style of construction. In a relatively dry, treeless region, adobe was a suitable natural building material. Melding into the landscape with their earthen colors and rounded, flowing lines, the pueblos and villages were hard to see from afar and thus somewhat camouflaged from raiding nomadic tribes. The region's distinctive architecture no longer repels visitors, it attracts them.

((聖塔菲以其藝術匯聚、三文化(美洲土著、美洲西班牙、安閣魯)之傳承和adobe建築物聞名。美州Pueblo土著將adobe建築法教西班牙人,西班牙人再發展出adobe的磚頭營建風格。該地區相對地乾燥、看不見樹木,所以過去選adobe當自然建材頗合適。Adobe建築物得的泥土色與周遭景色相融、而且其圓滑而流暢線條、印地安聚落和村莊從遠處不容易看出來,對於侵略的遊牧部族而言,類似可隱藏的保護色澤。該地區的特殊建築不再使訪客退避,反而很有吸引力。)) for reference only by hc

【Pueblo Pronunciation: 'pweblow, 'pweblow
1. [n] a communal village built by Indians in the southwestern U.S.
2. [n] a city in Colorado south of Colorado Springs
[n] a member of any of about two dozen Native American peoples called pueblos by the Spanish because they live in villages built of adobe and rock】
日本的Important 翻成「大事なこと」:

(「大事なこと」 Important Things バーバラ・L・グリーンバーグ(Barbara L. Greenberg)Tr:小川高義(Takayoshi Ogawa)
文藝春秋(Bungei Shunju)アンソロジー(Anthology)
http://homepage1.nifty.com/ta/bun/an.htm ;這部Anthology可觀)

問:如果碰到下句 ' I have a really big and important meeting in a couple of days.' 不知道如何翻譯?

**** HC將中應的一篇同一主題的中英文加注--牛頭馬嘴

吃大豆 無法防骨質疏鬆

〔編譯吳直耕╱綜合六、七日外電報導〕根據荷蘭科學家在最新一期「美國醫學協會期刊」(The Journal of the American Medical Association.JAMA)發表的研究,原本醫學界普遍認為可以用來替代雌激素(estrogen)的大豆粉(Naturally occurring compounds called isoflavones, which are found in soybeans),其實並不會增加停經婦女(postmenopausal women)的骨質密度(did not decrease bone loss/ bone-mineral density,)和記憶力(concentration problems associated with menopause),或是降低血液中的膽固醇含量(elevated cholesterol)。

  荷蘭烏特勒支(Utrecht 名城)的大學醫學中心研究員凱絲柏表示:「研究結果確實非常令人失望。如果大豆可以當作替代品就好了。」由於賀爾蒙替代療法(或稱賀爾蒙補充療法hormone therapy. )所使用的雌激素與黃體素可能導致心臟疾病(stroke,)、乳癌(some forms of cancer.)和衰老( dementia .),醫學界急於尋找替代品。大豆所含的異黃酮能夠發揮與雌激素一樣的效果,學界原本認為大豆可以防範停經後所導致的骨質疏鬆症和其他症狀。

  不過,凱絲柏針對兩百零二名年齡介於六十至七十五歲女性的研究卻得到與學界一般認知不同的結果。研究人員將參與研究的婦女分成兩組,其中一組婦女每天食用二十五‧六公克摻雜在食物或飲料中的一種大豆蛋白補充品(Solae soy protein),另一組婦女每天食用奶類蛋白補充品(milk-based protein)。雖然先前曾有研究顯示大豆有效,但凱絲柏的研究顯示,在分別服用蛋白補充品與奶類蛋白補充品一年後,兩組婦女的心智功能(concentration problems associated with menopause)、骨質密度和膽固醇含量均無明顯差異。


(HC:上文中concentration problems associated with menopause: 女性月經期相關的注意力不集中諸問題……)

July 7, 2004
Study Questions Soy Protein Therapy

CHICAGO, July 6 (Reuters) - Soy protein, a supplement many doctors recommend as a substitute for hormone therapy for postmenopausal women, did not decrease bone loss or affect other symptoms in a study of Dutch women, researchers reported Tuesday.

Naturally occurring compounds called isoflavones, which are found in soybeans, are thought to mimic estrogen compounds in hormone therapy.

