2021年2月4日 星期四

Polonaise波蘭舞 By Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky出處? 普希金Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich1799–1837《葉甫蓋尼·奧涅金》Yevgeni Onegin ("Eugene Onegin") (1823–31):Nabokov's translation;鄭清文《永恆的戀人(奧涅金)》;智量等十多版本;

Eugene Onegin: Polonaise By Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
尤金·奧涅金(Eugene Onegin):波蘭舞

Hanching Chung
2019年1月14日 ·

作者: 普希金著,鄭清文譯


普希金(Александр Сергеевич Пушкин)












節自〈致恰達耶夫〉戈寶權 譯

生年月日: 1799年5月26日

 普希金Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich1799–1837《葉甫蓋尼·奧涅金》 Eugene Onegin (1823–31):鄭清文《永恆的戀人(奧涅金)》;智量等多版本

1799 年 6 月 6 日,這一天出生于偉大的俄羅斯詩人亞歷山大 · 普希金。

平版印刷的肖像,系列"同時代人",1828 年由演出者 G.f.Gippiusom 執行被認為是最可靠的詩人形象之一。

葉甫蓋尼·奧涅金》(«Евгений Онегин»),是俄國詩人普希金發表於1830年的韻文小說,是俄國現實主義文學的代表作。主角葉甫蓋尼·奧涅金被稱為俄國文學史上第一個「多餘人[1]



  1. ^ 多餘人一詞最早源於1850年屠格涅夫的小說《一個多餘人的日記》,後來赫爾岑把奧涅金稱為「多餘人」。

Main characters[edit]

Eugene Onegin as imagined by Alexander Pushkin, 1830.
  • Eugene Onegin: A dandy from Saint Petersburg, about 26. An arrogant, selfish, and world-weary cynic.
  • Vladimir Lensky: A young poet, about 18. A very romantic and naïve dreamer.
  • Tatyana Larina: A shy and quiet, but passionate, landowner's daughter. Pushkin referred to her as aged 17 in a letter to Pyotr Vyazemsky.
  • Olga Larina: Tatyana's younger sister.

A sketch by Pushkin of himself and Onegin lounging in St. Petersburg


Vladimir Nabokov severely criticised Arndt's translation, as he had criticised many previous (and later) translations. Nabokov's main criticism of Arndt's and other translations is that they sacrificed literalness and exactness for the sake of preserving the melody and rhyme.

Accordingly, in 1964 he published his own translation, consisting of four volumes, which conformed scrupulously to the sense while completely eschewing melody and rhyme. The first volume contains an introduction by Nabokov and the text of the translation. The Introduction discusses the structure of the novel, the Onegin stanza in which it is written, and Pushkin's opinion of Onegin (using Pushkin's letters to his friends); it likewise gives a detailed account of both the time over which Pushkin wrote Onegin and of the various forms in which the various parts of it appeared in publication before Pushkin's death (after which there is a huge proliferation of the number of different editions). The second and third volumes consist of very detailed and rigorous notes to the text. The fourth volume contains a facsimile of the 1837 edition. The discussion of the Onegin stanza in the first volume contains the poem On Translating "Eugene Onegin", which first appeared in print in The New Yorker on January 8, 1955, and is written in two Onegin stanzas.[7] Nabokov reproduces the poem both so that the reader of his translation would have some experience of this unique form, and also to act as a further defence of his decision to write his translation in prose.

Nabokov's previously close friend Edmund Wilson reviewed Nabokov's translation in the New York Review of Books, which sparked an exchange of letters and an enduring falling-out between them.[8]

John Bayley has described Nabokov's commentary as '"by far the most erudite as well as the most fascinating commentary in English on Pushkin's poem", and "as scrupulously accurate, in terms of grammar, sense and phrasing, as it is idiosyncratic and Nabokovian in its vocabulary". Some consider this "Nabokovian vocabulary" a failing, since it might require even educated speakers of English to reach for the dictionary on occasion.[citation needed] However, it is generally agreed that Nabokov's translation is extremely accurate.


穆旦 抒情 敘述 各一本
人民文學 1996 含兩童話

智量 人民文學? 浙江文藝...
呂螢 安徽文藝




亞歷山大·謝爾蓋耶維奇·普希金Александр Сергеевич Пушкин1799年6月6日/俄歷5月26日出生於莫斯科1837年1月29日逝世于聖彼得堡)是俄羅斯著名的文學家、最偉大的詩人及現代俄國文學的始創人。



[編輯] 意義


[編輯] 生平

The 16-year old Pushkin recites a poem before Gavrila Derzhavin. Painting by Ilya Repin (1911). 
The Arbat Monument to Pushkin and his wife.

