2018年4月26日 星期四

0424 0425 0426 2018

可是,這樣,魔山、浮士德博士等他翻譯事業的alpha和omega 跑去哪?


《席勒 (Friedrich Schiller 1759~1805)與歌德 (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1749~1832)》,是
2018年為紀念Herbert A. Simon的系列演講『益友系列: 友情五講 (及主要文獻根據 ) 2018年6月15日 』五主題之一,預計5月9日在漢清講堂錄影。
我在準備此題時,發現應該有一專題《Weimar-Jena 群英會 1795~1830》(日期只是暫定;Jena因有大學,是Weimar的知識份子的充電、靜養中心;歌德將"處理"Jena大學哲學家費希特的文件,都銷毀......表示不得已的"苦衷",後人不必費心猜測.......):
我們可以找到一張4人畫像:Goethe, Schiller, von Humboldts in Jena, c. 1797
更確切地講,題目是"Schiller, Wilhelm and Alexander von Humboldt with Goethe in Jena".
von Humboldts 者,即是著名的洪堡兄弟 (他兩幾乎都是通才:老哥叫Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767~1835 ),是創建柏林大學的語言學家,他在1830年 (席勒沒後25年)整理語席勒的通信出版,並寫了長篇論文:On Schiller and the Course of His Spiritual Development by Wilhelm von Humboldt 1830. 接下來,也對歌德剛出版的《義大利之旅》評論,探討歌德的藝術觀。以上參考Stanford大學的哲學家網站:


圖像裡可能有1 人、戶外
圖像裡可能有2 個人

"Genius: Picasso"

My Brief History

Joan Mitchell Foundation
We've been celebrating #NationalPoetryMonth by highlighting a selection of Joan Mitchell’s artworks that were inspired by poems and poets. Our final installment: Joan Mitchell’s painting "Ode to Joy (A Poem by Frank O’Hara)." A poet, curator, art critic, and leading member of the New York school, O’Hara was also a close friend to Mitchell. In an homage to O’Hara and his poetry, Mitchell’s painting borrows its title from his poem of the same name, which begins: “We shall have everything we want and there’ll be no more dying / on the pretty plains or in the supper clubs / for our symbol we’ll acknowledge vulgar materialistic laughter / over an insatiable sexual appetite / and the streets will be filled with racing forms / ..."
Image caption: Joan Mitchell, Ode to Joy (A Poem by Frank O’Hara), 1970-1971. Oil on canvas, 100 1⁄2 x 197 1⁄4 in (280.67 x 501.02 cm). Collection University at Buffalo Art Galleries, © Estate of Joan Mitchell.
Excerpt from “Ode to Joy” from THE COLLECTED POEMS OF FRANK O’HARA by Frank O’Hara, copyright © 1971 by Maureen Granville-Smith, Administratrix of the Estate of Frank O'Hara. Used by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, an imprint of the Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House LLC. All rights reserved.