Some women want to avoid hormone therapy because recent studies have indicated that long-term use could raise the risk of stroke, dementia and some forms of cancer.

In the new study, which followed 175 Dutch women for a year, half the participants consumed a soy protein supplement daily, and the other half took a milk-based protein. Researchers found that soy protein did not affect declining bone-mineral density, elevated cholesterol or concentration problems associated with menopause.

However, the researchers said the study might not be conclusive because of the women's relatively advanced age, which ranged from 60 to 75, when menopausal symptoms might already be entrenched.

For instance, loss of bone mineral density is often greater when menopause begins and then tends to slow, said the lead researcher, Sanne Kreijkamp-Kaspers of the University Medical Center in Utrecht in the Netherlands.

Though soy protein can still be a healthy source of protein, its effect on menopausal symptoms needs to be studied further, Dr. Kreijkamp-Kaspers wrote in the report, which was published in The Journal of the American Medical Association.



我想寫Fido Dido 101- Or- Living Life in the Third Lane
Ferrone Joanna, Rose Susan的翻譯評論,想用這字眼。不過《教育部 國語辭典》沒收它。而 internet有兩大類:「……華北路和一環路磨子橋段由原來的4車道增寬至6車道的方案,……」這與我無關。

『... 科幻世界中有所謂的「五大橋段」,很少有科幻電影可以脫離這幾個橋段而獨立存在,這五個橋段便是「外星人、時光旅行、四度空間、機械人、世界末日」。在「魔鬼終結者」中,未來世界經歷了「機械人」發動的「世界末日 ... 』
『橋段漫畫橋段省思多. 哪些是大家覺得常常出現,已經被「寫爛」,被視為「老套」的劇情或橋段呢?】. 周星馳戲仿國外電影精彩橋段』
『周星馳本人是個電影迷,戲仿國外電影就成了他的興趣 ... 言情高手包裝愛情橋段. 言情高手包裝愛情橋段 把20世紀的愛情故事翻過來調過去』
『影片中有些幽默非常精緻,有些幽默很英國化。比如扔大衣的橋段、原子筆的橋段…… 』


陳言言 留言:「我想是不是sketch. 法文借用自英文,也用這個字。」
小讀者留言(一):「看這些用例,此橋似乎毫無"bridging"之意。所以和橋劇, 串場, 過門, 過渡樂段等具有in-between或connecting作用的意義無關.
有可能是下列諸義, 視情況而異混用:scene: 那一"景";segment: 那一"段";
theme/idea/device/ploy: 概念, 手法, 設計, 笑點...。
這個詞在老廣中很常用, 會不會是港製入台的外來語?
問了香港朋友, 認為大致就是上列這些意思...
(這問題也有人問過噢台中圖書館也無解... (2004/02/26的提問之一)
http://www.ntl.gov.tw/refsev/refask/93/9302262.htm )」

「有趣! 連問了兩個港人, 第一個反應都是:the idea...
the idea behind the (whole film)...
the storyline, how it is told, played out...
the theme of a scene or the movie...
而且最重要的, "We Cantonese/Hongkongese have been saying/using this for ages". 所以起碼這在他們是"老詞"了 」

以下的bits of plot不知算不算「橋段」?

Richard says, "Love Actually is meant to be a real spoiling experience. I tried to work out the extra bits of plot and get straight from 'A' to 'F.' It's like watching the edited highlights of several stories, yet put together, they all combine to an overall story-even though there are a lot of different ingredients, they form one cogent taste."



The plot of the film is basically not bad. There were a few comedy pieces that makes the viewers feel a bit relaxed while the rest is quite tense.

順便一提,老廣不說「設計橋段」,他們的搭配用法是「度橋」,「度」是破音字。 」

Fido Dido 101- Or- Living Life in the Third Lane byFerrone Joanna, Rose Susan(「菲都狄都的另類生活」(北京:三聯,20003))

這書名或許採自life in the fast lane(a way of living which is full of excitement, activity and often danger:)之反諷。不過,「the Third Lane」或許還有比「另類生活」意義更廣。

我說不過細緻,可用人物參考指南中的主角FIDO DIDO為例:
原文:IDENFIFYING MARKS: eyes, ears, nose, hair – T-shirt displaying his own noncommittal kisser.

