2008年3月30日 星期日

0330 0331 2008




上周忘掉問你們 本周或下周二 我需要到貴公司嗎

to: JP SU之友

周日略讀紐約時報的導遊 · 36 Hours in Berkeley, Calif.,碰到些舊識,譬如說說,這家書店(Moe’s Books)90年代與我(hc)有緣,所以特別一記。而這書緣是陳巨擘先生(jp)引我入門的。我們當時各買了好幾箱的書郵寄台灣,jp的遺失-損失不少,我似乎丟掉(滿滿的)一大箱而已。不管怎麼說,我當時向jp說,應該買貨櫃裝書回台灣的壯舉並沒有落實:一兩年後我還去光顧一次,還買本近萬元台幣的舊書”…….


去年年中,JP說他換工作,要去政大創出版社。我笑談美國的同行,以芝加哥大學的為最大(不過我懷疑它比得上OUP);也說一下Herbert Simon說為什麼著名的CMU前身在60年前發現,他們想成立出版社,已「為時太晚」,因為美國已列強林立

美國大學出版社印象頗深的是他們出版翻譯作品。以我們SU討論過的,加州大學出版· The Age of Constantine the Great: Jacob Burckhardt...;MIT出版Journey to the East by Le Corbusier, Edited by Iv...;哥倫比亞出版羅蘭 巴爾特;哈佛大學”海德格”;史丹佛大學”繁華物語;芝加哥大學”西遊記(全譯本和簡易本)…….

我與梁永安先生周日培他寶貝女兒上政大書城(羅斯福路):我指行人出版社的品質標竿Gibbon的羅馬衰亡史全譯令我想Boswell's Life of Johnson…..

The Tent)--Margaret Atwood.當半個神不容易(thanks.奇怪書名

晚上猛KJourney to the East by Le Corbusier, Edited by Iv...之餘,翻閱 Examined Life: Philosophical Meditations: Robert Nozick (1989)

作者:(美)罗伯特·诺齐克 《經過省察的人生:哲學沉思錄》译者:严忠志



Samuel Johnson
W. Jackson Bate

知道:第20 邁入五十歲;皇家津貼;Boswell;文學俱樂部

(ăth'ŏs, ā'thŏs) , Aktí (äk') , or Akte (–tā) , easternmost of the three peninsulas of Khalkidhikí, c.130 sq mi (340 sq km), NE Greece, in Macedonia. The narrow, northern base of the peninsula was once cut by canal dug by the Persians during Xerxes' invasion of Greece (see Persian Wars). At the southern tip of the peninsula is the theocratic community of the monks of Mount Athos, also called Hagion Oros or Ayion Oros [Gr.,=Holy Mt.], which rises to c.6,670 ft (2,030 m). Mount Athos is a community of about 20 monasteries of the Order of St. Basil of the Orthodox Eastern Church and includes c.30 sq mi (80 sq km) of territory. The first monastery was founded c.963. The community of monks (see monasticism) enjoyed administrative independence under the Byzantine and Ottoman empires and under the modern Greek government. In 1927 it was made a theocratic republic under Greek suzerainty, ruled by the patriarch of Constantinople. Karyai, the chief town of Athos, is the seat of the Holy Community, a committee made up of one representative from each monastery, which governs the monks of Mount Athos. Women and most female animals are not allowed in the religious community. The icons from Mount Athos are celebrated; the libraries contain a great wealth of Byzantine manuscripts.

最新一期「美國新聞與世界報導」周刊公布2008年美國研究所年度排名,哈佛醫學院和耶魯法學院分別在醫學和法學研究所類別創下連續第18年奪魁的紀錄,哈佛企管所則在商學研究所中連續第六年掄元,與史丹福大學並列第一,麻省理工學院也再度蟬聯工科研究所榜首。 美新周刊的排名依照研究所學科類別分為十一大項,今年度最新排名完整名單已公布在該刊網站上