1817年普希金畢業,他在彼得堡的外交協會任秘書。他經常去劇院,參加阿爾扎馬斯的會議。他還加入了一個稱為「綠燈」的文學和劇作團體。這個團體與當時貴族中反對沙皇專制的團體有一定的聯繫。雖然普希金沒有參加他們的政治運動,但他與這個運動中的許多人是好朋友,他寫的諷刺短詩受到了這個運動的影響。在這段時間里他一直在寫一部長詩《魯斯蘭與柳德米拉》(«Руслан и Людмила»),這部長詩從他還在學校里的時候就開始了。1820年5月他完成了這部長詩。但當時的批評界對它的評價非常壞。
1820年初普希金的一些諷刺詩給他帶來了麻煩,在這些詩里他嘲諷了一些當權的人,比如當時的戰爭部長和教育部長。在一些有權勢的朋友的幫助下他沒有被流放到西伯利亞,但他依然不得不離開聖彼得堡。他被下放到克里米亞。到1824年為止他在南俄不同的地方居住。從1823年開始他開始寫長詩《葉甫蓋尼·奧涅金》(«Евгений Онегин»),這部長詩他一直到1830年才完成。從1824年1825年他住在他父母的莊院,在這段時間里他與他父親有很大的意見分歧。他的悲劇《鮑里斯·戈都諾夫》(«Борис Годунов»)標志著他離開當時陳腐的俄羅斯詩歌的開始。
1831年普 希金結婚,結婚當晚普希金手中的蠟燭忽然熄滅,讓普希金一驚,彷彿預告了他不幸的將來。婚後與夫人遷居聖彼得堡,夫人伊達莉婭·岡察洛娃是當時聖彼得堡最 漂亮的女人,被譽為「聖彼得堡的天鵝」。伊達莉婭的家庭很富有,並使他能夠進入沙皇的宮廷,過著上流社會的生活;沙皇允許普希金在檔案局研究文獻,方便寫 作《彼得大帝史》。但普希金仍然非常不快,他經常與人角斗,而且往往出於舉足輕重的原因。他這段時間里的作品都體現出沉重的精神壓力。

Born on this day in 1672 was Peter I, the first Russian Emperor, the great reformer, and the founder of Saint Petersburg.
Якопо Амигони (Амикони) | Петр I с Минервой (с аллегорической фигурой Славы) | Холст, масло | Италия. Между 1732-1734 гг.

Государственный Эрмитаж. The State Hermitage museum. Official page. 的相片。


[編輯] 作品

[編輯] 短篇小說

  • 彼得大帝的黑奴
  • 書信小說
  • 亡人伊凡·彼得洛維奇·別爾金小說集
  • 射擊
  • 暴風雪
  • 棺材老闆
  • 驛站長
  • 村姑小姐
  • 戈琉辛諾村源流考
  • 羅斯拉夫列夫
  • 杜布羅夫斯基
  • 黑桃皇后
  • 基爾沙里
  • 埃及之夜
  • 上尉的女兒
  • 賓客聚集別墅
  • 我們在別墅裡度過了一晚

[編輯] 詩作

  • 巴奇薩拉的噴泉
  • 致大海
  • 致凱恩
  • 漁夫和金魚的故事
  • 遲開的花朵更可愛
  • 十月十九日
  • 枉然的賦與
  • 枉然的饋贈
  • 你和您
  • 當我以臂膊
  • 當我緊緊擁抱著
  • 哀歌
  • 茨崗
  • 為了遙遠的祖國的海岸
  • 夠了,夠了,我親愛的
  • 我的朋友,時不我待
  • 假如生活騙了你

Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich (pʊsh'kĭn, Rus. əlyĭksän'dər syĭrgā'yəvĭch pūsh'kĭn) , 1799–1837, Russian poet and prose writer, among the foremost figures in Russian literature. He was born in Moscow of an old noble family; his mother's grandfather was Abram Hannibal, the black general of Peter the Great. Pushkin showed promise as a poet during his years as a student in a lyceum for young noblemen.
After a riotous three years in St. Petersburg society, Pushkin was exiled to S Russia in 1820. His offenses were the ideas expressed in his Ode to Liberty and his satirical verse portraits of figures at court. The same year his fairy romance Russlan and Ludmilla was published; Glinka later adapted it as an opera. In exile Pushkin was strongly moved by the beauty of the Crimea and the Caucasus. The poems The Prisoner of the Caucasus (1822) and The Fountain of Bakhchisarai (1824) describe his response to this beauty and reveal the influence of ByronThe Gypsies (1823–24 茨崗) expresses Pushkin's yearning for freedom. In 1824 he was ordered to his family estate near Pskov, where he remained under the supervision of the emperor until he was pardoned in 1826.
Pushkin established the modern poetic language of Russia, using Russian history for the basis of many works, including the poems Poltava (1828) and The Bronze Horseman (1833), glorifying Peter the Great; Boris Godunov (1831), the tragic historical drama on which Moussorgsky based an opera; and two works on the peasant uprising of 1773–75, The Captain's Daughter (a short novel, 1837) and The History of the Pugachev Rebellion (1834). Pushkin's masterpiece is Eugene Onegin (1823–31), a novel in verse concerning mutually rejected love. A brilliant poetic achievement, the work contains witty and perceptive descriptions of Russian society of the period.
Pushkin's other major works include the dramas Mozart and Salieri and The Stone Guest (both 1830); the folktale The Golden Cockerel (1833), on which Rimsky-Korsakov based an opera; and the short stories Tales by Belkin (1831) and The Queen of Spades (1834). Tchaikovsky based operas on both Eugene Onegin and The Queen of Spades. Pushkin died as a result of a duel with a young French émigré nobleman who was accused, in anonymous letters to the poet, of being the lover of Pushkin's flirtatious young wife. He was buried secretly by government officials whom Lermontov, among others, accused of complicity in the affair. Most of Pushkin's writings are available in English.