翻譯漏掉noncommittal kisser。【我這篇評語似乎也蜻蜓點水……】
kisser 日常用語(INFORMAL) 有兩義,如下兩例:
Oh, he's a wonderful kisser (= he's good at kissing), my boyfriend!
OLD-FASHIONED SLANG She punched him right in the kisser (= mouth).
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

noncommittal 形容「不願承擔(義務),說起話顧左右而言它」(not expressing an opinion or decision:)
淺釋technical speaking

我從1979年注意到'technical'這字的意義和用法,因為我的部門名稱為'Technical Efficiency & Organization'。我服務的是家荷蘭公司Philips,我發現他們的經濟學造詣不錯,用字遣詞都很有古典學門的意義,我們在投資的經濟分析用的字眼為'rentability'。又譬如說,efficiency 通常只翻譯為「效率」,然而它是經濟學中的key word,可以指整體組織的績效(可參考H. A. Simon的『管理行為』等書)。

'Technical Efficiency & Organization'中的technical,只要是指工廠/生產/製造,與業務/銷售等相對而言。本文是幾周前看到談'technical speaking'的心得摘要。
據《譯文版 英漢大詞典》,'technical'解釋: 「嚴格根據法律(或規則)的、嚴格照字面解釋的、技術性的。」它並列出運動方面長用的
technical foul 技術犯規;technical knockout (拳擊賽的)技術得勝;
technical seargeant美國陸軍上士或空軍技術軍士…等詞目。
據Webster's 1913 Dictionary的定義相當寬:
technically \Tech"nic*al*ly\, adv.
In a technical manner; according to the signification of
terms as used in any art, business, or profession.
(按:signification noun [C] SPECIALIZED the meaning (of a word) )
所以technically speaking 指可以用在任何藝術類、商業上或任何專業上使用的詞的意義而言。
【丁連財先生在書林書店網站和翻譯工作坊(2004/6/21 )的專文說道:「自由時報6月12日39版左方 馬克安東尼 急婚頭恐無效 (急著和珍妮佛洛培茲結婚)那則新聞的第六行,出現台灣媒體與翻譯界因為英文程度不佳,而出現的誤譯:

technically or technically speaking 在英英字典的解釋:according to the exact meaning, fact, etc. (Oxford);according to the exact details of a rule or law (Longman);according to a strict way of understanding the meaning of a rule or a set of facts (MacMillan) 。比較好的英漢字典(包括華文世界中品牌較佳的東華英漢大辭典),除了列出技術、技術上這種國中程度的英文解釋之外,都會加上嚴格來說、就法律做嚴格解釋而言的解釋。

此則新聞明顯誤解原文 technically or technically speaking 的意思。


1南北韓在韓戰後只簽署停戰協定(truce),沒有簽訂和平條約(peace treaty),就技術而言,雙方仍處於交戰狀態(technically speaking , they are still at war)


hc讀了,覺得不錯,寫道:「謝謝(對於technically speaking的正卻英文解釋)。不過,這樣翻譯成「嚴格來說」,會不會與strictly speaking(being completely accurate)

hc特別上網查了十頁的日文引言,就technical speaking 找出兩翻譯(使用頻繁的「就專業技術而言」,就不列舉了。)
Technically speaking,... 有兩種翻譯:「就法義上而言」(法的に言うと……です) ;「就專門的學科的定義而言」(専門的に言うと)。

'technically speaking'的一些用法舉例:

I feel bright green. I think I am less a novelist than a queasy cleric, taking down the minutes of real life. Technically speaking, I am also, I suppose, an accessory before the fact, but to hell with all that for now. I woke up today and thought: If London is a spider's web, then where do I fit?

However, technically speaking 親切 is what is represented by the act of Good Samaritan in the Bible, meaning going out of one's way to help, but this does not necessrily mean he is 優しい, which means that he is gentle of disposition and sweet-tempered. ...

Technically speaking, the year 2000 is not in the twenty-first century',

Such issue is not capable of being eliminated by the monitor's control. Technically speaking, the large size of CRT monitor is much difficult to make it perfect at all. This G520 has already kept such issue at a minimal level. I believe that CRT technology will be an end game after 2003. ...

