2021年2月2日 星期二

2月2日 反思錄 1/2 0202 2021 及Facebook 動態回顧:第一次俄國革命、名小提琴師誕生 。大師Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. 聖斐理.乃立 Philip Romolo Neri.

2月2日 反思錄 0202 2021 及Facebook 動態回顧 2021


1日說完February/Février 的故事,之後續有補充:

British Museum

Februa in a shell, pouring water from a small jug onto an urn with a surrounding garland, pulled by Pisces, represented by two fish, a cherub flying above scattering seeds before them; after Edward Francis Burney, from a series of the months. 1807, the paper watermarked 1809
Stipple and etching

"Chicken Soup with Rice"--Maurice Sendak (1928-2012)
圖像裡可能有顯示的文字是「 PPL FEBRUARY www.ncm In February it vill be my snowman's anniversary with cake for him and soup for me! Happy once happy twice happy chicken soup with rice 」


Friedrich-Max "FritzKreisler (February 2, 1875 – January 29, 1962) was an Austrian-born American violinist and composer.

Jascha Heifetz - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Jascha_Hei...

Jascha Heifetz was a Russian-American violinist. Born in Vilna (Vilnius), he moved as a teenager to the United States, where his Carnegie Hall debut was rapturously received. He was a virtuoso since childhood—Fritz Kreisler, another ...

Philip Romolo Neri (ItalianFilippo Romolo Neri; 22 July 1515 – 26 May 1595), known as the Second Apostle of Rome, after Saint Peter, was an Italian priest noted for founding a society of secular clergy called the Congregation of the Oratory.

oratorio  L. ):聖樂;聖樂演奏:十六世紀由聖斐理.乃立( St. Philip Neri, 1515-1595 )所提倡,取材聖經,在小教堂內演唱的聖樂。

oratory :聖堂;小教堂:拉丁文稱作 oratorium ,是經教會教長之准許,開放為敬禮天主的地方,以便利某一團體的信徒使用(法典 1223 );與公開之大教堂 church 相對照。參閱 church 

oratory, private or domestic :私用小聖堂:按教會法,僅為私人或一家庭所設立之小教堂。譬如天主教國家之元首即可擁有此種小聖堂。詳見 church 

oratory, public :公開小教堂:修會或某社團公用之教堂,一般教友亦可入內參禮。

oratory, semipublic :半公開小教堂:修會或某社團之專用教堂。





Philip sometimes led "excursions" to other churches, often with music and a picnic on the way.[7] In 1553, Neri started the tradition of making a one-day pilgrimage to seven churches, starting from St. Peter's Basilica and ending at the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore.[8][9] He and a few friends would gather before dawn and set out on their "Seven Churches Walk". The street which links Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls with San Sebastiano fuori le mura is still called "Via delle Sette Chiese" (Seven Churches Walk). These pilgrimages were designed to be a counterpoint to the raucous behavior of Carnival.[10] The Walks became very popular and began to attract others.

Philip Neri encouraged the singing of the lauda spirituale (laude) in his oratory services. The prominent composers Tomás Luis de Victoria and Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina probably participated in this music.[15] The result of Philip's approach was undoubtedly a unique and varied aesthetic experience.[

congregation  (1) 修會。詳見 congregations, religious  (2) 部:教廷所管轄的機構,如萬民福音部 Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples  (3) 會眾:參加敬禮的天主子民。 (4) 區會;地方教會。

congregation of the faithful :教友團體;信徒團體。




In 2009 a film about the composer was produced by German television ZDF/Arte. Title: Palestrina - Prince of Music, directed by Georg Brintrup.[15]

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (c. 1525 – 2 February 1594)[1] was an Italian Renaissance composer of sacred music and the best-known 16th-century representative of the Roman School of musical composition.[2] He had a long-lasting influence on the development of church and secular music in Europe, especially on the development of counterpoint, and his work is considered the culmination of Renaissance polyphony.[2]

Palestrina was extremely famous in his day, and if anything, his reputation and influence increased after his death. J.S. Bach studied and hand-copied Palestrina's first book of Masses, and in 1742 wrote his own adaption of the Kyrie and Gloria of the Missa sine nomine.[12] Felix Mendelssohn placed him in the pantheon of the greatest musicians, writing, "I always get upset when some praise only Beethoven, others only Palestrina and still others only Mozart or Bach. All four of them, I say, or none at all.".[13]

He died in Rome of pleurisy on 2 February 1594. It is said that Palestrina died only one day before his 69th birthday. As was usual, Palestrina was buried on the same day he died, in a plain coffin with a lead plate on which was inscribed Libera me Domine. A five-part psalm for three choirs was sung at the funeral.[5] Palestrina's funeral was held at St. Peter's, and he was buried beneath the floor of the basilica. His tomb was later covered by new construction and attempts to locate the site have been unsuccessful.

帕萊斯特里納於1594年因胸膜炎死於羅馬。按照當時習俗,他的遺體在其逝世當天就被下葬。他的棺木上銘刻了「Libera me Domine」(上主,請拯救我)[9]。有三個合唱團一起在其葬禮上演唱了聖歌。



俄國革命(俄語:Ру́сская револю́ция 1905 го́да),亦被稱為第一次俄國革命(俄語:Первая русская революция)、1905年失敗起義,是指於1905年至1907年間,發生於當時的俄羅斯帝國境內,一連串範圍廣泛,以反政府為目的,又或沒有目標的社會動亂事件,諸如恐怖攻擊、罷工、農民抗爭、暴動等,導至尼古拉二世政府於1906年制定等同於憲法的俄羅斯帝國基本法、成立國家杜馬與實行多黨制。這場革命沒有組織、沒有目標、也沒有單一原因,主要歸咎於幾十年的國家動亂和對羅曼諾夫王朝的不滿,俄國國內改革不利以及少數民族要求解放也是起因。沙皇指揮不力,導致俄軍在日俄戰爭中慘敗,是最直接的導火線。戰後一直有連續不斷的軍人革命以及革命團體活動。雖然各地方的革命最後妥協或被鎮壓,俄國國內也加快改革的步調,但仍不夠阻擋1917年推翻羅曼諾夫王朝的革命。布爾什維克黨員常常把這場革命當作1917年革命的先驅。
