2020年5月20日 星期三

0520 2020

BBC News 在「 Newsnight clips 」發佈了 1 段影片。

The Chinese government has used the Covid-19 pandemic to “flex its muscles” over trade and geo-political issues, according to the UK’s last governor of Hong Kon……

東海大學建築系 Tunghai Architecture




Millions of Newly Jobless in China Pose a Looming Threat to Xi
China hasn’t confronted unemployment on this scale since the 1990s.

於梨華過世2周,紐約時報才有消息: Yu Lihua, a writer whose portraits of Chinese students and intellectuals in America captured the identity crisis felt by many in the Chinese diaspora, died at her home in the U.S. from Covid-19.

姜 龍訖(1898~1972)1937小說化的回憶錄。漢字似乎要說他的化名。加副標題更清楚:East Goes West: The Making of an Oriental Yankee
"EAST GOES WEST is a stunning testament to Younghill Kang's indomitable spirit, his perspicacious eye, and his special mirth. The book provides us with a rare view of how urban American life was experienced-and critiqued-by Korean immigrants in the 1920s"-Elaine Kim.

Penguin Classics

“Kang wrote EAST GOES WEST as a call to action, a call for the country to live up to the dream it has of itself, and it has kindled in me something I feel quite……

Hope, Fear and Grief: Wuhan After the Lockdown
One month later, people are learning how to navigate life on the other side of the coronavirus crisis.
4h ago
People on the banks of the Yangtze River in Wuhan, China, last week.……


武漢,人間煉獄 LV (55th、五十五):中國相繼出現學生戴口罩運動時猝死。武漢至少50萬人曾染疫; 檢測亂 易感染;希望、恐懼與悲傷:四個武漢人的故事。吉林舒蘭市、豐滿區成高風險區
武漢,人間煉獄 LV (55th、五十五): 近期中國相繼出現學生戴口罩運動時猝死。有例子是學生在體考一千米測試過程中戴N95口罩跑步,呼吸不暢引發猝死。我們要如何在防疫時,在使用口罩中獲得平衡? --- 核酸檢測陽性不代表.....



一面之緣: 馬悅然;張力: 兩扇窗——懷念楊牧先生,王禎和《美人圖》余天和港星阿B(鍾鎮濤)
一面之緣,或終生難忘。 "兩位老先生,成都的流沙河,瑞典的馬悅然,老年時,都倡導:正體字每字都有文化史,終會勝