Jack : So what you are saying is that I can use it at the cafe you visited? Mary : Technically speaking, yes. However in order to use such services, you have to first sign an agreement with the service provider. Jack : I see. Can I use this service at locations other than cafes? Mary : Absolutely! ...

The exploitation of dance can be seen in Blue Heart, even though that play does not technically speaking make use of dance. The repetition, with slight variations and at different ...

Technically speaking it is not legal to keep any of the 4 protected subspecies, whether they are CB or not in most countries where the herp hobby is popular.
我認為或許讀者願意到劍橋大學出版社辭典去查一下 其他諸如properly speaking 等的用法。


'One useful portrayal of the Deming philosophy, the Joiner Triangle, shows this concern with the customer.' (顧客滿意等學問,請參考「第四代管理」和鍾漢清主編、翻譯翻譯的「戴明叢書」)

customer noun [C] a person who buys goods or a service:例子:
a satisfied customer
Mrs. Wilson is one of our regular customers.

custom (TRADE) noun [U]
the support given to a business, especially a shop, by the people who buy things or services from it:
Most of our custom comes from tourists nowadays.
If we don't give good service, people will take their custom elsewhere. 】

例如:難應付的人 a tough customer
the fish is a slippery customer and very hard to catch
cool customer INFORMAL
someone who stays calm and does not show their emotions, even in a difficult situation】

The customer is always right. SAYING
said to emphasize that in business, it is very important not to disagree with a customer or make them angry

customer services plural noun
the part of an organization which answers customers' questions, exchanges goods which have been damaged, etc.
負責這種顧客服務的人即稱為customer services representative ,簡稱csr。

網路書店多有所謂CUSTOMER REVIEW/RATING 等項目,讓「顧客」表達其「偏見」。
晚近在品質管理上特別重視「顧客的真正心聲」(voice of the customer

20世紀30年代起,美國的通信業、零售業等開始認識行銷和廣告為企業重要一環,可以用統計學等工具來幫忙處理。這種研究稱為customer research。

昨天的華爾街日報報導:美國證管會(SEC)對於電信服務業(含有線電視)的基礎數據「顧客數」(customer count)的界定不清楚、各行其是等情形很關心,我想這應該會發展出像獨立的媒體發行量稽查等單位,來協助諸利害關係人取得可靠的資料。 此處再說明DEMING所強調的「可運作的定義」(Operational Definition 作業定義)之重要。

SEC Probes Hazy Notion of 'Customer'
TECHNOLOGY UPDATE: SEC Probes Hazy Notion of 'Customer' July 6, 2004

The Securities and Exchange Commission's probe into how telecommunications and cable companies count their customers highlights the varying and sometimes inconsistent standards companies use to keep track of that most fundamental asset.
In recent weeks, the SEC has sent inquiries to at least 20 of the largest phone and cable companies in the U.S. asking how they count customers, in an apparent effort to detect possible exaggerations. The companies that have received letters include the local-service Bell regional phone companies, AT&T Corp., AT&T Wireless Services Inc., and two of the nation's largest cable companies, Cox Communications Inc. and Comcast Corp. The regional phone companies are also being asked about their wireless operations.
News of the inquiry last week came one day before Verizon Communications Inc., the largest phone company in the U.S. by revenue, said it had overstated its number of long-distance lines by nearly 9% in the first quarter. Verizon said the overstatement, which has no impact on its financial results, was the result of a software error that was discovered independently of the SEC's inquiry....

關於The Hobbit(魔戒前傳)的小段譯評和其他

我1978年買The Hobbit,2004年初在ylib的「聊齋」,有人問(魔戒前傳)的英文名字,我寫下:「雖然我是(台灣翻譯此系列作品的)局外人,不過我認為將這一20世紀新字hobbit掩藏起來,這做法應該抗議。因為如此一來,

我在Simon University曾將大陸版本中的一段,請梁永安先生和張瑞麟先生評論一下
---梁兄 please comment

After that they stopped pleading. Then they took off their clothes and bathed in the river, which was shallow and clear and stony at the ford. When they had dried in the sun, which was now strong and warm, they were refreshed, if still sore and a little hungry. Soon they crossed the ford (carrying the hobbit). and then begin to march through the long green grass and down the lines of wide-armed oaks and the tall elms. ( p.102 chapter 7)

