2010年11月3日 星期三

1104-1105 2010

Christophe Civeton v G eorges Colomb

Dear 鍾先生 :

從網路上找到的這位Christophe Civeton (1796~1831) 應該比較趨近當時 Flaubert 從他處 引經據典的....
link 是法國國家藏書室的一張素描手搞出自 Christophe Civeton. 較Flaubert年長幾歲....


Wish you a good day today, 珍妮


Dictionnaire des idees recues 庸見詞典Gustave Flaubert
Dictionnaire des idees recues (French) (as Author)

不懂法文的我 只對一處翻譯有點疑問
注解說的作者 Georges Colomb (sic1856-1945)在Gustave Flaubert死時才24歲


DESSIN (lart du): Se compose de trois choses: le ligne, le grain, et le graine fin; de plus, le trait de force. Mais le trait de force, il ny a que le maitre seul qui le donne. (Christophe.)

特別是David Hsu


How do you eat a pomegranate? The pomegranate is quite a labor-intensive fruit. The edible part is the hundreds of seeds that reside inside the tough, thick skin. The most straightforward way to get to the seeds is to cut the pomegranate in half and scoop out the seeds, peeling away the yellowish membrane that connects them. Since the seeds tend to pop, and their juice stains, this method comes with its own dangers. Another way is to cut off the crown of the pomegranate, score the fruit on four sides, and leave it submerged in tap water for at least 20 minutes, softening the fruit so it's easier to work with. With your hands under water, separate the quarters and rub the inside between your fingers. The seeds will sink and the membrane will float to the top. Pour off the membrane-filled water, and enjoy the seeds in a salad, in grain dishes or on their own. Pomegranates are rich in vitamin C and tannins, and have been shown to be effective in reducing heart disease and blood pressure, as well as certain kinds of viral infections. It's National Pomegranate Month.


"Nightly she sings on yon pomegranate tree." William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act III, Scene V



這個字 pomegranate 是10月18日值得一記的單字
故事是中餐的沙拉美不勝收 WWS夫婦難得拿出相機照一張
餐中並盤點其內容 作記 列出材料單 BILL OF MATERIAL
列到第12/13項 有一晶瑩剔透的子他們無法說出 稱為 神秘之子
問主人 知道是"石榴子"
她又說出一英文 因為石榴石garnet 是她的收藏品

我知道它的英文是P開頭 莎士比亞的作品引用過
然後David 用手機查出是pomegranate和 garnet

今天 作林修二集

他有一首日文詩 Canna (美人蕉)的英文翻譯為
As I gaze at it so intently
the cannas's face turns red.
Showing its ruby teeth,
the pomegranate smiles.


3 Citations of Pomegranate in Shakespeare:...日本的成敗 pomegranate ASQC 史 英國 RAE 電腦系統之要求
