2020年2月27日 星期四

"今日"之日不可留:2月27日 0227 2020

義大利報紙標題:Misure Antivirus
Google 翻譯:antivirus measures

看 COVID-19 (the new coronavirus)產業開發:氯喹(Chloroquine);中央研究院:老藥新用及發展新的抗病毒新藥。台灣將陸續製作並交付 100 萬件防護衣及隔離衣; 3類布口罩可擋細菌; 美國/世界(含台灣)臨床試驗瑞德西韋;日本快篩技術;第9次才驗出確診; 中國兩要聞:新型冠狀病毒“口服疫苗” 與"中醫藥"

武漢,人間煉獄 V ;廣東醫護公開呼籲國際同業趕赴武漢協助 Chinese medical staff request international medical assistance in fighting against COVID-19。"謠言"滿天;武漢晚間各大樓傳出的淒厲叫聲;Wuhan volunteer describes what it is like to have COVID-19

China’s Powerful Propaganda Machine Is No Match for Coronavirus
Beijing is pushing tales of perseverance, but many young people are openly questioning the Communist Party’s message.中國宣傳力道雖強,人民的眼睛雪亮

71,849 次觀看
The Economist
"Bossy" or "assertive": the English language uses different words to describe men and women. The Economist's language expert Lane Greene explores the gender sterotypes used in everday speech

紐約時報:Koichi Nakano
Japan Can’t Handle the Coronavirus.
Can It Host the Olympics?

78歲的金喜淑(Kim Hee-sook,音)害怕這種“看不見、聞不到、摸不著”的病毒,已經五天沒出門了。週一,她終於冒險出去曬太陽了。
“我厭倦了整天呆在家裡看電視,”她說。 “因為缺乏鍛煉,我胃口不好,而且消化不良、失眠。再呆在家裡,我想我會因為失眠而死”,而不是因為病毒。"

哈“如果醫院正等待向我們收取3500美元的簡單驗血和鼻拭子費用,他們如何期望普通公民為消除人與人之間傳播的潛在風險做出貢獻?”(Google )
"How can they expect normal citizens to contribute to eliminating the potential risk of person-to-person spread if hospitals are waiting to charge us $3,500 for a simple blood test and a nasal swab?"

東海大學建築系 Tunghai Architecture
23 小時
在東海大學創藝學院提出的『AI 環境智能產學共創計畫』下,建築系、景觀系與工學院數位創新研究所跨領域開設出「人工智慧與設計學」模組,將結合「宜居模式」( Inhabitable Patterns)和「環境智能」(Environmental Intelligence) 概念與技術為骨幹,基於「空間大數據」(Spatial⋯⋯
資訊不公開,謠言會滿天(近日)(: 郭文貴: 中國要犧牲武漢;武漢醫護死亡數是官方數據的數百倍......
  • Hanching Chung ‘I Felt Like Crying’: Coronavirus Shakes China’s Expecting Mothers
    Pregnant women describe a lonely, sometimes terrifying experience navigating the country’s overburdened health care system during the outbreak.

紐約時報 編輯推薦:時報專欄|特朗普、貿易與獨裁者的優勢
眼下中美貿易戰似乎暫時擱置,甚至可能完全避免。諾貝爾經濟學獎得主、時報專欄作家保羅·克魯格曼(Paul Krugman)認為,雙方若能達成協議,其背後的主要原因是中國向特朗普提供了政治賄賂。
1 年前
BBC的播音員,將30年說成30天 days:
Magnitude 7 or 8 quake highly likely along Japan Trench off Pacific coast within 30 years, panel reports
The committee classified most areas along the trench as category 3, meaning the chance of a major quake is estimated to be 26 percent or more over the period.
3 年前
228 Incident victims' group thanks Ministry of Culture - The China Post
www.chinapost.com.tw › Taiwan › National
17 hours ago - Pan Hsin-hsing (潘信行), chief history officer of Taiwan 228 Care, said victims' families were grateful for the government's plan, which according ...
For Pan Hsin-hsing the sight and smell of lilies held a particular horror for many years -- the pungent flowers decorated the room where his executed father lay⋯⋯
4 年前
【广东罢工频发 工人成去产能牺牲品?】
4 年前
The Economist Intelligence Unit
Sharp divergence in economic performance across China in 2015. The industrial north-east of the country, in particular, is lagging.
4 年前
關於 Umberto Eco 的回憶:90年代初,某次在荷蘭,讀到他到某大學演講的新聞,照片真是"大師風範"。......我竟然會讀完Il problema estetico in San Tommaso (1956 – English translation: The Aesthetics of Thomas Aquinas, 1988, revised),還覺得應該找時間重譯。25年過去了,這本書不知道壓在哪一箱封存的書之中。
6 年前
昨晚在超商瞄了此報說法,還以為是高中生翻譯的: 我的問題是:需要"from position",去查一下網路,的確是罕見的用法。
Interior Minister Lee resigns from position - The China Post
和 Hsiangyen Tang 的友誼紀念日快樂!
Hanching Chung,我們相信友情是具有特殊意義的。你在 6 年前和 Hsiangyen Tang 成為 Facebook 朋友。我們找到了這則動態回顧,希望你喜歡!