大陸版本:「小矮人不再求剛多爾夫了。他們偷了衣服到河裡洗澡。 河水清澈見底。洗完之後,他們在溫暖的陽光下曬乾,精神了許多。只是肚子餓, 身上疼。 很快他們就涉過淺灘(背著霍比特人) 向那碧綠的草地走去。 一抱粗的橡樹和高高的榆樹隨處可見。」

梁先生改譯為:「小矮人不再求剛多爾夫了。他們脫了衣服到河裡洗澡。 河水清淺 淺灘處石頭累累。洗完之後,他們在轉強轉暖的陽光下曬乾,精神了許多。只是肚子有點餓, 身上疼。 很快他們就涉過淺灘(背著霍比特人) ,走進碧綠的草地,走過一排排粗粗的櫟樹和高高的榆樹。」

---瑞麟兄的comments. (原文彩色標示)
After that they stopped pleading. Then they took off their clothes and bathed in the river, which was shallow and clear and stony at the ford. When they had dried in the sun, which was now strong and warm, they were refreshed, if still sore and a little hungry. Soon they crossed the ford (carrying the hobbit). and then begin to march through the long green grass and down the lines of wide-armed oaks and the tall elms. ( p.102 chapter 7)

小矮人不再求剛多爾夫了。他們偷了衣服到河裡洗澡。 河水清澈見底。洗完之後,他們在溫暖的陽光下曬乾,精神了許多。只是肚子餓, 身上疼。 很快他們就涉過淺灘(背著霍比特人) 向那碧綠的草地走去。 一抱粗的橡樹和高高的榆樹隨處可見。

1. carrying the hobbit 原文並沒有指出 on one's back,所以譯文「背著」不知是否有前文為依據?
2. march through 應該「要穿過去」,而不只是「向……走去」;既然是 march through,那麼就不只是碧綠的草地,我認為草深至少及腰;
3. 原文 wide-armed 前面應該有冠詞 the ,才能與後面的 the tall 對稱,而形成 the lines of the... and the ....;此段譯文「隨處可見」好像是說兩種樹零零落落的散布著,其實原文用的是 the lines,我想應該是成排成列的模樣;而 wide-armed 我不認為是「一抱粗」,應該是樹枝像兩臂張開的樣子。
17:15 2004/2/28
1. stoppped 只是暫停而已,並不表示一定「不再」;
2. took off 的譯文「偷了」大概是你輸入錯誤?
3. 關於這條河的描述不夠充分,shallow 與 stony at the ford 譯文沒有表現出來;
4. 太陽是在後來才既 strong 又 warm(前段是過去完成式had dried後段是過去式was);
5. were refreshed 的譯文「精神了許多」,不知所云?
6. begin 的時態不對,應該是 began
16:40 2004/2/28

****後來我將該書的一小段送廖女士,她當時投入翻譯Pale Fire

Far over the misty mountains cold
To drungeons deep and caverns old
We must away ere break of day,
To seek the pale enchanted gold.
(這是採自The Hobbit的)

又 Kazuo Ishiguro (石黑一雄)的少作 A Pale View of Hills 有人翻譯為<<群山淡景>>。



重譯的情形很多種,「重譯者」可以是自己或他人。譬如說,前者有蕭乾-文潔若的《尤里西斯》、某兄妹(陳平原)隔50年後,再譯羅曼 羅蘭的某部貝多芬…….。 我想,做文章起碼有兩種方式:如「羅素、梁實秋」等人文風穩定,可以用不著重來(就自己的文風和標準)。然而,翻譯還是「市場」導向,只要有人自認為:彼對某名著,可以「自成一家或另眼相看」,又沒有著作權的限制,加上有人願意投資創業(市場潛力大),就可嘗試製作新譯或新書---以今日漢文市場規模和分散程度,對出版流通而言,是無窮大、是多重區隔化(繁簡;出版的通路等等……)。
所以,重譯多少可以看做對翻譯者-出版者的「挑戰和機會」,或對潛在讀者的「(反)服務」。其中,固然有「譯藝」想法,然而「政經社會」因素也極重要。……最近,讀紐約時報,英文的L. 托爾斯泰作品大賣,肥了翻譯者,因為版稅他們賺。這可作為談助 。」
小讀者留言:「版主所言甚是.。重譯現象, 不論是為挑戰, 為愈精, 為市場...通常是必然, 有時甚至是必須的.。
小讀者再度聲明, 我只是針對"為新世代語言而重譯"這項理由, 將譯本文字之時代性與原本文字的時代性並置觀看, 在無聊地窮格而已. 就算我在進行一種counter-reading吧... :-) 【hc按:留言中有其為wo找counter-reading的意義和許多引文處。】」
rl 留言:「re: 重譯
台長二月來訪時惠送的北京大學出版社發行之《文學與翻譯》(許淵沖著)內有兩篇關於重譯的文章:〈談重譯〉(p.208)和〈為什麼重譯《約翰‧克里斯托夫》〉(p.571),不妨找來參考。 」
【hc按:加入舊檔案:廖月娟女士在上周的Simon University說:"…..如獲至寶。特別是許淵冲先生的《文學與翻譯》,那可是他六十年翻譯生涯的經驗結晶。更了不起的是他中學西譯的成就。……他提到的理論與實踐之間的落差(以傅雷做為檢驗的對象)極有見地。他的重譯的確比傅雷更為「神似」。

