2021年4月3日 星期六

訪談中的人物 (28):《與大指揮家Eugene Ormandy 談品質》(RCA Engineers;鍾漢清譯),



RCA Engineers《與大指揮家Ormandy Eugene談品質》(鍾漢清譯), 106-110 《日本式品質管理》(鍾漢清譯), 112n, 116「高手的小集團活動法寶及品管圈經驗談」(鍾漢清)116;「二十一世紀TQM新經濟學:德先生與賽先生的啟示」(鍾漢清), 123;「昆山四講」(鍾漢清), 13Matin R. Smith先生的《品質洞識力》(Qualitysense)「活著就是基督」 ,收入《品質將軍-宋文襄先生紀念文集》(鍾漢清), 411On Some Viewpoints of Dr. Deming's New Economics in His World of Friendship - A Portrait by Hanching Chung, 4n



Ormandy conducting the Philadelphia Orchestra.

Eugene Ormandy KBE (born Jenő Blau; November 18, 1899 – March 12, 1985) was a Hungarian-American conductor and violinist, best known for his association with the Philadelphia Orchestra, as its music director. His 44-year association with the orchestra is one of the longest enjoyed by any conductor with a single orchestra.[1] Under his baton, the Philadelphia Orchestra had three gold records and won two Grammy Awards.[2]
