2024年8月12日 星期一

告別巴黎奧運2024 Paris Summer Olympics,做一則小凱旋門的筆記紀念 感 動的巴黎奧運 2024年每晚熱氣球聖火台

告別巴黎奧運2024 Paris Summer Olympics,做一則小凱旋門的筆記紀念    感 動的巴黎奧運 2024年每晚熱氣球聖火台

275 漫談貝聿銘的羅浮宮增建    李瑞鈺 建築師 Louvre 

大大巴黎 小小奧運 處處青春永駐 思華年 羅浮宮Louvre 陳漢金 275 漫談貝聿銘的羅浮宮增建 2019-04-11 李瑞鈺 建築師

 275 漫談貝聿銘的羅浮宮增建 2019-04-11 李瑞鈺 建築師

276 狄爾泰(Wilhelm Dilthey, 1833-1911)by 張旺山教授 2019-04-11

275 漫談貝聿銘的羅浮宮增建 2019-04-11 李瑞鈺 建築師
276 狄爾泰(Wilhelm Dilthey, 1833-1911)by 張旺山教授 2019-04-11
Hanching Chung 的 4 月動態回顧
圖像裡可能有3 個人、大家坐著、表格和室內
圖像裡可能有2 個人、包括羅時瑋、大家坐著、表格和室內
圖像裡可能有3 個人、大家在吃東西、大家坐著、表格、小孩、食物和室內

275 漫談貝聿銘的羅浮宮增建 2019-04-11 李瑞鈺 建築師


漢清講堂 2019年4月11日:羅時瑋教授、李瑞鈺建築師, 專程介紹百年人瑞知名建築師I. M. Pei (貝聿銘)…

藝術博物館2,476,220 個讚
「 🇫🇷 La Pyramide du Louvre fête ses 30 ans ! 🎂

Inaugurée le 29 mars 1989, la Pyramide est aujourd’hui l’une des icônes du musée du Louvre. Tout au long de l'année 2019, nous célébrons cet anniversaire en proposant une série d’événements populaires et festifs.

📍Retrouvez notre programmation par ici : http://bit.ly/30AnsPyramide
🌍 The Louvre Pyramid turns 30! 🎂 

Inaugurated on March 29, 1989, the Pyramid is now one of the Louvre’s icons. In 2019, we celebrate its anniversary with festive events and surprises.

📍More on : http://bit.ly/PyramidTurns30 」

Musée du Louvre

The Louvre Museum, or Musée du Louvre, is not only the world's largest art museum but also one of the most significant cultural landmarks in Paris, France. Here are more detailed insights:

1. Historical Background: Originally built as a fortress in the late 12th century by King Philip II, the Louvre was transformed into a royal palace in the 16th century. It became a public museum during the French Revolution in 1793.

2. Architecture: The Louvre's architecture is a blend of historic and modern styles. The iconic glass pyramid entrance, designed by architect I.M. Pei, was added in 1989, creating a striking contrast with the classical architecture of the palace.

3. Collections: The museum's collection spans over 9,000 years of history, encompassing Western art from the Middle Ages to 1848, ancient civilizations of the Near East, Egypt, Greece, and Rome, as well as Islamic art.

4. Notable Artworks: Some of the most famous pieces in the Louvre include:
   - Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
   - Venus de Milo, an ancient Greek statue
   - Winged Victory of Samothrace, a Hellenistic sculpture
   - Liberty Leading the People by Eugène Delacroix

5. Galleries: The museum is divided into eight departments: Near Eastern Antiquities, Egyptian Antiquities, Greek, Etruscan and Roman Antiquities, Islamic Art, Sculptures, Decorative Arts, Paintings, and Prints and Drawings.

6. Visitor Experience: The Louvre offers various tours, educational programs, and temporary exhibitions. Its extensive collection and rich history provide a comprehensive cultural and educational experience.

7. Recent Developments: In addition to the main museum in Paris, the Louvre has expanded its reach with the opening of the Louvre-Lens in northern France and the Louvre Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates.

8. Photography and Social Media: The museum is a popular subject for photographers and social media influencers, with images often shared under the hashtag #Louvre.

🔺The Pyramid is 30 years old. Discover its history in pictures with Paris Match!
📸In the gardens of the Carrousel, the Louvre Museum presents an exhibition in free access that retraces the great adventure of the Pyramid in 30 photos. Through the photographs of Paris Match, it is men and women, personalities, anonymous people, unpublished anecdotes that stand out from one picture to another to tell this dream that History has made come true.