我認為傅譯有他那個時代的限制,才學再高,資訊管道不夠暢通,總有一些難以克服的、瑣碎的疑難。就像我譯Vertosick的《聽疼痛說話》(Why We Hurt),即使我不是學醫的,有些點還是有深入的可能。例如,我發現作者在第四章對PLD的論述不夠精確,作者說,這是八○年代出現的術式。其實不然,所謂的PLD(經皮下椎間盤切除術percutaneous lumber discectomy,在X光導引下,利用一套具有自動切割、抽吸及沖洗功能的探針,經皮下放入椎間盤中央,把髓核切除後抽出,以減低椎間盤壓力),首例在一九七五年即已出現,是日本醫師Hijikata做的。我只得更正年代、補了譯注。文獻沒有漢字,也得把漢字還原出來:土方研一)。"



他認為董樂山把Hilter was the fate of the German people(語出德軍總司令勃勞希契)譯為「希特勒是德國人民的劫數」,譯得固然好,但還不夠好,因為「從全句看來,說一個人是"劫數"就不通順易懂了,如果改成 "希特勒給德國人民帶來了一場浩劫",不是更充分表達了原文的含意嗎?」

hc 留言兩留言:「查《教育部 國語辭典》「譯」

1 將一種語言文字,轉換為另一種語言文字,使人易於瞭解。
《廣雅疏證˙卷三˙釋詁》 :「譯,見也。疏證:見者,著見之義,謂傳宣言語使相通曉也。」《唐˙白居 易˙蘇州重元寺法華院石壁經碑文》:「以華言唐文譯刻釋氏經典,自經品眾佛號以 降字加金焉。」
2解釋。《魏書˙卷一一四˙釋老志》:「後有天竺沙門曇柯迦羅入洛,宣譯戒律,中國 誡律之始也。」《唐˙柳宗元˙天對》:「盡邑以墊,孰譯彼夢?」

Webster's 1913 Dictionary
5. To render into another language; to express the sense of in the words of another language; to interpret; hence, to explain or recapitulate in other words.

Translating into his own clear, pure, and flowing language, what he found in books well known to the world, but too bulky or too dry for boys and girls.

6. To change into another form; to transform.

Happy is your grace, That can translate the stubbornness of fortune Into so quiet and so sweet a style. --Shak. 」
對於"引得學",我是外行 (有些朋友應讀過哈伯馬斯<<>>漢譯本捨德文索引而取英譯本的詳細索引之範例。不過,我以為,如你們的著作,或許可以並用:英文和中文拼音化法,多一version,並非redundant 冗贅,還可讓系統更informative或robust。我的偏見是:用筆畫數法作索引,或應早日揚棄。因為我想不出它的任何優點。當然這只是私見。一般有索引的漢文書,我多會心存感激。】

「評釋」:蘋果日報 每日英語 2004/7/6 "Gazelle ClimaCool pro"

原文:「Representatives from the German 'adidas' company present the new sports glasses "Gazelle ClimaCool pro" on the opening day of the 61st. international trade fair for sports equipment and fashion "ISPO 2004" in Munich, southern Germany, on Sunday. The new eyewear combines a soft, light and flexible frame with improved airflow to keep lenses steam free. 周日在德國南部慕尼黑舉行的第61屆「ISPO 2004」國際運動器材暨時裝商展上,德國愛迪達公司的代表展示了全新的Gazelle ClimaCool pro運動眼鏡。這款眼鏡的鏡框柔軟、很輕、有彈性,讓空氣更流通的設計使得鏡片不會聚集水蒸氣。」

這翻譯可能只有將fashion翻譯成成「時裝」有問題。博覽會(ISPO), 2004年7月4 -- 6日, 體育及休閒用品、滑雪、登山及水上運動用品、運動服裝、箱包、運動鞋、休閒鞋等, 通常稱為「德國慕尼黑國際體育用品博覽會」。
"Gazelle ClimaCool pro" 是註冊商標,如果稍加注解會更好:gazelle如我們說的飛羚;clima cool有些公司取得的「氣候處理」專利。詳後另一文的說明。【「

an African or Asian deer-like animal that moves quickly and gracefully and has large eyes 1. 【動物】 【動】 瞪羚 ( 瞪羚屬羚羊的總稱 )
clima m 1. (atm&oacute;sfera) atmosphere 2. GEO climate」】
airflow 究竟要採專業名詞翻譯或類似報紙的翻譯,我也很難決定。Yahoo!字典這樣說它: 1. 【事】 空氣流動;(飛機、汽車等運動體周圍的)氣流
eyewear 不知是那年的新字眼:1. 【物】 矯正視力或保護眼睛的器材(如普通眼鏡,隱形眼鏡等)(Yahoo!字典)。這基本上沒錯,其實就是戴在眼睛的東西,也許很快就可以將其他許多東西如pc等戴起來「看」。
***** 我在網路上找一些相關的資料,或許解釋得更清楚。
adidas has launched its latest eyewear collection - the Gazelle ClimaCool pro - in Dubai. The new line combines the best of adidas' original Gazelle glasses recognized for providing better grip while running, along with the award winning ClimaCool technology to offer optimum protection from the sun. 【所以跑步時眼鏡的抓著力(grip)最當很重視。】

The Gazelle ClimaCool pro, which focuses on four vital elements- fit, protection, durability and clear vision is distributed in the UAE by Bin Hendi Enterprises and is available at Fashion Optics in Jumeirah Beach Centre and leading optical stores.
Commenting on the introduction of the new eyewear collection, Mr. T N Pratap, CEO, Bin Hendi Enterprises, said, "Considering that health and fashion are such integral elements of the social fabric of the UAE, it is our commitment to offer the finest products and enhance the lifestyle of the discerning consumers who understand and appreciate premium quality." 【此產品的主要品質機能為:fit, protection, durability and clear vision----下文會展開來談它們;注意眼鏡公司可叫Fashion Optics:social fabric參考下列fabric (STRUCTURE) noun
the fabric of sth the structure or parts especially of a social unit or a building:
例子:the fabric of society/Unhappiness was woven into the natural fabric of people's lives./We must invest in the fabric of our hospitals and start rebuilding them.】

"The new adidas eyewear collection aims to provide customers the highest degree of sun protection and its advanced features such as a streamlined sleek frame which is flexible, soft and light will make it an obvious choice for every fitness enthusiast - whether it is for a leisurely jog or for running in marathon events. And with its variety of styles and colours the Gazelle ClimaCool pro forms the essence of the vibrant nature of this city."

Available in striking combinations, the eyewear has great shades for the frame such as indigo, white, black, silver, scarlet and also a choice of the lens colour ranging from clear and grey/orange to silver and orange. To suit different face shapes, the Gazelle ClimaCool pro collection comes in two different sizes and benefits from the patented adidas tri-fit system which gives the option to click the temples to three different positions so that the frame is adjusted to perfectly sit on the head.

"Sophisticated, futuristic designs - with a dash of classic taste - combine to make the new Gazelle ClimaCool pro collection as chic as ever. Gazelle ClimaCool pro will be well received by the fashion savvy consumers and reflects the dynamism of people in Dubai who are constantly on the go," he further added.

The Climacool technology offers superior ventilation addressing the need for ensuring optimum vision with an improved airflow to keep lenses steam free even in conditions of extreme heat. All this takes place without the slightest disturbance to the eyes.

Boasting an advanced technology, the 'Double Snap Nose-Bridge' achieves the ideal resting position of the eyewear on the nose and the 'Traction Grip' on the ends of the temples completes a secure and comfortable fit. Another feature, the 'Quick-Release Hinge' mechanism enables temples to break free under exertion of impact force without damaging the frames.

Gazelle ClimaCool pro is equipped with the revolutionary LST Trail silver lens, which harmonizes light fluctuation, thereby reducing eye strain. The sunglasses are also compatible with adidas eyewear's leading sports vision solution system giving perfect visual correction by having the prescription glazed into a special insert that fits in behind the sports lens.

淺談關鍵字agent和free agent

2004/7/5的「溫故知新:cooking agent 炊媒乎?」一文,介紹agent在諸如烹飪之道種種材料,拉弦樂器等上點松香,用雕刻工具之前滴油,到磨刀石去磨利,用鹽和碳酸氫鹽之屬刷牙,喝咖啡要想提神時,選用道地的咖啡,睡前則喝除掉咖啡因的。上述這些助陣(摧成)的東西gents),儘管尚未證明有效,然而我每回都行禮如儀。

我們談過:【物】 促使起化學[物理,生物學]的變化的東西,如藥品,…劑;病原體等等。不過,AGENT還有「人」與「software」兩面向,須要談一下。

基本上,一位Agent是一(組織-制度-市場-人生中)行動者(動作者 ),如下述:

1. 【人】 代表,代理人;代理商,代理店;代管房地產的人;經紀人《例句》 forwarding agent. 進出口行;2. 【人】 【美‧口】 分店(負責地區)的營業經理人,巡迴推銷員,商務代表,保險公司的代表 ;3. 【人】 【美】 官方工作人員,官吏(警官、機關官員等),(FBI 的) special agent ;4. 【人】 情報員,間諜 【人】 ;5.【美】 印第安人事務官;6. 【人】 【美史】 路劫; 7. 【人】 【政】 大選出納負責人 ;

agent在software的意思很簡單,約7年前,我與Herbert Simon談人工智能在internet的最有前途之應用,可能是用software來幫主人跑腿、事先將你要的東西過濾、選擇、問題解決(含談判協商等等)之後,再送上門給主人,譬如說,你每天固定看的報刊網站等的資訊,早餐前整理出來,送給大人(你啦!)審閱。
【Definition: In the client-server model, the part of the system that performs information preparation and exchange on behalf of a client or server. Especially in the phrase "intelligent agent" it implies some kind of automatic process which can communicate with other agents to perform some collective task on behalf of one or more humans.】
我們談點從agent衍生的相關字眼free agent,它日益重要的。

最鬆散的說,free agent就是脫離固定組織的自由業的【專業】行為者。它的別名很多,如下述 free agents, consultants, freelancers, independent contractors, e-lancers, gurus -- 【We use different words to describe them -- free agents, consultants, freelancers, independent contractors, e-lancers, gurus -- those professionals who have left the safe confines of corporate life to venture out on their own in search of more professional and personal satisfaction. 】我們其實也可以從下述的「契約運動員(FA)」的通義,來了解這類的自由行為者其實也可以說受到其契約的管理,雖然它們可能經常變化著的。

所以說,大陸版的HBR 2003年5月號—「中國最佳雇主特別報導」,
將free agent 翻譯成「自由代理人」(p.31),是不妥善的。
Free Agent(簡稱FA)在【美式】運動界最有名,因為有這種所謂的「自由契約運動員(自由契約選手)制」,使得成員在換球隊和談報酬的能力大為提高。【這制度的細節,我們無法詳談,在自由契約選手與其雇主定的合約中,有許多可以「免費」得自顧主情報、諮商、服務等。】

《例句》 幾年前日本最有名的棒球員決心到美國打天下,當時的新聞這樣說:
Matsui, Japan's most popular and perhaps most talented player, declared himself a free agent last week with the intention of joining a major league team. The announcement, which was not unexpected, set off a wave of conflicting emotions in this baseball-crazed country. Many Japanese were saddened by the loss of another star, while others are eager to see how the country's home run king stacks up against Barry Bonds and Sammy Sosa.( Stack up againt 碟、盤、紀錄等之堆積。)
